What kind of Spartans are those in reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wood Wonk, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    I know theyre all supposed to be spartan IIIs except jorge, but all the Alpha company S-IIIs died during operation prometheus, all of beta company died during operation torpedo except tom and lucy, and the gamma company spartan IIIs were like 13 years old during the fall of reach, and on b.net it has noble teams birthdays as all in the 2520s. and im pretty sure some if not all of them (jun and kat and emile at least) are wearing MJOLNIR armor, while i was under the impression that the spartan IIIs wore SPI armor. am i missing something or are they just completely disregarding canon for the game? i dont really care if they are, i was just wondering.
    #1 Wood Wonk, Aug 28, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    The Books =/= The Halo story.
    I read that somewhere.

    Bungie is the only people that you can believe for the story of Halo.
  3. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    I think I read in a book that there's more specialized groups of Spartan-III's who get to have better armor and equipment and stuff. They also get to test out experimental stuff.

    I'm thinking they're part of that group, because even in the 'A Spartan will rise' vi-doc thing Halsey said that carter 'turned noble team into more than just a group of Spartans'. More after that, with the fact that the special guys field test experimental stuff, aren't they the only Spartan-III's you've heard of with armor abilities?
  4. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    We'll, they're canon until Bungie makes a new game at least. Besides, the authors of the books worked very closely with Bungie in regards to story and in the case of Contact Harvest, was even written by Joe Staten of Bungie. That aside, I take the books stories as canon but expect some of the details to be off. I think this is one of those cases where the universe is evolving and the story changes to accommodate new games. An example would be like in first set of books, in particular, The Fall of Reach, there is no mention of Brutes as a known covenant race until First Strike when in Contact Harvest, there's Brutes instead of Elites.

    As for Nobel Team, I was reading up and it appears they were all pulled from various other Spartan-III Companies. It seems that Carter, Emile and Jun were all pulled from Alpha Company before Operation: Prometheous because Kurt and Mendez saw them as too valuble to send on suicide missions because they had the same genetic markers used for selecting Spartan-IIs. Kat and Nobel 6 were pulled from Beta Company for the same reasons as Carter, Emile and Jun before Beta's Operation:TORPEDO.

    I think you're a bit confused on where the Nobel Spartans come from, leading to the wrong assumption about age. Yes, Gamma company would only be around 13 during the fall of Reach but none of Nobel Team came from Gamma company, just Alpha and Beta. Both of which put the members of Nobel in the correct age range.

    With regards to them using MJOLNIR instead of SPI; the reason is since they'd come back from so many impossible missions, it was decided that they could spend the extra money to give a team such as Nobel the more expensive, and better, MJOLNIR. An other reason could be that because they have the same genetic markers as the Spartan-IIs, they have the ability to better utilize MJOLNIR than any of the other Spartan-IIIs. Of course, this is all conjecture on my part seeing as all I can find about it was they were given MJOLNIR to use in 2551.

    Bungie isn't disregarding Canon. Everything about how the Spartans of Nobel team were alive when everyone else in their companies died is explained in Ghosts of Onyx. They are trying their best to stay within established canon but If there are discrepancies, it's all because the Halo universe is an ever expanding universe. Facts can and will change.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Highly unlikely, at the time of the Fall of Reach, Kurt Tom and Lucy are training Gama on Onyx (correct me if thats the wrong company) they don't even know Reach has fallen till Halsey shows up and they enter the Dyson Sphere.

    And them having lighter tougher MJOLNIR armor makes sense, they could in no way carrier Mark V like the MC Kelly Kurt etc did it was too heavy and i think almost every S III didn't go through the same bone augmentation the S II's did. The reason the Spartans from Torpedo operation died is cause they had camo SPI armor, which im assuming is because they can't wear MJOLNIR or any other heavy armor due to the wrong augmentations.
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    no i was saying that i know none of them are from gamma, i was saying the age thing as evidence to why they are not gammas.

    and i just read on the halopedia thing about how they were pulled from their companies before the suicide missions. i guess bungie just came up with that for the sake of reach's story. which is perfectly fine, im not trying to sound like im complaining about it. but bungie definitely added that just for this game, cause i was just re-reading ghosts of onyx earlier today and it definitely said that 300 spartans (lol get the allusion?) graduated from the beta company training, and it definitely said that all 300 of them participated in operation torpedo and only tom and lucy survived.
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    The authors were given the halo encyclopedia by bungie to write the halo books so I'm pretty sure they are accurate with the story. Theres no need to fake anything.
  8. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Guess I misread what you said with regards to age, or just took it the wrong way. As for them adding being taken out, it's been a while since I've read the books myself. It's actually the next book I have to read in my "re-read Halo before Reach" marathon I'm on. If it actually is how you say, I'd like to see where and what changed it.

    Whatever. Everything about Spartans if vague in the books. It's hard to tell what does and does not break canon.
  9. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    They are all Spartan-IIIs, except for Jorge, who is a Spartan-II like Master Chief.
    #9 jameslieb1, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    yeah we get that lol, the topic is really who is Nobel team and are they regular S III's or not, im going to say not they are high value asset Spartans.
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    They have the same Mark V MJOLNIR armor as the spartan IIs. its not that the spartan IIIs couldnt use it, its just that the SPI armor was much cheaper, and the MJOLNIR armor was too expensive. the IIIs were supposed to be cheaper, disposable versions of the spartan IIs. they were supposed to die, the UNSC ofiicers knew they were sending them on suicide mission to bide the rest of humanity time. The spartan IIIs had the same, if not better physical augmentation as the IIs. The MJOLNIR armor does all the work, its connected to the spartans' brain/neural systems. the spartans actual bodies could never move inside it if it was just on them like normal clothes or whatever. NOBLE team just got the mark V armor cause theyre special.
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    They are spartan IIIs that were at the top of their pack and were seperated because I guess sending them on a suicide mission seemed a waste. They were given spartan II equipment to help them to succeed and because they could.

    But in the end, they are still spartan III's (except jorge)

    The bioaugmentations (**** spelling that) differed. Some things were enhanced, like resistance to shock and some others I can't remember. However, this is the part that made them expendable. Even if they didn't die in battle, they would have short life spans. I would say it wasn't as good as spartan IIs because if you remember, kelly destroyed the one sneaking up on here and she was faster and had better reflexes. Also, to quote kurt when the rest of blue team showed up on onyx, he said something like "Now with blue team, we might have a chance to take the fight to the drones and enter zone 67" implying he couldn't have with teh spartan IIIs.
    #12 DimmestBread, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  13. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    reading ghosts of onyx, it seems like the spartan II were better because of their armor and their natural genetics. The spartan IIIs seem like they got the same bioaugmentations plus more, like the thing that altered their brain and made them keep fighting when any other person would be dead already. but the spartan IIs had better genetics, as in even before the augmentations they were the fastest, quickest, or strongest humans by genetics. the spartan IIIs were genetically inferior because they had less of selection, i think they only used orphans whose family was killed by the covenant instead of kidnapping all the best they find.
  14. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Meh they left clones in there places, and its not just the neural part that makes the Mark V MJOLNIR armor work. Remember a marine tried wearing the armor and he could move it but the sheer weight broke his shoulder, the bone augmentation is what makes the Spartan II's able to wear, there structure is strong enough to support it where as the Spartan III's being cheaper they won't have the same augmentations because as you said there expendable.
  15. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    the spartan IIIs got the same bone augmentations. kurt goes through them in ghosts of onyx. he talks about making their bones nearly indestructible, increasing muscle density, improving vision, improving reflexes and speed, and then the new stuff he added for gamma company like the thing that changes their brain to make them keep fighting when a normal person would have already been dead. the spartans in reach dont have this though, they arent gammas, so they got the same augs as the spartan IIs. and noble teams armor is the same mark V armor as the spartan IIs, except they got to pick out pretty colors for some reason instead of the pale green. the only things that made the other spartan IIIs expendable was the cheap armor, the shorter training time, and the larger number of them being trained.

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