Right now I think we are facing a problem with the forge community that we never faced with Halo 3 - idea theft before the game even comes out. With halo 3 we didn't really know what Forge would become before the game was released, and because of that people weren't posting as many map layouts before the game came out as we currently see for Reach right now. With all of these layouts and game types posted pre-release, some people are prowling forums and looking for ideas for maps...and some are taking them straight from others and plan to copy previously planned work. This greatly concerns me, as I have no less than 8 people that have told me to my face that upon seeing my layouts they plan to make the exact same map that I have posted, and some have even made spinoff threads that buried my original thread. For the sake of protecting our ideas from brain to game upon Reach's release, I'm asking for help...for all of our sakes. How can we combat idea theft?
I remake other people's maps sometimes. But I only use them for myself and my own custom games. And I say who the original map was by. It's mainly just because I like to see if I can build something that someone else built.
perhaps you should not be as precise about the maps your showings. or only show them to people you trust. or perhaps you could work something out with moderators for some type of copyright rule for this part of the forums? if they are so obsessed with your map, what you could do, is when reach is out offer them to help you forge it with them then save it and send them a copy of it. so it will have you as the author of the map. i not sure if you edit and save a map, the author name is changed aswell?, because if it is, perhaps have an original author name with the map, and an edited author name on the maps details when you view it in reach?
Reach will do that for us. When you make a map, it will say that you are the Original Creator. When you edit someone's map, your name will only be visible on the Edited By thing. Cheers, HarisSales. That's not what he asked. You have not contributed to this conversation at all. It's called a Map Preview. Also, it's called people joining in the middle of your game. Also, it's called people taking a map that was already on Forgehub.
Oh, we're well aware of idea theft and we've seen it happen since Halo 3 was first released. There is no proven way to stop people from stealing someone's map idea. Your best bet is to not tell your idea to someone else and just don't post of your idea on the forums unless you are fully aware that someone may take it.
if they post it on the forums, than they did all that work for nothing cuz you have proof they stole your design. than they get infracted and locked and such. if they dont post it, who cares? and i doubt they will put the effort into playtesting that us forumers will.
The community will know if it is stolen and the mods will take care of the theives. I don't really see how it'll be more prevalent in Reach as it was Halo 3 like you think, though.
and on your map specifically, its a remake. dont whine because other people want to remake a map. not only is it not your picture, just an overview of a map activision made, but its also something that would work very well with reachs aesthetics. its not idea theft just because you posted the idea first, i thought you made a sketchup that people wanted to copy
well because the community members wouldn't be dumb enough to steal an idea, the non-members are the ones mot likely to do it. i suggest blocking the reach forge forum from the non-members. just a thought. also "imitation is the best form of flattery." :ninja:
I'm going to repeat this, since most people are apperantly skipping right over it... Reach will do that for us. When you make a map, it will say that you are the Original Creator. When you edit someone's map, your name will only be visible on the Last Edited By: [name] thing. Cheers, HarisSales.
Stop posting your maps. Then if someone truly has the same idea, then there's nothing you can do... Common sense wins.
Actually, I did make a sketchup. The sketchup is "inspired" by the original map, but has many differences. One could say the only thing that is the same is the central bridges and "concept". I'm afraid of posting the sketchup because then people can literally copy it piece by piece.
no, you are the one who is incorrect actually. IDEA theft but yeah to the OP, you really cant complain about others wanting to remake the same map that you are remaking. and just dont post your sketchup if you dont want others to steal yours piece by piece, people dont really give a **** about sketchups anyway, the point of posting them is for constructive criticism before you make it. but if somebody can remake the map better than you, they have every right to.
Well that's the thing, it's not technically a remake. It's a map inspired by a map from another game. I came up with everything in it, and I used the "old" map as a reference for how it will be played. Next thing I know 8 people are saying they are going to do the same freakin' map. It's ridiculous.
Stealing a map is when you move one object and 'Save as New Map'. (at least in H3) Using a design for a guideline to building a map is not thievery, as the player still had to place every object according to the design. Also, who knows, the 'thief' could probably do a better job at making the map you envisioned, and if they include an "inspired by/original design by" segment, the only thing you should do at that point is say "thank you".
Well if you have already posted your idea before someone else has it's more than enough proof that it was your idea. Although since you can't really put an idea under copyright law... Your sol. I would just play the better one anyway, regardless of creator.
he is right, it was in one of the updates, or possibly an interview. i do know it is correct. im not diggin it up though. however, this was not the OP's concern