nope toronto fan expo, I played firefight on two maps and the game is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the beta
I got Early Access to Firefight and Kinect at my local Microsoft store down here in mission. It was the first microsoft store ever, and anyone who pre ordered Reach or Kinect got in on this Vip party as what they called it. But yeah the Firefight destroys Odst. You are able to change setting, much more newer weapons. It really feels like i'm playing halo again.
seeing as how we are in the halo reach section I am going to take a wild guess that it is halo reach lol
They give you a brief, general summary of what you do in the second mission, and theres a lot of gameplay clips of what looks to be the beggining of the second mission, And some gameplay of what i believe is halfway through the mission. They discuss the music of halo reach and tell you some of the well known actors who did voice overs in reach. They talk about forgeworld, multiplayer, and firefight. (all stuff we already know) Theres also a behind the scenes look at the making of the Deliver Hope live action trailer. And they said that the time between the end of Reach and the start of CE is a very small gap hinting that someone will be in the game or at least at the end. But they didnt directly say that. So i would suggest watching it. There are no story ruining spoilers. I mean yea you see some gameplay but its just "filler gameplay" between objectives. They dont show any cut scenes or completeing any objectives in the campaign so nothing is spoiled.
Thought id share: Halo: Reach for Xbox 360 - Preview - Prove me wrong, but at 6:18 in the Outpost Firefight video is that a brute? Also the multiplayer map video finally shows all the multiplayer maps in one video.
I think with the emphasis put on the Elites returning, people sort of forgot that Brutes will be in the game, too! I think the Drones were the only enemy to get cut completely.
If by completely you meant in firefight, then yes. The drones are definitely still in the game, just not firefight by default because they ****ing suck.
Drones were not at all dificult to kill in odst with the right weapons. ~four shots with a smg or 2 with the cc (best weapon ever) would bring them down. I was hoping they would be available for customizable firefight.
Aww, seriously? They're still in the game? I don't like them because they are easy to kill but killing them doesn't feel very satisfying, not like popping the heads of grunts as the march towards you.
I don't know about everyone else but lately my girlfriend and I have broken up, she found someone new, I had to get braces, I can barely eat because food gets stuck in the expander and I can't sleep because I have this huge hole in my chest from the whole breaking up thing. I mean I really loved her. And one of the worst parts, ever since the breakup I can't even get aroused. So no fapping either. So pretty much all my hope and happiness is riding on halo reach right now. So if I get it and it isn't as amazing as I expected im gonna end up getting a killtrocity for real.
What the hell jix? I mean seriously...what the ****. well we have those bird looking things that are ravengers?
OT: I really want some in-depth looks at Boardwalk and Countdown. From what I've seen both look really awesome.
I'll start by saying Halo Reach>Girlfriend. In fact Halo: Reach>[sup]Girlfriend.[/sup] If you plan on getting a real killtrocity, then go to a shooting range because: 1. Shooting is really calming (scoped rifles, not all the macho boomstick stuff) 2. Most people actually suck at shooting so you need to practice if your gonna get a real killtrocity back on topic I wasn't in on all this pre-game stuff for Halo 3, I just picked it up the first day, but did they have hidden/unannounced/secret stuff that we learned about only once the game released?