Sandbox A castle? (mario bros. Plumb)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Zow Jr, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Cool map dl made by Zow Jr lossa intarloxz and stuff plex dl or I will kill myself.

    Okay who just moved to comments to say "What kind of spam is this?" Please move back up... a lil more.... thank you!

    BTW listen to this while viewing this map thread.

    Mario Bros. Plumbing on A castle?
    Created by Zow Jr (who were you expecting, Dr. Octagonapus?)

    My last Halo 3 map. Use the gametypes I set for it,



    Well this is the short version of my story (message me for the longer one.

    I had finally realized what would be my swan song. My coup de gras, the finale. This is inspiration!

    While I made this map, based off old castles and the ones from super mario bros, I faced many problems. From merging problems to gameplay flow. Some of the merging had to be fixed because it would have ruined the game. So after a week of forging present to you my hardest creation to build ever, A castle?

    The Mario Bros. cleared out the pipe and are headed to the castle to get paid.

    Mario: Nice place you got here

    Peach: This is the Keyastle!

    Luigi: KeyAstle?

    Toadsworth: This castle is not only shaped like a key but it contains the pinnacle of our defenses.

    Mario: Why would you need defenses?

    Peach and Toadsworth: Koopa!

    Mario: WHo is Koopa?

    Peach: King koopa, or Bowser. He has been trying to take over this kingdom for years.

    Toadsworth: He has been sapping away our fortune by kidnapping the princess and ransoming her.

    Luigi: That's really bad and all but we need to get in there. I still haven't gotten paid.

    But when they enter the Castle, something is amiss. They find the koopas destroying the castle and setting it on fire. Peach gasps and then is taken by the mouth by a big, mysterious hand.

    Toadsworth: AH! THey are ruining it all!

    Mario: Luigi! Prep up your plungers, it's time to clean up!

    Luigi: Aw man. I expect a bigger pay for this!

    Toadsworth: Wait.... where is the princess.


    This is my best map by looks so far that isn't an aesthetic map.

    Well this is what it looks like. Feast your eyes!

    This map is as much a work of art as it is fun to play on. Every part of this map was made to look as best as it can.

    Here is another view

    Of course this map was made for Mario Bros Plumb.

    Mario remains the same

    And also the shellcreepers are back as Koopas.

    And they have to dodge mario until time runs out. Mario of course still has to try to hammer them into submission. This map put aesthetics even with gameplay. I focused on outside aesthetics for people who decide to do a forgethrough. Here are some examples. (And no I am not going to be a douchebag and comment on how y'all skipped to this part)

    [​IMG] The trees are the worst forged part of this map


    Here is the front of this castle

    Here is some examples of the relatively flawless merging in the map.


    Here is the moat on this map. Also made with flawless precision.

    The exterior does not do this map justice. It's the inside is the true beauty of this map's forging.
    Here are some pictures.
    This new floor is built to where the floor cannot be knocked down.
    Where the koopas spawn.

    And this is where Mario Spawns. the beauty of this room was phenomenal even though short lived as your mission now begins.

    More pictures ahoy.
    The spring, which is how he gets to the top.
    The fireball pillar.

    With the Fire flower resting nicely atop it.

    Download A castle?

    Download Mario Bros Plumb (click the pic)

    Oh and did I mention I made several more games for this map that can also be used for a leaky pipe. Here are the Variants.(click the pic to download each of them)

    Weegee Rises!

    It's WEEGEE! RUn for ya no good worthless lives! Here is how it works. Basically nothing changes from mario bros plumb but Weegee is different. HE has a laser and a needler (not overpowered, I tested it out like 500 times) and must kill all the guys running from him. When you die by weegee's hands, you become a wee gee with only a laser.

    Wee gees traits:

    100% power
    Laser needler
    200% gravity
    75% speed
    Forced color green


    I'MA FIRIN MAH LAZER! Again the concept is the same, characters are different. Shoop must fire his lazer and kill everyone who tries to dodge him.

    Shoop's traits:
    200% power
    200% gravity
    50% speed
    Forced color Red
    4X overshields
    Everyone has 1 life

    Mario Bros. 2P(layer)

    Both bros band together to clean up the sewers. This turns forced Color off to allow both bros a chance for glory. All traits are the same but initial starting zombie is 2

    Luigi Plumbing.

    For all the Luigi fans out there. Play as the man in green as he plumbs up scum. Plays like mario bros plumb but you are faster than you bro and weaker too. Plus you are green, how cool is that.

    Luigi traits:
    Forced color green
    100% speed
    100% power

    If you missed it before, here it is again

    Now for some action Pix

    #1 Zow Jr, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  2. shovel

    shovel Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    wow awesome ascetics. ooooooh shiny zombie spawn!. played this game with none other that the creator, and after many play thoughs it is much like the original same game play same scoring. But... there is one thing that is much improved ascetics dude this looks amazing .perfect interlocking and completely glitch less nice work 7/10
    #2 shovel, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Yes I distinctly remember playing this with you. I am still playing it with you. Yes there is usually no prob with honor rules or anything of the sort. Thanks for the comment and yes the zombie spawn is shiny.[​IMG]
  4. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Wow, this map didnt even need a V2 and you made better anyway. So wow, improvements and improvements, HIGH FIVE! I was totally not expecting for you to make more games for this map. Gameplay looks good and better but I really miss those effects you put in V1. The trees seem unnecessary because no one can see em. It looks like less light is in the pipe, I hope you can put back the FX and "lighten" (lol puns) up the pipe a bit. High Five!
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    *high fives then facepalms* lol thanks for pointing out that last tidbit. and the trees are for anyone who wanted to do a forgethrough. The lighting was meant to be lesser in the pipe to keep the columns with their golden look. I will add the Fx and edit in the newer version later. Thanks.
    #5 Zow Jr, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010

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