Wonder World- An incredible maze made by FlotownHockey. YouTube - Halo 3 Maze: Wonder World- August, 2010‎ READ THIS FIRST- This maze has been slightly altered. The part right after you get the ghost. And the part right after that when you have to find the grav lift and bubble shield to get the mongoose/regenerator. READ AT THE END OF THE PARAGRAPH TO KNOW WHERE TO FIND THEM. This Maze had been edited so people can't cheat. So not all of the events in this video may be exact. Download and test out the new and improve maze that will be posted shorly. This video is a spoiler for what is to come in this maze. If you don't want to see how to get through, then download this map first and try it yourself. Also, sorry about the music. I know that most people don't like it. So, if you are one of those people, again, I'm sorry.This puzzle/maze map features many unique challenges. This map was made for mainly one person at a time. However, up to 12 people can play on it at a time. But, remember, this maze was made for one person. So don't cheat! This map took about 5 days to make. Watch this video if you want to see the spoiler on how to get through this map. Watch it, download it, and even comment on it. All thoughts about this maze would be much appreciated. Enjoy! The grav lift is hidden off directly behind where you go up the cannon man(s). Just keep walking back to run into it. Then, the bubble shield is on a double wall almost directly in the middle of the map. Use the grav lift to get the mongoose. Then, use the mongoose to get the bubble shield. Then, use the bubble shield to get the regeneratior. This information only applies to the newer and improved map. There is one extra challenge in this map. That challenge is to find the hidden Spartan Laser. Good luck finding it! DOWNLOAD LINK FOR THE map- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details DOWNLOAD LINK FOR THE NEW AND IMPROVED MAP- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=118036279&fset=142105 DOWNLOAD LINK FOR THE GAMETYPE- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Don't you think that showing people how to do it would kind of ruin the puzzle aspect. You need at least a few picture, the music on that video is really annoying.
Check the rules again buddy, because he doesn't need any pictures. The rules say SPECIFICALLY that he needs at least one picture OR a video, which he happens to have. The moral of this story is that you shouldn't tell other people the rules if you don't know them yourself . Edit: Just watched the entire video, and spotted a few errors. - The part where you get the ghost and have to get the bubble shield: You can easily just jump from the ghost to the top of the block double without the deployable cover, and I know this from experience from matchmaking . Also, someone can go back and get a few more deployables after placing the first one and place them in the mancannons, which do work on deployable covers too, and skip an entire part of the puzzle . - The part with the brute shot and the golf ball: not a big deal, but can't you just brute shot jump up instead of using the golf ball? - The entire puzzle: There are many points in the puzzle that involve throwing random objects in random places instead of actually solving something, such as when you threw the power drainer into the space that the energy sword was in the beginning, and it is based on luck and complete guessing, not solving, so I would suggest fixing that.
The maze Yes, all of the points you have made are correct. You don't really need to get the golf ball to get to the grav lift in the end. But, that was placed there just in case someone had fallen down, like I did. Next, you make a very good point about jumping off of the ghost to get to the teleporter. But, just in case, I put a deployable cover on the other side, just in case it had fallen. Because, when I had tested jumping off of the flat ghost, I didn't make it to the top. Maybe I had just failed the jump, but idk. However, now I understand your point. I guess you really don't need an object to get on top of the block. Thanks. Now that you have brought this next step to my attention (the part where you can just go back and get a shield to skip the next step), I am going to replace that with a radar jammer so you can just bounce off of that instead. Unless I just put no object there instead. Now, finally, when I threw the power drain where the sword had spawned, there was a purpose behind that. When ever the power drain were to explode in the very exact crack that I had thrown it in, then, The fusion coils on the edge of the crack would explode. Therefore, the chain reaction would cause the pallet to break on the opposite side. All of the other objects in that first area don't contain enough power to set off the fusion coils. So, the power drain is very essensial. All of the objects weren't meant to be random. so sorry if they appeared that way. All objects in the maze lead to the next object in order to get out. Thank you sincerly for all of your questions and statements. I will most definately take this advice and fix the maze at whatever parts need to be fixed.
it would be nice if you gave credit to previous forgers if you used a challenge from another map. im pointing this out because i saw a challenge of mine being used in there
Map Sorry dude, I've seen soooooo many techniques in forge. I've had no idea whose created with what technique or who did this or that. That goes to say that I have no idea of some of the challenges that people have created a while back. If I've used one of your challenges, sorry. I just wanted to make one of the best maze maps that anyone has ever seen. And with all of these challenges, I made them in my own diverse way. I didn't mean to impose as a theif or something like that. With all of these various challenges in this maze, it would be almost impossible to name all of the forgers that ideas came from. So again sorry if I used one of your ideas, but just wanted to let you know, I made this map entirely on my own. And I didn't plagerize challenges off of other peoples maps. But, I'm sure that the challenge that you've used before, that's in my map, is amazing. Therefore, great job!!
well thanks for that but im still just gonna point out that the getting the sword and grav lift with the mongoose and deployable was my original idea first used to get a regen on the map Frustration. heres my proof Frustration V4 - Paradox Forgers Forums anyways ur puzzle map is good but make sure to play newer puzzles coming out, theres alot coming out from a bunch of talented forgers
Thanks for responding in a nice way. Most people get upset by little things like this. But, anyways I saw your map. I can't believe that your actualglory. DUDE your amazing at puzzle maps. Can't wait to see your maps in reach. I did happen to see that challenge on ur video before. Again, thanks for not being rude on the comments. Good luck on your next few maps!
nono im not actualglory just his friend and merrifileds friend i had a challange and they let me in the map. Me and actual also worked on template together if thats a map ur talking about tho maps ive made are http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/93311-session.html forge puzzle http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/89292-contest-template.html solo puzzle with actual im still amazing at puzzle maps tho
Wow dude! You are one of the best that I've seen. Yea, I'm not too bad myself. This video of the map is a slightly older video compared to the fixed parts of the map. I've made it so the newer version of this map is uncheatable and requires a person to every object in order to get to the next step. Anyways, if you want to, check out the newer version. I think I posted it already above. By the way AWESOME maps!
I found multiple breaks, the major ones being: Spoiler 1.) At the beginning, you can just grab the power drainer and chuck it to the right of the killballs through an opening in the wall, thus blowing up the fusion coils that lead to the grav lift. Doing this cuts out the part with the spike grenades. 2.) When looking for the regenorator that shoots you towards the hornet, you can just go back to the section in the middle of the map and grab the one from the beginning. 3.) When figuring out how to get the ghost down from its perch, I had no need for the needler. I used the sniper and shot at the fusion coil through a crack in the wall. If my descriptions don't make sense, please tell me. Even though I found these breaks, i still enjoyed the map and I think it can be improved.