What Map Ideas Do You Have For Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spawn of Saltine, Jul 23, 2010.


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  1. Alucard

    Alucard Forerunner

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    Wow, somehow this managed to surprise me. Normally I'm always thinking of recreating maps from other games, but not this time. But good times in that castle, can't see it as being an awesome map game play-wise but it should look really cool if you're playing it.
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I actually have a similar idea for Endor, but the entire thing would take place on the ground... and it would be a generator defense type of game. Create a main entrance, and then a back entrance into the complex like the one the Rebels used on RotJ. The complex can consist of various levels with a generator located on each one.

    I'm also considering a complete revamp of my Hoth Planet map as an Invasion game type or generator defense. I'll remake some AT-ATs and maybe AT-STs and make some trenches for the rebels to fight from. Throw in some Tie-Fighters ( Banshees ) and Snowspeeders ( Hornets ) for stage 1. Once the generator is down, the Empire can then assault the Rebel Base.
    #442 MaxSterling, Aug 28, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  3. Vitreosity

    Vitreosity Forerunner

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    I've had a few crazy ideas in mind, but so far I'm sticking with my current number one priority; a competitive map I've made called Misoneism.

    Essentially a map that can be played as two completely different maps depending on whether it's asymmetric or symmetric.

    Some other projects I've thought up include a race track that takes you through ALL of Forge World; with some nice scenery and cool jumps, hell maybe even some pieces made of the rock.

    Another one is but a concept currently. I've seen some talk about this, but wouldn't it be cool if you could rotate the MAP itself? For instance, one center piece, with some power weapons, or an objective - but when the map is rotating, trying to get there from certain places changes depending on the current degree the map is on. Think of this - A map where the Hill is right in the middle. There's four pathways of getting there, on two different levels. Only two out of the four get access to the hill at one point; the other two only go to a wall or something along those lines. You've just fought your way through to get the rocket launcher, and all of a sudden, the map rotates, making the path to get to the hill longer for you because you need to find your way to a route that has access to a hill!
  4. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    Yeah, but is that even possible? Remember, we don't have "moving" pieces, unless you use multiple man cannons with objects set to "Normal" physics...
  5. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    i wanna do a construct remake but that maybe hard due to the lack of tube lifts.
  6. bigjaywara

    bigjaywara Ancient
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    I'm going to make a large expansive race course but since you can now tele vehicles and they seem to maintain momentum, I want to make teleporters along the track, some teleporting you upside down, into spiral sections, and maybe even some underwater areas.

    So essentially, the map would consist of a bunch of pieces of track and the teleporters would link them. Also I'd add some traps and nice scenery (apart from the gorgeous ness of forge world itself already)
    #446 bigjaywara, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  7. TsumiyaUra

    TsumiyaUra Forerunner

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    This is for all the experienced forgers it came to me in a dream =)

    WHAT IF someone re built something like the pillar of autumn in forge world and set up the game so that elites would patrol certain areas and the other team(Spartans) would have to advance similar to invasion style =)

    It would really add something new to the multiplayer experience and of course this could probably be done with other campaign levels.

    Of course this wouldnt work in most cases due to the budget but im sure playing sections of halo CE, halo 2 and halo 3 campaign levels in multiplayer fashion would be a great way to enjoy reach ^^
  8. zack2014

    zack2014 Forerunner

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    lolz I am gonna build somethin like the POA but prob elongated and vert walls in the middle for a couple hangars for falcons and maybe banshees as shortswords. but it will have a bunch of stuff in it
  9. TsumiyaUra

    TsumiyaUra Forerunner

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    I am very happy to see someone will try my idea =)

    Do your best work ^.^
  10. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    I want to remake my Treehouse Idea, build tree like things, put bases in them. Put a colored base where there are bases now in hemmorage, then add a few 'trees' mixed intermingled. Perhaps so a jetpacking player can bound from tree limb to tree limb from base to base, making a multi tiered kind of game.
    In conjuntion to the treehouse idea is one where I add a host of tree like things throughout the map, making a type of jungle. Then giving spartans a falcon or two and armed infected where they blend into the background (poor Camo) make a Vietnam styled game.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    Reach Invasion Idea

    I havent really been paying attention to this thread so sorry if somebody already came up with something similar.

    Attackers have one guy on a goose and the rest try to capture the territories to make the one way doors go away so that the mongoose can continue on the track.*

    The defenders try to hold off the attackers for as long as they can, slowing down the mongooses progression through the track.

    The track is set up as to make it toware the mongoose will have to run the track at a decent time to make it to the power core in enough time to score. As said before, the defenders can slow the mongooses run by holding off the attackers for a good amount of time.

    I was thinking in the last round both teams would spawn in separate "observing" rooms with snipers and watch to see if he and his teammates did well enough to get to the core on time.

    I'm not sure if this will be SvE or only spartans or what. I also don't really have a clue as to what the map or racetrack are going to look like other than them being on forge world. I might have to use the canyon for some part of the map as to save budget as this is going to be a fairly large map.

    This is going to require some hardcore testing to get the timing right so that it is a challenge for the racer, so pm me if you are at all interested.*
  12. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    I'm going to do a sinking ship. The angled(will be titled on both y and x axises) and leveled gameplay should be fun, and the water is right there for me!
  13. scottie fing R

    scottie fing R Forerunner

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    I'm a sonic the hedgehog fanatic, so I want to make racetracks based off of levels from his games. For example, Green Hill Zone racetrack, Egg Fleet racetrack, Metropolis zone racetrack, etc... If anyone has any interest in helping, please message me.
    #453 scottie fing R, Sep 1, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  14. XtheXmonsterX

    XtheXmonsterX Forerunner
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    My plans for Reach are as follows:

    Step 1: Buy Halo: Reach
    Step 2: Put game in Xbox 360
    Step 3: Build epic ForgeHub worthy map
    Step 4: ???
    Step 5: Profit
  15. Jazake

    Jazake Forerunner

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    Da Pit

    An infection gametype.
    So there is gonna be a big hallow pillar going up maybe like 450 yards. and its about 50 yards in diameter. 1 alpha starts at the bottom with max overshield (but doesn't regenerate), grav-ham, and sword, ala Fat Kid. He also gets a jet pack. At the top of the pillar, the humans look down into hole, and attempt to kill the alpha as he works his way up. They get unlimited Grenades and a few rockets/snipers. The zombie works his way up by jumping/jetpacking from various platforms around sides and center of the pillar, each with dif rewards. (ie. Drop sheilds, deployable cover ect.) If the humans kill him they win. If he gets to the top, the humans have nowhere to run but the briney sea below, and if they all die, the Alpha is the winner.
    #455 Jazake, Sep 2, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  16. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    That seems like a very biased gametype, unless you make the Alpha near-invincible. In fact, I can't see that working very well at all (and I've played Fat Kid, so I know how this thing works).
  17. Jazake

    Jazake Forerunner

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    The Alpha WOULD be near-invincible (depending on how high shields can go) and its not like he would be under constant fire, as there are multiple areas over cover. (ie under the platforms above him). That is why his sheild dont regen. IDK it still needs polishing but I think it could be fun to have a bunch of people play. not very competitive. similar to Trash-compactor or Hurricane Katrina.
  18. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    Well, I'd be happy to help you test it. Just add me (you can obviously see my gamertag so I don't need to explain that to ya any futher).
  19. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Forerunner

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    I r making dedigns of many many forge world maps, sniper maps, close range, both together, territories, flags, etc. Some are: infinite, a symmetrical remake of narrows, edge gulch, a map on the cliffs of blood gulch, and one called city siege, invasion in a city. Also fun games like one called backline, with only long range heavy weaponry, a map with turrets surrounded by falcobs and banshees and SLzers, practically a map for everything , for everyone. Youll all love them...:D An elevator territories game, a teleporter sniper game, a man,cannon game...etc PS i wont be revealing any more for now 4 security and plagerism. Ill make them and post here the whole list when i finish them. Possibly more than one map per forge world. I cabt wait. Add me, GT same as name
  20. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    This isn't a map idea but after watching bungie's latest videos of countdown and boardwalk which included the gametypes, headhunter and SWAT I thought why not combine the two? Its nothing revolutionary but I think it might make for a fast-paced entertaining game.
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