I've already introduced myself to the Shout Box (sort of), but hello! I'm xbox live girl. Yes, a girl, get your panties out of a bunch. I'm not much of a forger, I terrible at it really. I'm looking for fun maps to play on that aren't MLG maps until Halo: Reach comes out. I possibly might even looking into your forging 101 threads. I've always been interested in being a better forger, just never taken the initiative. I'm a very friendly person and always up for a conversation. Get at me. :]
Yup, sexy dude in my profile pic = me. Other than that, look around, post around, check out the PPC for some quick chat or even the LOL box. Have fun yo
Welcome to forge hub. If you are looking for a different style of play you should check out the casual and mini game maps. Feel free to message any of the colored people if you have questions. Also you should check out TGIF which will be back in a few weeks. It's our community game night and is great for meeting people.
Welcome to forgehub. I don't play MLG maps either. But unfortunately my forging skills are how say... above average. But I am sure you will have a great time here. As I am sure you already know we have a great and welcoming community. My only tip? (and I give this to all newbies on FH) Try not to spam lol