I have recently been making a new map with my friend The Boban, i just finished up the map finally xD so i would appreciate it to be tested and commemted on , Basically the map is played with a basic ODDBALL varient and obviosly the aim, get to the ball. My first successfully finished jump map on halo so take that into consideration the link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=119315303 i have some pictures showing the map but cant show whole map (too large) haha xD ALSO at the end of the map there is a sweet slant/slide jump that can be done over and over teleporters at the end for this PLEASE! leave comment as though its my first map Initial spawn with first ghost ledge. One of the later harder jumps. Later on if you get stuck near the lights all you have to do is ghost ledge near them and then hold back you should land on a platform then proceed to a teleporter The checkpoint after the "basement" level, slant with some ghost ledges further on.. IMPORTANT! i made a double ghost ledge, it is possible as i have done it but if you cant do it i have given a radar jammer but you will have to grenade jump and then equipment to make the jump i felt generous. Then later on a fun Slant jump? i just made it for fun it was the fist jump i made on the map and basically have some fun PLEASE PLAY and post comments
Never really had much interest in jump maps. then i started studying the art of Parkour, and i have become more interested. I will download it, maybe the first jump map i ever played.
Pretty good for your first jump course, kinda hard to understand the post but from the pics I see the map seems quite fun. Would have liked to see the rest of the map, is adding 2 or 3 more screenshots really that challenging? Anyways I will check out the map right now and see how good it is. BTW, Its actually called an edge ghost, or just ghost jump. Also the thing you call a slant jump is actually a slide ramp.