Forge World Dlc?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jay Rockn Weezy, Aug 30, 2010.


What It Be Cool?

  1. It Would be Cool

  2. No, Mombasa Sucks.

  1. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I want covy themed forgeworld, forest/swamp forgeworld (with trees and water), city forgeworld, update that makes water displaceible so I could make an underwater base.
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    First of all no one calls Tittymar a narrow-minded smart ass but me

    second of all i actually completely agree with him a city themed forge map really wouldnt be worth it because it is just city every map on it would have an urban feel, where-as you can create an urban typ map on forge world, also it wouldnt really work as a forge map, sure a nice urban map would be nice to have; but not as a forge map.

    I agree that having a tundra dessert or even maybe even a jungled themed type of forge world would work better, but for right now i am fine with just forgeworld
  3. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Quiet you narrow-minded smart ass :O /sarcasm

    And I would really like if we just let all this hope of DLC just... go... away.... fly away...

    I would rather them pay attention and tweak the multiplayer and what not for the first 1-2 years. Then get started on the new IP or whatever.
    #23 CombatGam3r, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    ^^^this that way i wouldnt have to pay :)
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You're about as ignorant as the other guy. You go ahead and keep trying to convince me that a map like your "Traffic Jam" has the same urban feel in the crypt of sandbox as it would on a city grid? Your "Skyscraper" map sure had that urban feel smack dab in the middle of that skybubble on Sandbox. [​IMG]

    I got one game for you, ODST. First mission is in a city, so don't anyone give me any of their self-righteous bullcrap that it won't translate well. Considering the number of town-type maps that were created on both Foundry and Sandbox, you'd think that a city themed map would eventually make it's way in as a map.

    I think that a city map is just as necessary as a variety of other maps, like a desert... or a wooded forest... or perhaps even a water map.

    Try to convince me that a Tokyo Drift type map using a city grid wouldn't be cool. Throw in a few neon signs and neon lights like in ODST and you got yourself a map I'd even try.
  6. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    The whole point of Forge World is that it is empty. How many buildings are there on Forge World? or Sandbox for that matter. You need an empty map for it to be a 'Forge World'. Having an Urban setting would be cool, but by definition, A city can't be empty. If you got a city, You would end up with something like Longshore.
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    changeable textures would have done it, to be fair. Kinda sick of all the fairy lights on the forge objects, and the game isn't even out yet.
  8. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    Meh lol
    Yeagh I understand what people on both sides of this argument are saying.

    Im gonna have to go with a........i dont know lol

    You know what........Why not?

    Forge world is a Giant Tropical island area basically with lots of Forerunner themed items.
    Forge "City" Could be a completely flat terrain with drainage holes that you could delete to open up a underground sewer system (kinda like deleting the 1 block to access the Crypt in Sandbox).

    I could keep thinking of new items to add but heres just a short list.

    Advertising Signs
    Neon lights
    Neon Signs

    (Sigh lol) I guess there really arent many items they could give you to forge with without giving you completely pre-built structures like towers and houses, which would inevitably end with alot of maps looking pretty much the same.

    well i tried lol.....

    But if i could decide on the next forge world theme i would have to say
    Jungle, you could have lots of different placeble trees, rocks, Huts?, tribal fences etc. lol IDK
  9. Mr Pokeyope

    Mr Pokeyope Forerunner

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    I don't think its a good Idea because buildings would make me have a tougher time forging, no space. Also I'd rather have a map where its snowy so we can have ice fields or sidewinder again
  10. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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  11. JIX

    JIX Forerunner
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    i just hope they don't give us anymore deserts. I hate deserts.
  12. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    a snowy forgeworld would be awsome. Agreed ^^ but sandbox was the best in halo 3.
  13. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    Me wants it, eventually, but forge world will nsatisfy me for a while
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    While I agree that I am tired of deserts in Halo 3, I think that there is need for one in Reach. Despite what others may think, I believe that it would be nice if Bungie gave us a variety of themed Forge Worlds. Just because someone doesn't like the theme doesn't mean they shouldn't include it. There will always be a large number of people that will enjoy a map with that theme and there will always be someone that will find a use for it. Only ignorant people would dismiss the idea because they don't like or see the need for it.
  15. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    I would love for a Spooky/Horror Theme, could really work for Infection.
  16. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    The city is such a bland idea. It seems even more pointless when you can just build your own city with all the squares and right angled objects that are in forgeworld.

    I'd like to see a cave-like forgeworld, with a system of tunnels to forge in, an underground lake, and something like the lake with lava for a more natural kill barrier. Also a very large room for BTB maps. It'll probably never happen, but I guess I can dream.
  17. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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  18. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    I was just thinking of what I said about a jungle theme and.......
    wouldnt it be BA if in the center of the jungle forge world there was a active volcano lol.
    I would poop my self if they ever did something like that.
  19. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Dude! I was there! Yeah! It would be cool to play on it, but where could you forge? Forge world is made to give different terrains for different maps. New Mombasa is just a city with almost no good forging areas.
  20. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The most plausible way for a city forgeworld to work would either make the buildings themselves forge pieces, or to make the walls and floors and such of the buildings into pieces, that way the entire city could be rebuilt on our whim. which is something i would totally enjoy the hell out of.

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