
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frag Man, Aug 24, 2010.

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  1. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    With hand-made effects :surprise:

    Give me bad crit and I will bite you. :mad:

    #1 Frag Man, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  2. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    Really like the effects. Only thing that i would change is the text. Maybe try again with different text? See how it looks with something a bit simpler.
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Text us bleeeeeeeeeh, and you keep resizing the focal way to much. other wise good effects.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yea text sucks and there's no depth at all. Looks like everything has been coated in a white film. It would help if the girl wasn't highlighted in white but a more natural tone.
  5. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Could you be specific on which ones? Because I don't have much of a resource with GIMP. Meaning it has, literally, two fonts with different sizes.


    That's cause this site I get my renders is too ****ing awesome that they get awesomesauce sized renders that GIMP is too low quality compared to it that it can't resize these awesome renders.

    Moral of the story: Awesomeness levels can't go down.

    Maybe you and I have a different definition of depth. I can assure you, there's depth.

    And there's no white film, and even if there was, sometimes that's the point. ESPECIALLY with white-ish renders. Trust meh, I made the colors less bright.
  6. AMac

    AMac Forerunner
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    Dude, chill out... there just trying to help you. And I have to say, they are right. Firstly, I don't get what your trying to say about resizing the renders. But whatever.
    And there really is an extreme lack of color and the render looks very washed out and dull.
    There are also many focals that your eye is drawn to, instead of one.
    You'd probably improve much more if you actually listened to advice instead of arguing with everybody.
  7. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    This lingo that I speak. You don't get it. Nobodies getting offended here. Except maybe you.
  8. AMac

    AMac Forerunner
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    You just outright contradicted five people trying to help you out in a very defensive manner. I dunno what kind of lingo it is you speak, but I'm reasonably sure that means you were taking offense to what was said. I really doubt that we're all wrong and you're right.

    Seriously, this forum isn't for you to argue with people about your sig, it's so people can give you advice so you can improve. But what's the point of getting advice if you're already perfect, eh?
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    What's the point of discussing something if only party A can make a point? Party B can give his/their ideas too.
  10. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Kid, I know you're trying to be a hero for the forum, but I'm one asshole you do not want to mess with. Seriously. Ask anybody in the G&A about me. Whether I'm right or wrong, you will hate me like the mouse hates the maze. Because it can't find a way out of it.

    Now everyone that's familiar with my posts knows when they're being insulted or not. Let me explain in a breakdown of what I said.

    To Zerosun, I just asked him which fonts did he not like. Because I have a limit on text fonts, and I'd like to keep a limit to how much I change the sigs.

    To Mace, since we have a mutual understanding of our hate, I laughed at him because he always uses the same text over and over. And it sucks. And he knows that. I'm sure Mace is man enough to take a comment like that.

    And I ignored Rusty Eagle's advice because he is a genuine artist. His views of depth could be completely different from that of a sig maker. Because from all that I've learned from my one year of exp. of sig making, I have depth. And I also happen to like sigs that have very similar colors. I hate ones that have such contrasting colors. Meaning, I ****ING WANTED IT THAT WAY.

    I'm sure you're going to say, "you don't have to be an artist to critique." So to save you the time, I'm going to say "that's you're opinion." Because I hate it when noobs say something that completely contradicts what I'm going for. I can bring this debate further, but I won't so you can take all of this in instead.

    What the hell. When, how, and why would I say I'm perfect? I clearly do not remember anything on how I said I was perfect. I will gloat that I'm better than most in my style, because I've won several G&A contests easily, and I've had several people come to me for help, or admire it. However, even I know my place at times, I'm not the best. Far from it. I know that there are several people here that are better than me, and I can swallow that.

    RST, I don't if you're on anyones side from this. Because I don't get how that has to do with "how I insulted someone." Thanks if you were trying to help, but no. NO.
  11. AMac

    AMac Forerunner
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    Umm, nice analogy? Seriously, what does that even mean? All I got out of that is that people hate you. Maybe it's because of your argumentative nature. Hmmm.

    Hey, could you do me a favor and show me where I said you insulted someone? Because I believe the words "insult", "insulted", "insulting" or any other form of the word "insult" were not in ANY of my posts. Thanks in advance.

    You have a limit on text fonts? How does that work exactly? And wouldn't it better to change a sig to make it look better than to not change it because of a personal preference about changing sigs?

    I'm sure he is too? When did anyone call his manliness into question? And maybe he uses the same text because its simple and it looks good. You should probably take a page out of his book.

    Umm, I'm pretty sure depth is depth no matter who you are. It doesn't change just because you're a different type of artist. And there are ways of making a sig with similar colors besides making everything white.

    Actually, I wasn't going to say that. But good guess. Maybe next time. And I don't believe a single person who commented on your sig is a noob. And maybe if what you were going for showed up in your sigs they wouldn't contradict it.

    Clearly you're a stranger to sarcasm. Oh, btw, great job on winning a couple of contests on a website that's not even based on art. I'm super-proud of you. I mean, a couple wins like that and you'll be right up that with Van Gogh!

    He never said you insulted someone either. Stop putting words in peoples' mouths.
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    This discussion is done guys, let's not get this going any further okay? Let's get off the personal stuff and talk about the art.

    I was saying you're allowed to express your opinion on other peoples opinions, as long as it's respectful.
  13. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Let me dumb it down for you. So that even you, a preschooler, can understand. It means you have no way out of this argument now that you've started it. Whether you were right or wrong. They only ways out is if the scientists get rid of the maze, or the mouse gives up.

    Hello there Squeakers.

    Kay. You got me there. But it's obvious you still misunderstood everything I said.
    Yes, dumbass, I have a limit on the fonts available to me. The new version of GIMP that I downloaded has very few fonts. Or my computer screwed up the download and I'm missing half of them.

    No, it is not better. Picasso didn't make his art "better." He made his art so that HE likes it. In fact, HE loved it. And half of my styles I do, people here don't like. No matter how far I progress that style, or how good I make that style, people WON'T like it if it's not how THEY like it. However, contradictory to what they think, I happen to love how it looks.

    Have at least three months of sig experience, win a couple of sig battles, then look at all his sigs. I haven't seen anyone here who likes his texts.

    Depth in art is not the same. So no. Nice try. When you try to make depth in a sig, you try to get the render, the bg, and the rest of the effects to seem like they're at different distances. This is done by BLURRING, EFFECT PLACEMENT, and POSITIONING.

    Now, why did I capatalize those? You must be thinking "Duh, that's obvious." Or you're 100% sig noob, and say; "Nuh uh" If it's option two, then there's no hope for you my friend.

    Back to where I was. Adding depth to an art piece is done by adding more detail, backdrops, adding different sized objects according the the distance, and shading. THOSE ARE ALREADY AVAILABLE WHEN YOU MAKE A SIG.

    In other words; an artist makes depth by doing what was stated, and a sig maker takes that same art piece and ADDS ON TO IT. Not to mention depth in sig making is usually used to help create a focal. However, in art, half the time; THERE IS NO FOCAL. Why do I say this? Why, it's because an artist uses depth to make the art stand-out more, seem more realistic, etc.

    No, you aren't now that I pointed it out. Nice try.

    No, what they said was they didn't like the white film. Like I said, opinion. I LIKE what you guys call the "white film."

    And this is where you fall apart.

    1. If that's sarcasm, that's a very horrible execution of it. And that makes you pretty fail.

    2. I see it all the time arguing with people. They say something, then they realize how stupid of them it was to say it, so they go; "it was sarcasm." This also makes you pretty fail. I mean seriously, that's like me saying "I was sarcastic" to your comment on how I said "I wasn't insulting anyone." What the hell?

    Take your pick. Was it actually sarcasm? Or was it actually a poor excuse to get out of your retarded comment? Either way, you're retarded.

    Oh yea. Thanks. "It's better than you could ever do." Is what I would say. If I hadn't noticed that you're trying to mock me after I've just proved your statements wrong.

    Oh yea, RST.

    Just imagin I'm talking about how my unicorn is so much prettier than his dragon.
    #13 Frag Man, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  14. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    It looks too washed out. I'm not liking the text at all. I love the colors however, and I think you should bring out the focal more.
  15. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    I like it. Nice effects and text but your character blends in to much with the background so its a little hard to see whats going on.
  16. AMac

    AMac Forerunner
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    Wow. let's make a feeble attempt to insult my intelligence instead of adding a constructive point to this conversation. That's mature. Also, if it truly was a maze, it would have a way out, otherwise it would just be a box with a bunch of funny walls inside. Oh, and another reason this analogy doesn't work is that mice don't have to brainpower to "give up" as you say. They don't make any conscious decisions to do the maze, they are simply hunting for the piece of cheese at the end of the maze.

    I wouldn't be so quick to be throwing insults around there my friend. With your year of sig-making experience, you have yet to figure out that you can download and install fonts to GIMP, so really, who's the real dumbass here?

    So if your art is only for your personal enjoyment, why bother posting it here?

    I don't see what the first part has anything to do with the second part. But ok, I'll do that for you.

    Well, thanks to the liberal use of the caps lock key, and long drawn out reasoning, you just helped my point. DEPTH in art is the SAME. HOW YOU CREATE DEPTH DIFFERS ON THE TYPE OF ART. (I used capitals there because it seems easier for you to communicate in lots of capital letters)

    No, what they said was they didn't like the white film. Like I said, opinion. I LIKE what you guys call the "white film."[/QUOTE]
    I'd like to know how you can read my mind and know what I'm going to do before I do it. Because if you really can, that is some very impressive stuff. And yes, it is a matter of opinion. They say they don't like the white film. You respond that there isn't a white film, therefore making a false statement instead of stating your opinion.

    1. When I said you were perfect, I was being sarcastic to mock your overly arrogant attitude. When I said you were a stranger to sarcasm, i wasn't being sarcastic. Also, I can't take anybody who uses "fail" as an adjective seriously. It just makes you look dumb.
    2. Trust me. I know my way around sarcasm, I'm actually quite fluent. So don't try to give me a lecture on how other people mistakenly use sarcasm, I know what I'm doing. And again with using "fail" as an adjective. Can you please just stop with that? It takes away what little credibility your arguments have.

    I think I might actually cry. You're better at winning contests on sig-making on a website dedicated to creating maps in Halo. That's definitely something to brag about. You should definitely go tell all your friends that. (Most people would make some weak attempt at insulting you by saying you don't have friends or something of the sort, but I'm too good for such pathetic attempts like that)
    #16 AMac, Aug 28, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  17. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    ok ok ok... as far as blurring goes the depth is good. but for lighting... the sig is all around too bright. when i look at it, it looks flat. the blurring is good at second glance. but it still looks flat. i don't know exactly how to fix it but id play around with the lighting and colors til it looks good. sorry i can't be more helpful

    lol it's true... i think its been long enough where i can openly say this with out opening any scars
    #17 just defy, Aug 28, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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