From what I have seen through all sorts of media (released and leaked), I cannot recall seeing any grav lifts. Now that I think of it, they probably aren't in the game because armor abilities replaced equipment. It is possible that these very useful items were still left in forge but I have not seen any. If these are not in the game, the possibilities for switches and other various things we have come to use for our custom maps have been severely limited. I do not see man cannons being able to fill in the job that grav lifts could do EVEN if they can still throw normal physics pieces. If you have evidence to contradict this, then please post and make me : ). Right now I'm just a little : ( at the loss of ability in forge.
I suppose you mean destructible grav lifts. I don't think there are any, just various sizes of man cannons. : Bungie Weekly Update: 08.13.10 : 8/12/2010 2:26 PM PDT That BWU doesn't have them listed on Forge World, but that doesn't mean they aren't on any other map.
If there aren't any grav lifts, I would assume the man-cannons on its lowest power setting will behave the same/similar to Halo 3 grav lifts.
why does anyone even care about the ability to make switches? I havenet seen a single good map that used them. Edit: I take some of that back. Saw maps, Run like hell, etc. used trap switches. and they are pretty fun. but you can still make those kinds of switches so its not that big of a deal. Edit 2: wait a minute. If they let you turn on what can go through a mancannon. there wasnt any option for object's? or maybe objects can go through no matter what the setting is?
True, but I was thinking more of the finer mechanics, like how the mancannon has a quick acceleration and the grav lift doesn't. Perhaps Bungie put a special physics option in the lowest power mancannon to have an abnormally low acceleration.
Rantick, I think you missed the point of the thread. Also, we have jet packs now. Jet packs. And Vantier, I don't think you can adjust what is affected by man cannons. There are man cannons and vehicle cannons. The main difference is that the vehicle cannon is bigger and more power and looks like the one of Sword Base. The man cannon is smaller and is at an angle.
Spoiler I won't give a link due to spoilers, but the Gravity lift is in Reach. This guy went through the list and it is under Cannons, Men.
I'm pretty sure the concern of grav lifts not being in reach for the OP was not the actual ability to rise but the ability to remove obstacles using min/max switches or other switches where their prescense or destruction was necessary.
So true. My whole concern was for the more technical side of map making. All further discussion about this would be more appropriate in one of the main threads. Also /thread