This map has some of the best gameplay I've seen. The defending team has a huge base made from scratch, with a tunnel, 2 Mongooses, a sniper spot, and 4 turrets. The attacking team has several Man Cannons, and next to them are Fusion Coils, hence the name Bambardment. They also have a small-fry base. The BIG base also has a secret room that's pretty easy to find the entrance, but pretty hard to get to it Map Link SCREENSHOTS: Big Base Rocket Launcher Tunnel & Mongooses Active Camo Small Base
Yeah sorry to rain on your parade, but you need to embed your pictures. Also, not to be rude, but I looked at your screenshots and I don't see how you can have fun on this map.
I speak for the in-game gameplay. I played some Slayer on this with 3 of my friends and it was awesome. Don't judge a map by its screenshots. I admit, IDK HOW TO EMBEDZRZ :Z
embed screenshots if you don't know then read how to post your map sticky in the forums home page and please change the title of your post to the maps name only which is bombardment
thats a lot of help dude anyway see the link in my signature (this) if you need anymore help send me a pm (i might be gone tonight there is a tornado in my area!!)
aight im sorry but if you embed straight from bungie it don't work. try using photobucket. I find that that works the best. good luck.