Sandbox Deserted 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by T4K Shadow, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Deserted 2

    Deserted is back!...A Year after the first.

    Creator - T4K Shadow
    Base Map - Sandbox (Default)
    Gametypes - Cops & Robbers (Strictly)
    Players - 2 - 16

    Many of you newer members may not remember my old Deserted map, it became a huge hit on Youtube reaching in over 30,000 views and over 7,000 downloads, and now it's back!
    Hopefully you're here because you are interested in my map, and if then please watch this video to see what the map looks like.

    YouTube - Halo 3 Deserted 2

    Deserted 2 must be played with the Desert Hiding 2 gametype, as it's the only way this map will function correctly, it will also help make playing on this map as enjoyable as possible. Desert Hiding 2 is a Cops & Robbers variant, but customized to aid Deserted 2, small things such as colours, last man traits, and vehicle traits.
    I do not have pictures for this map as I cannot get onto my xbox at this time, I will hopefully get some either today or tomorrow, and unless the rules have changed here then this thread is still complying with them because it contains a video and a description, so please don't spam this thread with "Post pics plz or this willl get lockz0rd", thanks.

    For the "Cops" to win they must kill all the prisoners, but they can only kill them under certain conditions;
    Prisoner tried to escape
    Prisoner tried to kill a guard
    Prisoner wasn't obeying commands

    For the "Prisoners" to win they must escape the confines of the prison anyway they can, be it out of secret exits, or simply tricking a guard and walking straight out the front door. Once outside they must hide and survive the 4 minute time limit. Obviously Cops & RObbers requires honor rules but most people know them and will play along.

    The new Deserted contains many of its old features, such as the dining hall, the toilet (Now 2), the second floor (Now with rooms and showers). However, this time around Deserted is packed with a few more features you'll notice whilst playing, such as;
    More escape routes, many people complained about lack of ways to escape. At the end of the cell hall an escape route will open up after 1 minute, allowing prisoners trapped in cells to make a risky escape, this however will lead out the back, far away from the vehicles.
    Showers, People complained about lack of stuff to ask the guards, I have included showers for another escape plan.
    Hornet, yup that's right, there's a hornet this time around as finding prisoners in the dark became abit of a chore last time around, don't be scared though, the hornet will only spawn after 2 minutes giving you plenty of time to find a place to hide.

    That pretty much covers everything I want to talk about, please take the time to download my map and give constuctive feedback, please don't post stuff such as "Looks cool 5/5", as this is considered spam and I don't want it here. Thank you!

    Download Deserted 2!

    Download Desert Hiding 2 (Required)
    #1 T4K Shadow, Aug 28, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Looks cool 5/5. Lol just kidding I really like how this map looks and compared to the V1 it seems very improved. I see maybe a couple of bumps but it isn't noticeable unless you really looks closely. cops and robbers would play well with this.
  3. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Every single piece in the first was just placed there, this time around I took every piece and interlocked/geomerged them, creating a much better aesthetic experience.

    And yes, the gametype Deserted 2 is supopsed to be played with is indeed Cops & Robbers, but with tweaks to help enhance the game.
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Like the blocked off guardians and the hornets
  5. WarpathZone

    WarpathZone Forerunner

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    Very nice map but at the top of your post you said something about vehicle traits. Can the robbers only use mongoose's or none at all? And can the cops use all the vehicles (I'm assuming yes)? I would download it but my live isn't working.

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