Protecting your work upon reach's release

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Neo Arkitect, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    I think he is getting at the idea of people making your map right from the get go and having their selves as the original creator of the map. Say someone who trolls Forgehub, takes an idea, and posts it direct to If they have enough friends or if it gets popular enough, your idea will have been stolen and the only thing you can do is complain.

    Here is the way I look at it:
    As an avid forger, I cherish my designs. However, if someone steals your design, it doesn't mean they are good at forging. I tend to think the creative people who can actually forge well do not feel the need to steal others ideas. It will only be people with no creative talent (and probably little forge talent) that will even try this.

    Even if someone steals your design, makes a perfect replica, and steals your thunder, at least you will be able to take solace in the fact that they thought YOUR map was good enough to steal. I see a lot of good revisions and updates to forgers who utilize the communities excellent help. If someone makes a map that was a stolen idea, they will get burned for it. All it will take is for you to create the map yourself, and spice it up again to make it stand out even better, with the help of the community.

    People who can only steal designs, I feel they lack the creative talent to think of a map with excellent aesthetics, flow, variation, lines of sight etc. They aren't a threat.

    I personally have posted 3 (what I feel are) decently popular maps on Forgehub pre-Reach. They might be stolen, but everyone here will know who designed it. That being said, they are 3 of about 15 designs I have. I have another 4 near completion. So even if one or two are stolen, the thief will not have the originality to come up with as many good maps as I (or anyone else) will.

    The thing is... any good creative forger should just rise up against thieves to make even better maps.
  2. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    I have previously heard of Bungie explaining the "anti-theft" system, but if they have explained all there is to it, there's going to be problems. What about canvas maps? Sure it is easy to delete all the objects on a map and save it for yourself, but what happens when a money glitch idea is found (or something similar) where you have to have a canvas to use the glitch. I still don't understand how the money glitch exactly works (I failed quite a few times trying to make a canvas), if something like this is found Forge 2.0 will polarize the forging community, between the experts who know the ins and outs of forging, and the newbies who just want credit for their map.

    A lot of "ifs" though. I'm hoping for further info by Bungie or when I get the game.
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Also... considering Halo 3 had over 10m copies bought worldwide. Reach will most likely have similar numbers. With that many people owning the game and even more people having more than one person playing a copy... chances are slim to none that your idea to copy a map from another game is original. Boats, bridges, buildings, houses, towns, maps from other games... I'll guarantee that most of those will be done a hundred times over.
  4. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    I'm assuming your complaint is that people can take your map idea and make it slightly better thus making the original (yours) outdated.

    The only thing i can say to you about that is all you can do to avoid this is make your map as awesome as it possible can be. don't post a map and never fix the flaws or improvee the gameplay and then complain when someone does it for you.

    I learned from my mistakes of my 1st post here.
    there is no reason to post you map here unless you are certain it is as good as you can possibly make it. There is no benefit to getting your map out in the open unless it is literally as good as it can possibly be.
    The only time you should post a less then perfect map on forge hub is if you are posting it to the testers guild.

    If you seriously follow the above rules then no one will even bother to make a "better Version" because you will have already made it as good as possible, thus making sure that your map is "the" version to have.

    Edit: also
    How would this be a problem. all people would have to do (if they truly cared about the ownership) is take the time to make their own canvases. which is a small price to pay For ownership of the original map. Also this would show the dedication of a forger which more often than not would result in good maps from said person.

    also If someone is using a canvas map made by someone else then techinically they cant take full credit for the map.
    #24 Vantier Raleigh, Sep 2, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  5. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    if you changed it and made your own interpretation of it, than nobody who is also making a bespin remake can have the exact same map. i just dont think its fair to say that people who are doing a remake are stealing your idea. you know how many people remake H2 maps? just because i made the first lockout remake (hypothetical, didnt make a lockout remake) doesnt mean blockout (a featured lockout remake) copied me. if its not your original idea, it doesnt count. i dont like how you are accusing forumers of stealing your idea, when you just had the same idea and you posted it first. we are generally good people on these forums.

    and what you posted was an overview of a map that you made no interpretation to. we arent stealing anything. thats a star wars battlefield map. not your map.
    we have close to 500 map ideas in our map idea thread. yours is not by any means the most innovative.
    #25 xWooden leafx, Sep 2, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I didn't read through the three pages, but its quite a simple solution really, don't show off your maps, just build them, doing actual working previews is okay because people can't see specifics. Not a huge deal, if you post a sketchup, there is nothing to stop people from taking those ideas.
    #26 Noxiw, Sep 2, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I hope this isn't in regards to people stealing the idea for Bespin because 5 posts above his...
    I posted my idea to make Bespin, so does that mean he stole my map idea? Then a few posts after his post, I went on to create some loadouts to use.

    Man I friggin' hate biters.
  8. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Let me say this your way.
    <That is not what he asked. You are not contributing to the topic at all.>

    Well if you love the idea enough, keep it a secret. Show off TINY spoilers. I mean look at Reach. Bungie showed us so much and Treyarch showed us very little. Black Ops stole several Reach features. But BO kept so much secret, Bungie was never tempted to steal. Of course there is an alternative. Trust the community to play the better version, also like Reach VS Black Ops.
  9. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    This is all just conjecture until either Reach comes out or Bungie releases more info about this credit system (not money).
    That shouldn't even be an issue. If Joe Casual just wants to make a fun game and ends up creating another Conquest game type (revolutionizing customs), he should receive full credit for his work. People should not have to put extra work into Forge just to receive credit for their map. This should be a feature available to even the people who don't want to learn how to money glitch a map. Honestly, the only decent forger I met barely knew how to Geo-merge, let alone know how to create a money glitched map. Receiving full credit for your map could mean investing a lot more time into your Forge map.

    ... Wait a second, wasn't that what Forge 2.0 was supposed to solve? Spending hours trying to do a simple task in Halo 3's Forge? C'mon, now.

    Again, this is all speculation. This isn't a deal breaker, but it could be a set back. My solution to this would be to give the original creator the option of allowing other people to claim the status of "original creator". This would solve all problems, but it may be a little late. Who knows.
  10. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    What did Black Ops steal from Halo Reach? And I agree, just show tiny spoilers of your map or don't show it at all.
  11. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    the only thing i noticed that they both have in common now is theater mode and loadouts/create a class. but i's not like any of those are new lol.

    The problem here is with map stealing. lol ive never heard of anyone complaining about someone stealing their gametype or even doing it for that matter.
    The problem at hand is people are complaining that if they use a canvas map built by someone else it wont say they were the original creator. And this is fine because they technically arent the originol creator.

    I highly doubt there will be any kind of money glitch, merge glitch, etc for forge world.
    they have pretty much given us everything you could ever possiblly want to do in forge.
    The only thing i could see canvases being made for would be maps that have teleporters or spawn points in some area outside of the normal play area of the map.
    and in that case it would most likely not take that long to do it yourself.

    PS: all these people complaining about people stealing their ideas, i bet you 100 dollars most of them pirate music lol
    #31 Vantier Raleigh, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  12. Neo Arkitect

    Neo Arkitect Forerunner

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    Fair enough. I'll just make mine better.
    #32 Neo Arkitect, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  13. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    No. Those are worst types of map previews; the ones were we only get to see a corner or a wall. Map Previews are meant for getting feedback on maps in progress, or designs for maps. If you're just posting teasers then nobody can give you any useful feedback so the thread itself is useless and you're just burying other threads where people do actually want feedback.
  14. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Oh for god's sake, I was talking about maps not gametypes. Sorry if I worded it differently, but come on.

    There is indeed a need for a money glitch canvas. Just look at the prices of the expensive $150 structures. You can only put 66 of those objects on your map until you hit the budget. It is quite naive to believe Forge World gives us everything we will ever need. You know I once believed Halo 3's Forge gave us everything I needed. I was wrong. We need to be able to go past Forge World's limits. We need a money glitch canvas, we need a glitched map that removes the natural soft kill barriers, we need an unlimited item glitch.

    Though I can't believe you are fine with this possible broken system. Should the guy who makes blank art canvases be credited with Da Vinci's work? This is a problem with the system that I hope gets fixed if it hasn't already.

    And I don't pirate music.
  15. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    If someone steals your map, cite your post where you stated "your map idea", and hopefully people will listen to you.

    Otherwise, that's life.

    Personally, I think it would've been a tad bit smarter to just keep your ideas to yourself.
  16. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    srry but you are clearly talking about a Gametype not a map.

    you didnt read what i wrote.

    I said I highly doubt there will be any money glitches etc. I didnt say they wouldn't help.

    but The Reason I doubt There will be money glitches and such is because bungie is well aware of how we did that in halo 3 and they were highly against. why? because the budget is there so that games don't lag. That is the reason why budget glitched maps dont make it into matchmaking, because once you have crossed the budget there is a very high chance for lag in the game because the xbox wasnt designed to handle that much.

    Do you honestly think bungie just gave us a budget limit for no apparent reason. Oh 1 day they just decided "we should give people 10000 dollars in forge world but make some items cost a whole lot. that will make them angry hahahahaha"

    No, the reason certain items cost more is because they use up more of the xbox's resources to put them in the map.The Budget is there for a good reason, you need to learn to work within in it.
    #36 Vantier Raleigh, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Really? They told you to your face?

    And that should be easy, since we now have the "delete all of this type" function in Forge. It'll take 5 minutes.
  18. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    @Furious D: He intended the theoretical possibility of incredibly difficult to create budget glitched canvases.
  19. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    Meh...... it's possible but i actually hope there are no budget glitches discovered for reasons ive stated above
    #39 Vantier Raleigh, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  20. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    As for me, I don't care too much if someone steals my stuff, as long as they do a better job than I did. I just want people to play fun stuff.

    My personal worst-case scenario is that someone steals my awesome map, remakes it (but not as awesome) and it becomes famous, and nobody sees the superior version. Conversely, if someone steals my map and does a better job, I'm all for it. (I guess that's not really stealing though, just evolving.)

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