I recently stumbled over a very startling picture called Halo:Reach Haunted Helmet. This sexy helmet is legit so no photoshopping involved! but i sought to look more into the picture Its base helmet is PILOT, it costs 90000 cR and the HH (Haunted Helmet) is 1cR The Description off the helmet is something along the lines off "Happy Hall'oween" This is where my logic came into play. We all know bungie for giving us Holiday Exclusive playlists and giving us Recon on Bungie vs The World 2009, On Halo 3 they also planned on giving us Armor Permutations through DLC but unfortunately due to a coding error we didn't get our Arbiter armor. So what if the've fixed this glitch, thus allowing us to earn Armor permutations through DLC and HOLIDAY EXCLUSIVES?So on a certain Holiday they give us an Armor Perm for 1cR for competing on that day/playlist? Anyone up for a Santa Hat? or a Snow armor effect? Discuss here friends! PS. The picture was leaked
Yes, you must buy every other helmet before purchasing that one. And the description is "Happy Friggen' Halloween".
I think you're reading too much into the description of the helmet, which was mildly poking fun of it having a skull in it.
Thanks! i understand that i went into the description off the Helmet, but what if Bungie could give us Helmets Secretly, Updates, Title Updates and DLC?
They have mentioned the possibility of giving us Armor packs or new armor with DLC in the future... but it was just a possibility.
Its for unlocking all of em? By that do you mean buying all the base helmets? Or all the attachments for em all? Or just having the ability to buy all of em?
we are affiliated with bungie, so no links to leaked content is to be posted here guise. just search it.
*saaaaaad faaaace* Its just a skull thing its everywhere now. At this point can't we just call it common knowledge? lol
Or, you can all just go to youtube and look it up yourselves. Follow the rules, or you'll earn yourself a ban.
No, its a variant of the Pilot helmet. Its literally just the pilot helmet with a see thru visor and a skull under the visor.
is there a picture of this helmet? if so can you post it in this update or does it break the no spoiler rule?