Sandbox Super Smash Brothers Melee Map Set 1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Confused Flamingo, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My third and last hurahh before Reach. My exclusive Super Smash Brothers Melee Maps set and gametype is being released. I hope its remembered....

    This gametype is the real deal, the one inspired by class-based maps, allowing the smash brothers characters to be used in the game. The selection is random, as in the class based systems. But strangely enough, Kill Balls and fusion coils don't await a player who camps in these 'pods'. Instead, the problem managed to solve itself, because if someone takes too long, most likely, there will be a player waiting to assassinate them, and they won't have a chance at some of the quickest kills.
    It's koth gametype isn't for controling the hill, but for picking up weapons from the spawns.

    I think I should start with the note that the four maps here are meant to appeal to entirely different people. Final destination is for those who want a flat out brawl, as there is only one flat surface. A player who loves the more violent maps, such as Brinstar, Rainbow Cruise and Mushroom Kingdom 2, would enjoy Mute City, a ragtag mix of flying warthogs, choppers and fusion coils. Great Bay is for those interested in aesthetics, complete with the Lakeside Obsevertory and a Spawning turtle, but Bowser has a signifigant advantage here because of its size. And finally, Onnett is the choice map for one consumed with a complex, but neat, alternate altitudes system. It will require a lot of jumping to survive.

    Final Destination
    I know there's a crook in the bottem right, but thats a spawning complication, and besides, Great Bay is the aesthetics map. This is a maddened frenzy of clashing fighters on a flat surface. Enjoy.
    Great Bay
    You'll notice the obserbetory, now playable on, in the back. I actually added my own touch here, with a ramp leding down to the block in the left. Be cautious though, Bowser spawns there...
    Oh, yeah, and after 20 seconds, the infamous turtle spawns. He looks better from the front.
    Mute City
    In every forgehub discussion, there's always that one violent person that hates interlocking and everything about it. Well, One Violent Person, this is to you. When vehicles and explosives fly, you know you're on Mute City. This will most likely be the least downloaded map, but consider it a bonus and don't complain about the aesthetics, just move back to Great Bay or Onnett.
    Here it is, the map of many ledges. I replicated it as best I could, but there are no moving cars. There are, however, trees, breakable shop ledges, and a power line!
    Tip--Bowser will usually go for the mosh-pit at the bottem, so stay away from there! Advance to the rooftops for survival! Oh, and PS--You need to either crouch jump, Grav hammer jump, or use the pallete siding to get out from the bottom floor.
    Here's a better view of the interlocking.

    Well, I've shown you the maps. How 'bout some characters?

    2 firebombs (fireballs)
    Mauler (seemingly expanding fist)

    Sword (Sword)
    2 frags (bombs)
    Sniper headshots off (bow)

    Dual plasma rifles (various thunder attacks)

    Second Magnum (fast punching)
    (sometimes) weakened gravity hammer :hammer:
    custom powerup-ability to pick up other player's weapons (Absorb)

    Flamethrower (fire breath)
    Gravity hammer (clawed arm)
    Overshield (shell)

    Spartan Laser (Charge blast)
    Brute shot (missile launcher)
    Trip mine (Mine)

    Plasma Pistol (peek-A stross?storm?staaa?)
    2 FireBombs ( peek-A fire)
    Varies between bubble shield and Regenerator (Regain Shield)
    * Note that the regenerater is just a misty distraction

    I will be adding more map sets and character packs, but will redo it all on reach.
    A huge Special thanks to Mochasun for all the support and adjustments, (You really hit my idea nerve!)
    A smaller special thanks to my local testers (they don't have xbox live)
    And an unimportant, but still a thanks, to the maker of class 9, for the spawnig idea.
    Okay, bring on the critics!

    Oh, and i almost forgot a tiny detail- the map links. : Halo 3 File Details
    gametype : Halo 3 File Details
    Final Destination : Halo 3 File Details
    Great Bay : Halo 3 File Details
    Mute City : Halo 3 File Details
    Eagleland Onnett
  2. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Holy crap-a-doodle its here! Sorry for my made up language but its HERE! This is definently better then the other dude'd smash bros game. This is more what you can call a Smash Bros game. Its got unique characters and in such a similar way that any Melee fan can remeber. The mario and kirby ones are the most unique because of kirby's absorb ability and mario's mauler as a punch. Now to the maps, Final Des is a little funky forged, same with some other maps, but as long it dosent affect gameplay, its accepted. I remeber we were disscussing this a few weeks ago. Ideas and ideas kept coming. This is going to turn out great in Reach. My favorite has to be the Great Bay and Mute City. The turtle spawn was smart. But I think I remeber the Great Bay being bigger? Instead of Mute city platform flying around with a bunch of cars (ghost like cars)
    you made a bunch of cars flying and hitting you, that my freind was genius. Onnet seems to be the best forged out of the four. You could of used a Hog proppelled by grav lift and make it spawn every 30 seconds. Like Flamingo said, Bowser can be roughhouse on Onnet. Whoops my reviews getting long. So overall this is going to be huge in Reach. Thought out well from both of us, and this is fun. Worth the download. 8/10
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Ummm... that was a needless flame against the other dude as you would call him. Onto the maps these maps seem to not have to many good interlox and seem quite uneven. Plus they are not big enough. The uniqueness in characters is cool but please elaborate on the game. The maps smallness means anyone with a grav hammer could pwn everyone off the map. SOme characters are way overpowered. I think I would play the other guys smash bros maps editing them to fit this game (combination of great game and map FTW) because his maps were decently sized, looked better and could play with chaos such as the gameplay in SMB. These maps were extremely rushed oh and one last thing before i state one last quote, There are not enough teleporters. Use two way nodes as the exits so each character can at least have two spawns Major Bowser spawn camping detected. Some of these maps do not resemble they levels in SMB at all. AT ALL! If you really wanted to remake them, get some of the aesthetics backgrounds and aspects of gameplay that the maps actually contained. This looks like you rushed because you thought this was some competition between two obviously differently skilled forgers and wanted to create actual SMB as fast as possible for laughing in face rights. My review is an honest 3/10 (could have been lower if it were not for character uniqueness) I say you save these to be remade in reach and make them better, now just isn't the time.

    One last thing. This Smash bros thing is not a competition and so I don't wanna hear any more comments from anyone comparing these two posts. I will report any that do. Please make the comments on topic before this gets locked for a flame war.

    All the best (seriously)
    Zow Jr.​
  4. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    I can see in what you are talking about in the map's "rushed" quality. But the other dude's maps are not actualy Smash Bros maps, the other dude created them himself in a forge like thing in smash bros. So there not really nintendo/smash bros created maps, they are user-created. If you have a problem with these maps, modify them or make your own, maybe even ask Flamingo if he can post your maps. Also I wasn't flaming or ethier I am right now. Im not trying to start a war, because I know how it ends in: INFRACTION :O
    #4 serumembryo, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  5. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This wasn't a compitition, I had been working on it for months, and wasn't trying to flame at all. In fact, I left a Positive comment on the "other dudes". That 'other dude' just made me remember this, so i decided to finish it. And another thing- I used all of the nodes up, don't assume it was my choice to give each player one. Why would I flame? I'm trying to be careful, being new here. I haven't flamed anyone......yet. And besides, having only melee weapons just makes you a target for campers, so bowser is aimlessly chasing others around while being targeted by all other players. I've admitted some faults in final destination and mute city, but those flaws don't affect the gameplay. Also, Mario can easily kick the crap out of bowser, and he's just got a mauler and firebombs. Beleive me, the camping system prevents ppl from camping in their pods. Oh, and the interlocks are almost perfect on onnett, but only onnett. They all have something different for everyone. Believe it or not, some ppl hate aesthetics so i purposed denied interlocking from entering Mute city. As for the size, you can't accuratly judge that without playing them, and its obvious you hav'nt. More map packs with the flaws fixed will be in reach. (as soon as i figure out how to use reaches forge)

    Well, I think that covered all the bases while proving I havn't flamed anyone.
    Hope that things will stay on topic, and don't express negativity until you play it.
    #5 Confused Flamingo, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  6. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Overall the maps arent very aesthetically pleasing. But its SMB, which is supposed to be 2D so they kind of cant be aesthetic. I think that they are very accurate, and must be very fun if you have a bunch of people, there would be so much chaos and laughing. After all mini games arent always even, but you cant judge how over powered some people are when you havent played it. I'll DL some for sure.
  7. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Omg I have fallen in love with this. The maps are amzing in my opinion and I completely fall apart when I saw the class systems. They are perfect in every way and I would love to play this game. For a tip I am a fan of just more choices of characters so add more please!! Maybe a DK, Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, and Fox. I have weapon suggestions for all of those I mentioned somessage me for them. I would love to play this with anyone so just invite me.
  8. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    @Flamingo I was not directing my arguement towards you as you never made the comment about Dai Tou (can't remember the last part) so please pay your attentions to my map comments.

    @ Mochasun I know you may not have wanted to start a war, but comments like those, subtle as they may be, can cause others to get mad and post in anger. Of course most people are above that but it's not worth the risk. I mean how would you like like it if someone remade one of your maps and I said something like what you said. Yeah I would be kind of offended to. BTW the maps he made were probably made in SSBBs map editor game mode and so he remade them in H3. I've seen it done before.

    I played them (after going through the rigorous process on dling them.) And my opinion has changed....slightly. The maps were smoother than they looked and gameplay was nice for a 1v1v1. But when I tried 8 ppl things got out of hand like I knew they would. It got so hectic people threatened to remove me if I kept making them play them (sorry, some of my friends happen to be 8 or younger and I paid no attention to them)

    Final tested review of this map is 5.5/10. Idea was great and maps were sort of accurate. But I REALLY would have saved this until reach.
  9. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Ok its good to here you changed slightly how you like the maps, I can see how it can get hectic from the map's size. I was talking about SSBB creator. I just forgot which smash bros it was, theres 3 right? And Im just saying, to bring back the good ole times, use these maps, because smash bros was meant for hectic gameplay :)
    Yep Reach is gonna be hectic. Every map is going to be good.
  10. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice turnaround in general opinion

    Well, Good to see the opinion has changed some, but It might be good to point out that the max players was six. I'm sorry I forgot to post that tidbit of information earlier. There are seven characters, and the whole part thats fun is watching everybody colide and predicting an unlikely winner. Oh, and the 2d effect is nearly impossible without Making the map super-thin, ruining gameplay. I thought of other characters, but no 2 should be the same or worse, by worse i mean having a smaller weapon set with no differences but the missing ones. (example- grav hammer alone, verses grav hammer with firebombs.) So I'm going to wait until reach, remake it as a Super smash brothers BRAWL, and add the new maps and players in. Oh, and the rushedness is a result of beating the clock to reach. Really, who will dl halo 3 maps the day before reach comes out? Have fun and If you have a character or map suggestion, send me a privite messege so it doesn't ruin the surprise for everyone else! (You will recieve credit for it if i wasn't already planning to use that map or character.)

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