Using the race gametype silly. well thats a load of crap @ vip being removed (load of crap as in..MOTHER ****ERS!)
DAMMIT!!! there goes my plans on making a Complicated Strategic Hostage Map D: Not making it in halo 3 take to long and don't wanna waste time I could be thinking about Reach
Well If VIP is not in reach anymore I will find some way to make infection or race work for escort type games.
Hm if its there or not, I don't really care. VIP made some great customs but the standard game in MM was my least favorite (next to territories)
...what if there is a Slayer option to add in "VIPs per team" and then you can change the point value from 0 points per person and 1 per VIP kill. There you go, its possible. Second, its funny to see people miss something that they never played until its gone. It was only removed from matchmaking for being vetoed too much and now is only in Rocket Race and Multi Team...
VIP was not removed from matchmaking. Only One-Sided VIP was. And personally, I think even that would have worked out fantastic in MM if only they had cut the round time down by one minute.
Okay, but it was removed from Ranked Big Team and never put into Social Big Team when Ranked was replaced with Squad Battle. The only place you can find VIP anymore is when you play Social Skirmish with a 1.5% chance of getting it + skipped after veto and Multi Team with an 8.5% chance. An incredibly rare occurrence to get the game (mostly talking about Social Skirmish) + without it being vetoed (like it normally is) when it actually does come up is pretty much the same thing as being removed from matchmaking. Don't get me wrong, I love playing VIP and wouldn't veto it in matchmaking. I personally would like to see it make a return in Reach and have a bigger role in Halo 3 matchmaking, but from what I have played, many people veto it when they see it and it seems like most of the Halo community doesn't like it in matchmaking.
1. VIP was still in Social Big Team. Out of many games, I only played one there ever where I became VIP while I was AFK in a corner eating dinner. I came back and we were winning 5-0. (I'm sure it was after Ranked Big Team because it had been removed by that time.) 2. The point of VIP was for custom games which it worked well for, Bungie should have just left it out of matchmaking.
I don't mind losing VIP in matchmaking, BUT WHY IN CUSTOMS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111one