So you've given us twitter, Facebook,, and umm Netflix. I personally only use every once in a while because I'd rather use my stereo instead of my surround sound, other than that all of their little updates are pointless to me. With that being said, these little improvements we got are Microsoft's only reason for increasing the price of live subscription as of November, 1st 2010. Go ahead check for yourself. BUTTHURT LINK HERE So if your xbox live subscription runs out with the next two months, I'd personally wait till it's on sale and get it cheaper than the current $49.99, if not you'd still be saving $10 by not even getting it on sale before the 1st of November. So yeah thanks Microsoft, I appreciate your useless and pointless increase in the price you put to make people use your service.
Well At least I don't have to worry about XBL for the next three years as I'm already all paid up, because I had a feeling MS was going to up the subs since they announced the Kinect.
Also, I just realized that 12 months are now currently on sale and are $39.99. | price lock - Renew now and save 30% off Gold And to add to the discussion. If you really think about it, this isn't really that big of a deal if you are employed and have a job, but I'm pretty sure everyone who doesn't have a job would find this to be quite more of a deal even if it is only a $10 increase for the 12 month, $5 for 3, etc. Hopefully I'll get a job before then, and just get another 12 month before November.
This won't really effect me until next year, since I have a $50 card here for a whole year, guess I'll input it later on. Shame though, since Halo Reach is Bungie's last Halo game, and they are going mutliplatform with their next game apparently, as long as online gaming is free, looks like I'm going PS4.
I have 2 12-Months already $10 just doesn't scare me that much... I can collect that much in loose change in a a few months. ;P
Eh, ten dollars isn't too much, I guess. But its like they're trying to let the PS3 take control of the market.
Until September 14 (Forge). Well at least in my overly prejudice biased opinion. The only things listed in the OP I would ever care to use is Netflix, but then again, there's an app (on my iPhone(+2 e-peen)) for that just like everything else the 360 premium service has to offer. Just focus on making games somehow better please Microsoft.
I can't help but hope this increase means Netflix will be free. Though I doubt it. Ten dollars isn't that much to me. But nonetheless there appears to be huge civil unrest about the subject. Either things are going to stay the same, or nights are going to get a little lonely on Xbox Live. Ha ha, if so Xbox Live = Xbox Dying /corny joke
I love how Canada gets half of these features, and currently pay $60 for a year, welcome to our, cold, cold world. With the dollar increase for Canada, I wonder if 12 months will cost $60, or the $72 that it actually adds up to. Pretty vague for anyone who doesn't live in the states. Regardless, it looks like I'll be getting a 12 month card on September 30th...
All this means for Canadians is we're finally going to pay the same price as the Americans... Oh wait, I forgot, Canadians can only use feature lacking Facebook and Twitter apps... Hmm... So, as a Canadian I do hate this price change.
This seems to be out of no-where. I don't see why they need to increase it. I just hope they give us either better quality on what we have (like them changing the codec for voice communication) otherwise I might be a bit peeved. 10 dollars really isn't that bad but if they're just upping it to upping it, I have a bit of a problem with that.
Of course PS3 isn't competition, it has no games. Anyway, I think that this price increase is definitely just an excuse for Microsoft to get more money. I don't find any of the apps very useful at all, and I know very few people who use any of them. Although I do know a couple of people who often use Sky player (which I think is UK exclusive).