[highlight]Hello, and good morning. Yes.[/highlight] I just recently came up with a game type idea (more of a mini-game actually). But I'm not entirely sure how it could play out or if the options even exist. So I have written this post with the hope of getting a few answers out of you, the community. During an interview with a Bungie associate, if I recall correctly, he said that you can set an option that will allow players to have INFINITE "fuel" for an armor ability (I.E. infinite jet-pack, sprint, hologram, ect). The thing is... the idea could potentially end up with horrendous game play, so I need your opinions. Well, here's the pitch. Now imagine this, you end up in a combat situation such as a firefight (2.0 LOLZ), but this is no normal firefight. Instead there is no ground. Only small platforms in witch you can land on, but they are very small with no cover. So what ends up happening is the platforms have weapons on them. But the cover, however, is floating around in the air. This is where the game gets a little sketchy. All of the combat takes place while flying (or most of it), and so this is where I need your opinion. I personally think it will work but lets see what you think, shall we? [highlight]Here are some crude sketch up pictures... Click the spoiler...[/highlight] Spoiler [highlight]This is an overview of the map.[/highlight] [highlight]This is a base design I might use.[/highlight] [highlight]Now I am going to type out a list of ideas/twists to make the game more original and creative. Feel free to comment on the ones you like personally. I will add more later on...[/highlight] 1. If there was some sort of a teleportation system in place, it could allow for more interesting game play. 2. I might make the platforms spawn as the game progresses. So after so long three of the total platforms spawn. 3. I could turn it into an objective game type and play around with the new options.
So, starts and weapon spawns are on little platforms, floating cover everywhere, and infinite jet pack? Interesting idea, TBH. Dogfights without the planes. Hm..... I'd be up for testing this if you make it in Reach
Sounds...interesting. Seams like it could be a lot of fun, or it could be horrible. Worth a try though.
i didnt use the jetpack much in the beta, but from what i remember it didnt feel very maneuverable. basically you could go up and down, but every else wasnt very controllable. so i dont really know how well this would play
I was counting on this being fixed or maybe once you are in a constant state of flight it could be easier to move.
I was thinking of something like this earlier but there is no way to land, the map is a huge enclosed dome like cave and the ground is water. Weapons are held in midair by weapon holders and pillars/stalactites are used as sight blockers. People spawn with something like an assault rifle and they also spawn in midair.
i dont think you can. im pretty sure a spawn point in midair is essentially like putting a block on top of it, it nulls it. but you could probably have them spawn i little bit into a one way shield door so it pulls you through off like a cliff. and i dont think they changed jetpacks at all from the beta
No, if you spawn in midair you definitely fall. Ever been in a forge game with an OLN canvas in the skybubble where there's no floor underneath the spawn pile? Yeah. i don't think maneuvering the jetpack is too tricky either if you control the amount of boost you use.
in a forge game, yes. in a custom game, no. i just always thought you couldnt. guess it doesnt really make sense, but thats what i thought.
this applies to custom games as well. EDIT: The only time where you would float in midair that I can think of is standing perfectly still on top of an object and having it suddenly dissapear/delete underneath you... that might make you float.
Yeah if you have played that Grifball map (Chichen Itza?) you spawn in mid-air and fall down to the bottom of the map at the beginning. I really love the game Idea, and I would also test it. Would you be able to show us some kind of drawing or sketch-up. I would say that would be amazingly fun or the game would actually suck ALOT! So I'll hope that it's fun for your sake, and good luck.
1. I suggest using different gravities and speeds to see if you can change jetpack maneuverability. you could spawn them on a small platform which, after 30 seconds, is infested with killballs?
I've an idea, you could make cover in the map in certain areas, and just so it was impossible to stand on, put a kill barrier just on top. Funny thing is, I was coming into your thread with this idea already in mind. Hehehe.
Good luck convincing Bumper Jumper fans to play , The way it is at the moment is just looks like "oooo idea new game with no floors :O!!" no offense but if put more planing into it could work well. Like paths weapons spawns etc.
I do remember writing "CRUDE PICTURES" before the set of pictures. I don't mean to rude but please read my post before commenting.
I would play. Here's the argument for other fans. Claw. If that doesn't convince them, step two. Razer Onza. Problem solved.
Goddamnit Bungie!! This is the ONLY part of the game I'm not super excited for. I really hope they've fixed it somehow since the beta. or at least put in fully customizable controls