I think I might have on somewhere... Idk but I do have some other shinies to trade I just need to get my ds
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Which game are you playing? All games give away Eevee, so theoretically you could Save Reset for one until it's shiny. It takes a while, but that's one way you can do it.
Ive translated some of them with google translater,its still pretty dumb. I know its the japanese games.
I'll ask my Japanese speaking friends what some of their names literally mean, if they are just mumbo-jumbo. Example: Pachirisu in Japanese - Pachi = Electric; Risu = Squirrel. Pachirisu = Electric Squirrel. The English names'll probably make more sense to us, no worries.
Yeah, if you go to the bulbapedia page for a pokemon, it will tell you the Japanese name and the literal translation at the top, and most of the time its pretty lame.
So if anyone hasn't noticed, Serebii.net has just released images of the starters evolutions. Nintendo, I am disappoint. Still going to buy it though. NOTE: Serebii have said that there is a slight chance that they are fake.
Grass one is bad ass, the others are horrible. In fact, there are all horrible in terms of design, but I guess after 4 different regions...
I think they're fine, with the exception of the fire one. If he ends up being fire/fighting, I not be very happy.
When compared to previous regions starters, they all look terrible. Considering my expectations for bad ass looking starters were extremely low already, I'm impressed with the grass and water evolutions. Like everyone else though, the fire starter is terrible. Definitely won't be choosing the fire starter now.
The fire one looks set up to be fire fighting currently, which makes me believe they might be fake, and if it is, I am abandoning fire completely, it's plain ridiculous that 3 generations are fire fighting while the other two get to have much different type combinations. I can't really tell what water is supposed to be, but it does look pretty cool
I thought the water type would look alot different than that (that's if they turn out to be real). I like how it looks now though so I'm not too disappointed. If these pokemon get dual types my guess of what they'll be is: Fire type- Fire/Fighting (hope not) Water type- Water/Ice Grass type- Grass/Psychic (?) I'm not too sure on the grass ones second type but from the looks of it Psychic fits.
Grass/Dragon would be awesome. So I'm currently training up my team to higher levels so I actually have a chance when I face Red. Current team: Blastoise level 53 -Aqua Tail -Bite -Surf -Water Pulse Arcanine level 60 -Fire Fang -Flamethrower -Crunch -Flame Wheel Aerodactyl level 54 -Crunch -Iron Head (replacing with Stealth Rock) -Fly -Rock Slide Electabuzz level 58 -Shock Wave -Rock Climb (needed to get to Red) -Thunderbolt -Discharge I'm pretty happy with what I've got. I've been tempted to swap Electabuzz for my Shiny Luxio that I've got over on my Diamond but I don't really want to spend more time training up another pokemon. I also plan to evolve the Electabuzz once I get an Electrilizor. On the topic of Black & White, some Japanese reviewers gave it a perfect score of 40/40. Best score they've given a Pokemon game released for the DS.
I don't know if they'd do Grass/Dragon because that would make grass's final evo having normal effectiveness to it's "counterpart"
Once again, Serebii.net has released info for the legendaries. Once again, Serebii have noted that there is a chance this could be false but it is very unlikely. [*]There are 156 new Pokémon within this generation; 153 within normal gameplay and further 3 event Pokémon (#647, #648 & #649) that will be distributed in a manner similar to Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus in the previous generation [*]In regards to a few numbers and details; #633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain #638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary #639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary #640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary #641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary #642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary Reshiram is to be #643 Zekrom is to be #644 #645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary #646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary #647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary #648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary #649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary [*]In Hiun City, the boats will take you to various islands. So I'd say #638 to #640 are the three side legendary pokemon. Similar to Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit from DPP, or the Regis from Ruby and Sapphire. I'm liking the types for the legendary pokemon so far. The pure flying type pokemon sounds nice. From what I know it's first of it's kind. Hopefully they don't look retarded, but then again I'm not expecting much. Serebii.net have also just released pictures of new pokemon. It's worth taking a look at, even though they aren't that great in my opinion, some look pretty stupid. If anyone else has seen the bull pokemon. I'll be pissed if that thing has anything to do with Tauros.