3-1 FB in the series, what was that about Instinct, Landil? . Agreed with your above post though, Pistola is just insane. Sick double no scope on Pit and the exterm on Heretic. That's why he's mah boy.
Pistola was backpackin those other scrubs on FB. He'll get tired and lose the championship, watch. (Does this forum not have a tongue sticking out smiley? That's retarded.)
Seriously guys? Lunchbox is busy yelling "I'M NOT GONNA GET THIS!" and Roy+Cloud stand next to each other and get stuck instead of putting in the flag? Something wrong with this team, big time.
Yeah, I gotta agree. But I think Instinct have just yet to shake off the loss against FB. I reckon the series is long enough for them to rally back and win, potentially. I can't call this series tbh, TD are looking fantastic, this is literally the first time I've liked Neighbor's play as a part of his team since he left Str8. But then Instinct are still clearly a massive force to be reckoned with. This is gonna be a great LBF if I'm any judge, as long as TD don't manage to keep Instinct from getting their momentum back and just roll to victory, which there is a chance of tbh.
Cloud's BR doesn't seem to be quite on, and against slayers like Neighbor and Hysteria (and right now, Best Man too tbh) you can't rely on Roy alone. This series is not looking good for Instinct right now if you ask me, TD have already won this game if I'm any judge, and coming out of a 2-0 hole against a cool, calm and collected TD is a monumental task. But if anyone can do it, it's Instinct. Anyone know what the next 3 gametypes are? EDIT: looks like I spoke too soon as per usual, Instinct rally right back and it's pretty close now. I'm sticking with TD to win the game though. 2nd EDIT: . It's taken him 2 years, but Neighbor is actually good again.
That whole entire game watching TD's perspective, I saw TD guys encounter Instinct guys at close range, and the TD guy lays down a 4-5 shot and walks away with half shields. This is not good Halo out of Instinct.
Not really watching it, he playing good in the stat ***** type of style that he exemplifies or is he actually playing with his team for the first time since H3 came out?
That's Shockwave, I think he's joined the crew permanently now which is great, he's really good at it. Stat ***** =/= good, that was my point. But to be fair to him, his initial run on Str8 was him actually playing good, ie. doing well and playing as a valuable part of the team, hence me saying that it's the first time since he left Str8.
Oh, cool. I saw the article where he was hired in a writer/analyst position, didn't know he was commentating too. Yeah, he's pretty good at it but he doesn't seem to have the personality or the chemistry that Gandhi/Puckett have though. First event, he'll get better.
Agreed, but imo he seems way more comfortable than Gandhi did in his first event which offers more promise. Idk about personality though, I kinda like his cool and informative persona, though I agree it isn't as fluid with the other two as it could be. Still, I think having half of Classic Carbon up there is cool enough in itself, they're already starting to play off each other in terms of strategic commentary, to the extent where sometimes Puckett has a hard time interjecting lol. EDIT: HORRID bloodsplat from Hysteria's sniper, got I hate it when Fragtality is right.
I think so, but I have this nagging feeling that Classic got second at the first event, which would mean they were in the finals. Didn't they get 2nd at '09 Champs, then second again first event '10? But then I was also sure that Totz era FB got second. Confused face. Me neither. However, I do have a problem with thread title edit fails when I tried a cheeky title switch.
Elamite Pistola and FiS are the only ones who seem to be enjoying themselves lol. Super serious faces are super serious.
I would join and make it Pegasis, Landnils and LDs MLG discussion thread, but I can't watch it, the stream is down for 1 minute, then I'm able to watch 5 seconds, after that I have to wait one minute and so on ...