I know the Elite permutations are linked to your rank in that they unlock as you level up, but I'm pretty sure you still have to spend a hefty amount of credits to buy them before you can use them. Urk posted it in a BWU.I don't have enough time right now to go back and dig for it, but I'm pretty sure its in the one where he shows off the Elite perms and lashes out at the people who complained that they can't have fully customizable Elites.
Going straight for the Master Chief Firefight voice. Then I will slowly start to buy up the armory, one section at a time.
The lightning cloud effect cost 2,000,000 CR, and the said the average per game is around 500. So basically it would take around 2000 games just for the effect, then armor, etc. I think when you get the real nice stuff it will show you've played and will be a good reason to not make new accounts over and over
I will be saving for armor, probably buying the next piece as soon as I have enough. I'm horrible at saving.
those are modded (i assume you are talking about some of the live streams on a jtag xbox), you dont actually get nearly that much. i only saw one legit one of all those streams. he had been playing for a while and only had like 9000 credits
Most of the matches I've played on Beta, I've received under 100cR. A lot of that has to do with me being a team player and sacrificing my # of kills for closer spawn points to the objective. When I have gone on the offensive, I'd receive between 50-200cR. The only times I've gotten near the 200cR mark was when I received Commendations for milestones.
I got roughly 500 cR each game, but occasionaly I would get like 25, even though I was playing as the MVP, but that didnt bother me much. Anyone else know why?
I played mostly Invasion and occasionally Invasion Slayer when I got stuck with it. Once in a while I played some regular Slayer/Team Slayer. I got more points in Slayer/Team Slayer because I didn't have an objective other than to kill people.
I got 5100+ credits only one time during the beta and that was only because I unlocked 4 c commendations. (I was spamming the Scorpion tank on invasion.lol.) Other than that I was averaging 200-400.
Its awesome when you get thousands of credits for 1 game. It'll add up all these small numbers for completing the game, winning the game then commendations: FRIGGIN' LOADS *ching ching ching*
This may sound masochistic but I really like the fact that everything is quite expensive; it reduces the temptation to spend spend spend like a crazy person. I can see myself playing a lot of matchmaking with default armor and perhaps saving a million to give myself some freedom to spend on something worthwhile. I won't be buying the armor effects too quickly though.
Armor effects will probably be last, because I'll be getting legendary edition for mah flame. The first thing I'm gonna try to get is a Mark V helmet so then I can remember CE Then it'll be just some more armor to go along with it and make it look good, and then it'll be onto getting the coolest Elite armor I find.
im gonna get that little visor thing for the default helmet and then buy some sweet(but not fat or chunky looking) shoulders and chest and stuff. gonna go for the light weight kinda look
My epic spartan, Pilot Helmet; All attachments Sniper; Left Shoulder Security; Right Shoulder Collar/Grenadier [UA]; Body Assault/Breacher; Wrist Tactical Soft Case; Utility Gold; Visor Color Pestilence; Armor Effect Buck; Firefight Voice Colors, Black and Red --- Nah you get quite a few credits, assuming you play a good 5 games an hour you should be getting 500 per game because Bungie said you'd get much more credits playing multiplayer and in one of Urks Incompetent Cartographers he said he forged for about an hour and he got I believe 1800 credits
This. I'm not talking about about the modded credit totals, that's obviously not normal. There have been thousands of credits coming out of shortish games though, that's what I'm talking about.
that is why im going to spend time in the forge. you think we get credits everytime someone downloads our map? that would be cool. also, im not going to spend any credits until i get the lightning armor effect.