The Movie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I saw The Switch with a couple friends the other day.

    Although I missed the very beginning (went to the wrong movie theatre, lul) I found it very heart-warming and amusing.
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Is Despicable Me any good? It's going to show here next week.
  3. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    ^Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
  4. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    What? You're not making any sense.
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Phone Booth (2002)

    Strangely, I'd never heard of anyone talking about this movie, but one of my friends LOVES it so I watched it last night. It's an excellent movie that takes place entirely in the last remaining phone booth in NYC, one setting for the whole movie. There are only 2 main characters and a few supporting characters, but in saying that, it's also incredibly well done. It's really hard to explain past "it all takes place in a phone booth", but it's totally worth a watch.

  6. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    It's a great watch, somewhat kindred to Solaris, yet not as slow. The plot is new and exciting, but it is kind of predictable and has no action even though it could have supported it.

  7. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    So this weekend I saw the Avatar Special Edition in theaters. The 9 extra minutes were in fact worth it in my opinion as a fan of the movie. They added more motivation to some of the characters actions, that let's be honest here, was needed.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    12 Monkeys

    On my iPhone at the moment, so nothing real in depth. Just finished the movie, and it was really great. Bruce Willis is a good believable protagonist, and Brad Pitt is perfect and acts insane about as well as is possible. The story travels back and forth between time, though some parts seem slightly unnecessary. All in all, very good movie.

  9. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    My bad, I thought you asked, "Should I go see Despicable Me?"

    Still, go see it. It's good. Do it.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I'd heard that the extra scenes were pointless but if you loved the movie you'd enjoy it.
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I agree. It's, from all the movies I've seen so far, the only film that is set in a very limited setting yet executed so well.

    Oh, I get you now :p
    Alright, thanks for the reply.
  12. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Phone Booth seemed somewhat unrealistic, how there were snipers over him for an inferred murdered. Like 50 snipers.

    I've heard this was another one of those "complete mind****" movies, so i was all like yeeeeeeeeah and got it. This turned out to be one of my favorite movies ever, the story, the way its done, all astounding. It really had such an interesting take on life and really interesting thoughts, also how it constantly had a changing story. It really changed the way I thought.

    So my dads all like "watch dis movie bisch" and i dont for like, 7 months. Then im like UGH, i watch it. This had a good, not relay amazing or worth watching twice plot, but it had some pretty nice action scenes. The Climax of it really was quite good, and i am glad i saw it, it still wasnt too special.

    12 Angry Men
    Sarge and Black Treerom are the reason i finally watched this one, definatley worth it. I found it interesting with how one person can impact something so much, and get others to really change their opinions. The arguments were all really interesting, and it was pretty interesting how it just keeps pushing further into a furious argument. It still wasn't amazing, but i do agree it was very good.

    The Boondock Saints
    I prolonged watching this for quite a while, I thought it was just another gang movie, was ****ing wrong. I really liked the idea of "Angels sent by god to do his work", also how a lot of others liked what they were doing. Really one of my top five.

    I originally got this because of the idea, life after death. It all seemed to appeal to me, so i eventually finally got it. It's based on the idea of finding unsolved answers we all want to know. It got a bit repetitive, and it was flat at some points. I still liked it though.

    Full Metal Jacket
    This was another one of my top favorites, its first half had a really engaging story; the second part whatsoever went downhill, i still really liked the second part, but it still wasn't as good as the first half.

    That was really good, i recommend anyone who hasn't to see it, just a good over feeling and story, idea and all. It was also somewhat of those mind**** movies too, which i always love, really got me thinking(this almost never happens).

    The Seventh Seal (1957)
    This was ****ing impossible to watch, its all in swedish dubbed in english, with a slow story at most parts, had a cool amount of interesting areas though.

    Donnie Darko
    Oh god how i loved this ****ing movie. The story of the main character i felt like i could somewhat relate to, and the overall progress of him doing increasingly heavier weighted stunts in succession, and just the idea of causing general havoc, panic and death. It all does then lead up to a great ending. Probably my favorite movie of all time.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    This movie at first i hadn't heard that much about it, but it just seemed that it'd be interesting to me, so i watched it earlier today. It had a cute plotline, all compressed into i think like 30 minutes.
    It then continues to her deleting her memory of him, at which he goes and tries to do the same. After it all it ends up going to chaos.
    At first i thought it may not have been that good, but after all it was pretty good.

    I heard this was a really good movie from a review, so i went and watched it. This was really entertaining, the story kept me focused the entire time. It's a story of this high school girl who gets killed, and eventually just a trail through all the people at the school to the bottom of it. Really was a fun thriller.

    This i didnt even know existed for the longest time, but it looked pretty cool gui so i got it. It basically is a story of a bunch of math and a man who is overly obsessive but makes a breakthrough. The story wasnt the best, but it actually was pretty interesting with all it's content.

    This was pretty similar to Vantage Point. The story was about a series of crimes that all happen at 11:14, and eventually you get to find out the full story. It was quite intresting, but nothing too groundbreaking or changing. Just a good movie.

    The AmericanSo this looked somewhat interesting, with George Clooney being all George Clooney n ****. ****ing boring story, which it barely even had. It had really no climax or interesting parts at all, just a random story of an arms dealer. Bad.
    #32 Orange, Sep 8, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  13. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    The Dark Knight, or Predators were my favorites. I also liked The Pacifier :)P) and a few AVP movies...
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Two most recent movies I've watched:

    Patch Adams - A couple of witty jokes here and there...good movie IMO.

    Kindergarten Cop
    - Pass.
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I don't see new movies very often. Most of what I watch is new dvd releases. Here's a few I recommend...

    - Ip Man (The Legend of Yip Man) - story about one of Bruce Lee's martial arts instructors. Some kick ass fight scenes if you're into martial arts flicks.

    - Leap Year - I don't know what it is about Amy Adams, but I just have the hots for her. More or less a movie to watch with a date, since it's a romantic comedy.

    - Date Night - This movie didn't turn out at all what I expected... kind of an action comedy, which is strange to say considering the stars of this movie.

    - Kick-Ass - All I heard about this movie was about the young girl's language and was kinda turned off. This movie actually lived up to it's name and glad I gave in and watched it. Gotta love a superhero comedy loosely based on a bunch of vigilantes like Batman.

    Another movie I recommend...

    - Equilibrium - Christian Bale stars in this futuristic movie that features loads of kick ass gun fight scenes.

    Not a whole lot listed here. Decent new movies are hard to come by. Most of what I watch now are tv series.
  16. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Oh my god I see you missed the point on most of those movies. rofl

    No fault of your own, but goddamn.
  17. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I just watched An Education last night. Very nice...

    The twist was average but surprising, and I can't believe I didn't see it coming.
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I watched Superman Batman: Apocalypse last night. It is good, don't get me wrong, but it's also really disappointing as someone who's read the graphic novel this animated movie is "based off". It was disappointing to see the creators not take any initiative in re-telling the story. The story in the comics was called Superman Batman: Supergirl and that's really what the movie should have been called, or even just Supergirl. People talk about movies being faithful to their source material, this was pretty much exactly how it was in the comic; page for page, it did nothing to change it and nothing to improve it. But because of the strong use of internal monologues in the comic, the movie falls far behind.

    Superman Batman: Apocalypse - C+

    If you haven't read the comic and you've enjoyed DC's animated line-up thus far, then I'd recommend Superman Batman: Apocalypse. If you've read the comic and want to relive the story again, then watch it.
  19. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Shame this thread isn't as active as I personally want it to be.

    Recent movies I've watched, let's see...

    Despicable Me
    - Agnes <3 LOL

    - As stated by Orange...Mind. F*ck.
    - Executed very nicely despite the limited characters and setting.

    Resident Evil: Afterlife
    - A disgrace to zombie movies, in my own honest opinion.
  20. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Has anyone seen Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole yet?


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