300% speed + 50% gravity + 300% jump height + Sprint = jumping across the canyon in one leap. I know what I'm doing at 12:30 AM on September 14th :v
Well, you can add a teleporter to each section, and spawn a sender to the node that is in the area that you want's channel. Although, that seems much funner ^_^
No. Don't use sprint. Use evade. If you jump at the end of evade you actually go even further than sprint.
This is an awesome thread. I'll just be setting up a teleporter system canvas, deleting what I don't need when I create maps in certain areas.
Personally, I would take infinite jetpack, then I could make an epic journey across the sea! Climb up onto the rock, then straight up into the coliseum.
When Reach comes out, we should have a contest who can get through the map quickest. Maybe from the end of the Canyon to the Island to the Coliseum? No specification, use any armor ability or vehicle?
Thats a brilliant idea. I can add it to something i mentioned a while ago. Top secret stuff, hush hush. But please don't organize one yourself <3
Or, the boring way; load the cleared map they're putting on the disk. Personally, HIH style sound the most fun.
Did you guys not get that i liked the idea too? And that there is actually something planned that this will go great with? -_-
(Thats it guys, keep acting like yoyo doesn't matter and s/he will blab the whole thing!) anyways, this does sound fun =)
that competition does sound kinda cool. and if it worked well i think we should make more forge world race cometition's. Kinda like with the caption contest. just upload the map variant and gametype People could then just link the theater video in their post along with their time. and it's not like you would have to watch all of them. just watch the best times first until you find a legit one (were people didnt lie) And to prevent people from lying you could ban them from all future races if they give a fake time. It would also be a good idea i think to maybe somehow hide other peoples posts from everyone else, just so that everyone isnt trying to copy exactly what the guy with the best time is. otherwise youll have a bunch of people with like half second differences lol. For the first competition, just to try it out, you could just use a blank forge world with a start and finish line, you could give people lot's of different vehicles and armor ability choices so they would have to experiment to figure out which way is the fastest. Edit:Better yet just give people the choice between jetpack or sprint and thats it. that would keep it as simple as possible and would allow for alot of different routes people end up taking. People hold mini things like this on their obstacle maps all the time. but holding one periodically on the front page would be way better because their would be alot of participant's. it would also be easy to come up with a custom title for the winner.
sign me up for this competition and if Death yoyo is doing something well try to make the thing before the set up competitions but ya SIGN ME THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you want to move around fast? I will walk all the way from one side of forgeworld to the other side, everytime, to hike a little bit and explore the landscape, also !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! -.-