I am on my journey in the world of pokemon! I had figured out my recording program wasn't recording when I had got my Mankey and I do not feel ike restarting so we start from there. First vid is up: YouTube- Flash's Pokemon Yellow Nuzlocke Run (Vid... Tell me what you think of the vid, and what I could do to imrpove it or make it funnier. My Current Roster: Luzzy-Lvl 7 (Pikachu) Yugzy-Lvl 3 (Mankey) Mugga-Lvl 3 (Rattata) Bugzy-Lvl 3 (Caterpie) Character Name: Lost Rival Name: TheGame
Isn't there a rule that you cannot go on the same route twice? And that if a pokemon can learn a new move it has to?
I don't know... And AGamer, seeing as this isn't about pokemon general discussion it woulld be in this thread. If it were posted in General discussion it wouldn't be the same. That thread is about Pokemon in General and this is about something much more specific. If it is truly posted in the wrong place then just lock it.
Alrighty man then I guess it's cool. Make your rivals name somewhere along the lines of EFG, cocks, wimin, *****, etc. You should be cool gui.
I just started a Nuzlocke on my FireRed. Started with a Squirtle, named Chuck. I havn't even beat Brock and I have already lost 2 pokemon. My two pokemon left are Squirtle and Pikachu(I jizzed myself when he was the first pokemon in the Viridian Forest.
Thanks for the rulebook, but I'm gunna play as the community of Xforgery has. Also update: Check the OP for Vid #1 and updates on team roster.