I think I found a cave, but it is just night so it could just be the darkness of thew world. EDIT: It was a cave filled with skeletons.
I think I might buy Minecraft. Is their a tutorial or something or do they just throw you into the world?
Probably hit a dungeon. Just watch a video and you can catch on very fast. I suggest watching either Seananners or David64yt.
Seconded. Definitely watch david. I'll link you to it. YouTube - X098 - X's Adventures in Minecraft - 001 - Shelter from the Black of Night
Minecraft. I dug a cave and made some lovely french doors then installed a workbench and am going to make a storage facility.
Rented the Orange Box today. So far I'm not diggin' it, it takes way to damn long just to shoot somebody to death, and there's no balanced medium class with just like an assault rifle. I'm liking the Scouts speed, or using the Spy.