Note: This is a very old map thread. Version 5.0 is on the way. This is Windtunnel v4.2, a foundry map designed to hurl large objects such as wire spools and barricades at you. Games are timed, so try to last as long as possible on the platform. If the immediate impact of a tumbling object doesn't kill you, you will be thrown back into a small pit inhabited by hungry zombies [Invincible too]. Don't worry if an object did kill you, you have 3 lives to work with. I wouldn't advise camping, because you can be eliminated with the infrequent fusion coil or two. --Screenshots-- Zombie Spawn The Pit Platform Platform [Side view] Dropping Mechanism Objects Do Hurt Bodies Are Not Objects Iv0rY Snak3 Is Always Zombie Don't Feed the Zombies Distractions Work Ouch Fresh Fewd Invisible Book =] Here is a link to the map for download >> ++Windtunnel v4.2 ++ Here is the dodge variant to go with the map >> ++ Dodge v2 ++ [Please download & comment on] I hope you will enjoy it!
this looks like a fun infection/mini game map but if the objects do kill you, and you die before you get down to the "fewd" area, how are the zombies supposed to get any kills? i say you have some platforsm spawn after like 45 sec, so the few survivors have to dodge items and fight zombies all together
believe me. Players do fall often. I forgot to say earlier that each infection counts as 5 points. Last man counts as 10
Wow looks very neat and well made. I wish I could dl it to further explore its game play. Good Job mate.
That's an interesting idea, avoid the objects or get pushed back towards the zombies. That provides two things to worry about for two times the awesomeness!
That is somewhat why I posted this map. All I see in infection now-a-days is the billions of infection/fortress maps that take FOREVER for the tide to finally turn. In this, the zombies wait for the humans to come to them.. =]
Lmao, looks awesome. Just wondering can't the zombies jump onto the spools at jump uo to the platform.
hahaha this is a very fun map to play with your friends. Gj ChipsInABox i really enjoyed this map with a bunch of friends
this map is so much fun its barrel blaster meets infection it was only 3 of us and we played this game 3 times i don't know how many round thats was but it was super fun. nothing beats someone talking to you next thing they get hit by a barrel hurling them into the zombie... a must download and if any casual map should be featured it should be this one... yeah i said it
The idea isn't completely original (a map called sweep also hurled stuff at you) But it's well made and puts a new infection aspect to it. Very well done.