You kidding me? Their bot catching techniques absolutely SUCK. I get more banned by myself and my magic bot magnets. If you're a member head into the northern chaos tunnels and check out the by the green dragons. Bring a water rune. Drop it right outside the portal. Report the fifty or so players that all run for the rune and get stuck.
It was a conspiracy. I don't even recall half of the things in the evidence, and it's totally unfair to wait and then ban you for several things at once. Some of the things i'd 'said' counted as 2 or 3 seperate offences, and i ended up getting 15.3 black marks out of 10, in a day. I appealed and got them all erased, but my mates been using it and got it banned for autoing. It had a good life though.
How much do you have by now? --- 17k more exp till 44 runecrafting. I started at 1, and its cost me 450k so far ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ANyone up for runescape join my clan, my username is Maxilos7, just join the chat and we will play. Im on world 35, also DOUBLE EXP WEEKEND!