"My personal worst-case scenario is that someone steals my awesome map, remakes it (but not as awesome) and it becomes famous" that would be highly unlikely, whenever people find the latest version (if they think its better) they tend to keep it and delete the old one. That was because of our custom limit cap within halo 3 though so.......who knows in reach lol, I personally will still probably only keep the very best versions just because 1000 different maps would be to much for me to keep track of lol. PS. does anyone know if there is a way to categorize your custom content in reach? such as add your own peronal tags to your map collection?
Fair enough. This is true, but the whole concept of the money glitch was to surpass Forge's limits, not break the game. The money glitch wasn't made to cause mass lag in a game (and it rarely did). Going a few objects passed the limit won't destroy Forge World. I'm not talking about doing things like putting 80 Elephants on Sand trap, but perhaps a few extra dishes on that sweet map you made to bring it all together. The money glitch is akin to making an engine perform at 110%. The extra work it performs won't make it blow up, but the 10% can make a difference in whatever you use it for. Regardless if Bungie didn't like certain glitches in Halo 3, there will always be glitches in video games, especially Reach, where millions of people will be playing the game and finding glitches. The next big glitch may not be the old "money glitch" but I guarantee you someone will find some kind of glitch that allows them to do things other Forgers can't. It's rather meaningless to doubt that these glitches will appear. It's like doubting the hurricane outside my house will cause any significant damage. Perhaps these glitches will be found using other methods rather than the way we found them in Halo 3. Perhaps not. We just have to find the glitches that benefit our forge creations. Bungie really can't do anything about it. Forge World has the same basic rules, rules like gravity. What you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken.
i was saying that if its a remake, its not your map idea. and if he created a different interpretation of it, than that particular interpretation is his. so both of you are perfectly right to remake any map.
Ok don't get all defensive and stuff and say that you are the first one to come up with the idea to remake maps or make maps inspired by Battlefront. It took me a long time to find this, but then again I go long distances to make my points. So read This, and go all the way to the following page. Then go on to read what it says in this pic. Don't forget to pay attention to the dates.
I recall mentioning in a thread that I wanted to recreate games from Battlefront II, as well as Shadowrun and the other Halo games. You commented saying you had the same idea for Battlefront, so I figured I'd let you call dibs if you wanted, since I wasn't too invested in that idea. I hope that was your point. I don't much care who had the idea first, I'm sure plenty of people had the idea.
I'm just going to toss this in here, but originality is overrated. The only thing that concerns me; is if somebody takes my map, that I worked on; and somebody takes credit for it.
exactly. ive only played battlefront a couple times, and i thought about battlefront maps as soon as i saw the forerunner pieces. its not an orginal idea. if we can all accept that, than that would be great.
^ This would be my overall recommendation ^ This is a wonderful thing! Da Vinci definitely created his own canvas. Just sayin' =P
That's exactly what I'm trying to say. Just because you are the first one to make a thread about making a map inspired by something, it doesn't mean that it's your idea. I commented a while back saying that I had come with an idea to remake SW BF II maps, but I never claimed to be the only one with that idea. So if you happen to see a map that is inspired by Battlefront, don't be thinking that you got ripped off.
When you put a map up for criticism, you should always know that "Idea theft" is a possibility. I agree, stealing ideas is not a practice that should go on. But it does as you have proved. You can remake maps as long as you make clear that it is a remake. But making a map from blueprints before the owner has even made it is just rude. Just name and shame them in their threads if they do. Everyone knows about your design, as it is the nicest posted so far. They will most likely jump on the bandwagon and boycott the map. Let the baby have its bottle I say. Just dropkick the baby in the face after it is done! EDIT: & For all the noobs claiming that the mods will infract the person / delete the thread, then please just be quiet. You cannot "steal maps" unless you copy the map without changing it and then posting it for yourself (You must significantly change it). That is how the mods see it. But I agree with the OP, it is a douchey thing to do, and the community will prevail
Here's a thought: if you're worried about someone stealing your idea, keep it to yourself. There's no copyright, no trademark. If someone else makes something similar to what you have made, suck it up. Which version is the "knockoff" is going to be the version that less people play, so make sure your map is the better one.
people can still take the idea and make their own map from it so that they will have the "original creator" thing my input is to not tell your ideas to people.. now clearly you would like to get feedback on the idea of your new map but its still risky... if you have to ask anyone: make sure its in low numbers and people that you know first hand, aka real life, i've talked to some of my halo buddies about my maps and they've all told me that they were quiet good. + if any of them were to make the map from my idea i can confront them 1st hand.
Bungie need to do what Ubisoft did to Farcry 2. And the idea theft is easy. Just don't show anyone your ideas...
i do believe its atleast 50% the person who posted its fault. if they kept the idea to themself then no one could steal it. however i dont think anyone will steal the map completly since sketchup doesnt have a complete set of all the objects in it. plus spawn points make or break a map and those arent shown either.
THis is like saying "Im going to post a way to make 1000$ on a widely viewable forum BUT NOBODY ELSE DO IT BEFORE I DO ALRIGHT!?" Seriously it was a dumb idea to post your map in the first place if you didnt want someone copying it.