Ok, this is the second map I've made in SkecthUp, and the first I've posted so any helpful critism would be appriciated. Anyway back to the map. This is V2 of the map which I decided to name Exit Path (Thanks to frog on stilts) I made this map earlier today without any plan and I think it turned out quite well. Exit Path V1 Spoiler Well here it is. As you can see there are to main bases with lots of walkways in between. And a view from above. You can see more of the walkways from here. (I not sure if I should put banshees on the landing pads or snipers???)(There will be rockets in the middle). This photo shows the various levels the walkways are on. And finnaly a view from inside one of the bases. Exit Path V2 (Look at V1 first as this is only changes) Spoiler This is an overview of V2 (you can see the new bases. This is one of the new bases. (Two Jet Pack AA's will spawn in the lower corners under the cover things.) This pic shows the new drop down hole into one of the bases and the bomb/flag capture point. This shows the bomb spawn point (bottom middle) (The flags spawn in the bases) Well, thats it if you think I need more pictures.
Looks good! If I were building it, I'd add two more structures on the sides, for the sake of cover and respawning. For names... Exit Path? Travelogue?
Nice looking map man! The Good: Map looks nice. There seems to be plenty of paths for someone to take and with the many levels, people cannot complain about strafing a lot, because they can just jump to the lower level like in Black-out. With the new ability of Jet-packing, getting up is just as easy. The two bases are simple yet functional. I can see this small 4-6 player map being a helluva lotta fun with people jumping all around. The Bad: I would say that the lines of sight may be problematic. You may want to just add some cover here and there. It would make the very open arena of ramps seem a little more manageable to stay in and fight in. Else, people will be just trying to run to the high ground or get inside a base (IMHO). The Unknown: I am a little indecisive about the direct path on the 2nd floor of the bases to each-other. It could possibly ruin the map for CTF/Assault variants if that is something you were looking into, due to the proximity of the bases. All it would take is one set of bad spawn times and one team could destroy the other. That being said, that could also be the saving grace, making this map very have a very competitive, fast paced style of play that I happen to love. Other than a bit of cover, I would suggest adding a hole in the roof of each base so that going to that top perch has an easy way out. I think a bit of cover and a roof hole would make this small, yet complex map, a popular hit.
Thanks for that, I am currently making a V2 as I said above with to more bases, so I'll think about adding a hole in the roof and I will defintly add more cover on the top more exposed paths.
No go on the other buildings i say. Reason is u already wasted your 50 walls. You should have used wall collisium for the sides.
Pack that **** and send it off Magic! The version 2 looks amazing. I say this is as good as you can make the map without making it cluttered and more confusing. I'm glad you took everyone's suggestions into account. Fantastic job! I can't wait to play on this map.
It looks great, but with all the verticality and convoluted paths, it would be hard to navigate with anything other than a jetpack. With a few more connecting ramps to get from one path to another this could work much better. Other than that your map looks great.
Nice map. It should give advance to jet packs, but other armor abilities useful too. Like in Sword Base. And I think it's not hard to navigate trough map.