
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by halfdemonanbu, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. halfdemonanbu

    halfdemonanbu Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys, I'm a small time mapmaker, haven't made that many maps on Halo 3 but i do from time to time on bungie's official website. I've never posted it here on forgehub. So this is my first attempt at presenting a map and an idea. I know ive gotta take this vision into Reach but when creating it, i did not have the patience to cross check every item with budget limits and so this map maybe a little over. But it's only my first attempt and i present it here to you guys for feedback. Here goes


    As soon as i saw Forge world's vast oceans, I knew i had to forge something there. And a ship came to mind, but a ship is probably something anyone could do... so i wanted to make a unique standout .. with angles and chambers and size. Thus sunken was born.
    It's a simple symmetrical map on a slant, with an objective gametype in mind as the basis for this idea. One Flag CTF. However other gametypes can also work on this like Stockpile, Territories, team Slayer and team oddball.
    The map/ship devides in two straight down the middle from tip to toe. left is blue and right is red. the objective (One neutral flag) would be on the tip of the ship and the bases for red and blue (and their corresponding flag score points) will be at the back, near the sunken portions of this gigantic ship
    Here's a side view. For gameplay reasons, the playable area of the map will not go past behind the two bases on the bottom right and the towers or smoke shafts will not be climbable due to another soft kill zone barrier. So to prevent camping by jetpackers.
    Rear view

    So this map has a bunch of open spaces as well as closed structures as key points that players would want to get to for certain powerweapons that i will be mentioning with more pictures (lots more pictures)
    Here's Blue base, poeple spawn around the building (symmetrical on both sides) and face towards the front of the ship. An odd thing you might notice is the orange transperency, which would be a new way to use one way sheild doors in reach, i'l place the horizontally and make a walkable platform from the top but a passable window from the bottom ramp. These shield door ramps would be present for both sides.
    The bridge area connects red and blue base over the ditch. In the reach version, it might not appear till later in the game with a delayed spawn. In the ditch, there are two doors leading underneath both bases and to the shield door ramps.
    Here's a view of the ramp and whats underneath by deleting some floorboards
    the ditch also includes a ramp that leads up and into the mid hall
    Its a hallway with symmetrical double rooms on either side and a weapon such as the shotgun or the sword that will be placed in the middle of the hallway.
    This view shows one side with the roof and the other without, there are also a small shafts players can take to go under the deck of the ship
    besides the middle hall, there are side paths outside leading away from the bases towards the front of the ship, the path can further diverge up the ramp
    Up the ramp leads to the captain's tower or quarters, not taking the ramp leads down towards the flag and the open space that is the tip of the ship
    There's the view from the captain's control tower down below the ship. imagine the flag being at the very tip. also the captains quarters can be reached by unseen vents (grav lifts) from the bottom level to the top near the middle of this photograph
    The captains tower without the roof shows us a huge platform where the sniper rifle will lie for ure use and with two ramps leading up to it as well as the mentioned vents.
    the front of the ship is rather open and more cover needs to be added, which i will in further updates, there is also the middle structure which is another one way path out from the bottom to the flag but no way back except through the openness. above this little structure on a slant will be the rockets.
    theres a ramp that leads under the captains tower and under the deck of the ship into a chambar full of pillars
    this will be partially submerged in water so people cannot venture too far deep in and have to take the ramps up .this place can also be reached by dropping down shafts that were mentioned before, This place will hold a plasma grenade launcher
    A shoulder perspective
    Behind the spartan lies the ramp back up to blue base (symmetrical)
    Top panoramic view of ship
    far off side view.


    There's my map guys, feel free to leave any comments and feedbacks. Its not perfect but you guys can help me make it close to perfect for Halo Reach. Thanks.


    Hey guys. First of all, i want to thank everyone for sharing these wonderful comments, criticism, suggestions, improvements and ideas on my map Sunken. Please know that i am taking all these into consideration as im waiting to build this map on Reach in just a few days. I'm very excited to try building a new and improved version of this map with everyone's ideas and with a rename, im calling it Titanic, It's official. Second of all, i realize there is a bandwith problem with embedding my photos that i dont know how to fix. All i can do is give you guys this link to my photobucket album and we'll see if this works. If any of you guys know a way to fix this problem, you can message me or reply on this thread. Everyone, thanks again.
    #1 halfdemonanbu, Sep 2, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2010
  2. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    I'll be on the deck playing sad music over my mic as the ship goes down.

    Oh, this isn't the Titanic?
  3. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Nice map. What I panned to do is ship stuck on the rock. You should make holes to ship.
  4. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just amazing, Definitely watching out for this map. Just wonderful.
  5. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I really like the concept of this. From the sketchup it looks great. However, I don't think you should make it left half blue, right half red. You should have one team spawn at the front and the other in the back., this will promote better gameplay. I understand it might be hard to balance the teams because it will no longer be symmetrical, but it's definitely possible. Also, make sure to stop by the Testers Guild and have this tested. You don't wanna screw up a perfectly good map by releasing it without getting it tested. Oh yea, and nice job on your first post;)
  6. halfdemonanbu

    halfdemonanbu Forerunner
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    Thanks for the feedback n comments guys, the original plan was a ship crashing into some rocks.. of course i cant make that on sketchup but thanks for reminding me, also the holes, i tried doing it however since im using large pieces as the hull of the ship, its hard to make holes into it but i'll try my best.

    And Skisma, yes, testin this map once i make it would be quite helpful but im new at this so i have no idea where to "stop by" for the testers guild. I would like to try out the original half half layout as well as the ships tip to tail layout n see which plays better though i might need some help. For now ideas and improvements or criticisim is welcome cuz i still have a bunch of time before the full game comes out.

    Also if anyone is wondering, the ship is on a 10 degree slant and i will be heavily using the grids and angle lock mechanics to make this
  7. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Forum > TRC Guild > Testers Guild > New Thread, or you could just click here. Just make sure you read the rules before posting. And if I have the time(I probably will) I'd be glad to help you with balance/weapons/spawn points.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    From an aesthetic perspective, this looks absolutely stunning. Great job on that. Maybe it's just from the shots I'm getting here, but it looks like path options are very limited though. You may want to have more routes available rather than a narrow push to avoid a push and pull style game.
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this looks like one of the most creative sketchups for reach so far, this is very promising. I really like how its like a cruise ship. make sure to finish this and make it awesome.
  10. TsumiyaUra

    TsumiyaUra Forerunner

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    I like the idea alot =3 I hope it has a good turn out ^.^
  11. lemonzap

    lemonzap Forerunner
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    i sure hope you'll have enough items and budget to make this, it looks like it might be pushing it a little.
  12. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    Fantastic map.

    How much internal structure is there? Is the Bow a multi-level segment above the water? I think internally it would be cool to see hallways and rooms disappear into the water that are there for aesthetics.

    I am trying to add up the pieces to see if there is a unit or money clash. You will obviously run out of walls but some double walls you use could easily become flat 4x4 blocks. You used a lot of unique structures that lower the tally costs, but are more expensive $$ wise. Not many people are doing that. I think it is great that you have varied your palette in a tasteful way.

    I'd say she is good to build for unit and cost count. I assume you will be building this as per an angle snap of 15 degrees or something. If not, it will be bloody complicated to line up. Sketch-up makes it easy =P.
  13. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    Aw man I had the same idea.
    Well I plan on executing differently, so I guess I'll still forge it and it'll be different enough. This looks beautiful though. You get a DL from me so I can compare at the least, but I'll probably play it =P
  14. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Damn.... *looks at his sinking ****-err-ship.... * Double damn. Man that's some really good looking stuff. I would download that for certain. Yours looks so much better than mine.... but i will endevor to continue.... Maybe I shouldn't try for a 1/1 scale titanic. ... Nah i want to and I still have 100 blocks I can continue adding stuff. this is awsome though, please make it. Just from the aesthetic viewpoint alone it's worth it.
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    1.) Is any part of the deck actually below water level? If not, it would be more like a boat with an extremely heavy and unbalanced cargo load. Sunken usually refers to something that's already below water.
    2.) Is there only the main deck and one deck below it? It would be great if there were more levels.
    3.) Have you considered possibly tilting the boat on it's other axis? Of course it all depends on where the boat was damaged, but boats usually tip over on it's side first. Could prove to be more interesting if you're running from bow to stern with a 45º slope going left to right instead of running up or down a 45º angle.
  16. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    Shush you don't need to turn his sinking ship idea into mine.
    Guess those ideas weren't so original :-\
    Oh well it was lower down on my list.
    BTW I really love the deck in particular, I took a break from sketch-up because I couldn't work out how to do the deck nicely, yours looks great.
  17. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I'm going to second insane's compliments and concerns, it looks fantastic and completely realistic whilst having a nice halo feel to it. However, I would suggest making it as intricate and multi-dimensional as possible to avoid a flat side-to-side push and pull contest.

    Good luck with this and I hope it turns out well.
  18. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Well, if the water isn't a kill zone... you could always completely capsize the boat upside down making the ceilings the floors and everyone would need to jump through the doorways... making everything that would normally be the bottom of the boat above water and the main deck and maybe the first floor all below water level.
  19. Noizzy Rabbit

    Noizzy Rabbit Forerunner

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    two words
    that looks soooo sweet, that must have taken you forever to build, i cant imagine how long it would take to build in forge world, good luck to yah :) cant wait to see how it plays out
    **pardon my language, it seemed necessary**
  20. turtlebutt

    turtlebutt Forerunner
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    I like it except the hull needs to be slanted inwards a little bit. a ship with vertical sides would not float

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