High Wire (New gametype too - "War Zone")

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Neo Arkitect, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. Neo Arkitect

    Neo Arkitect Forerunner

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    Some of you may recognize this. I'm remaking it with a few twists.


    I'm naming it "High Wire", and I'm currently working on a sketchup version.

    Map Legend
    1 - Platform "Blue East". Blue team falcon spawns here. Shotgun spawns here.
    2 - Platform "Blue West". Blue team Banshee spawns here.
    3 - Platform "Blue Mid". Blue starting spawns are here. Sniper rifle spawns here.
    4 - Platform "Central". Rocket Spawns here.
    5 - Platform "Red Mid". Red starting spawns here. Sniper rifle spawns here.
    6 - Platform "Red East". Red team banshee spawns here.
    7 - Platform "Red West". Red team Falcon spawns here. Shotgun spawns here.

    Map details
    - The bridges leading to Central will be covered from above to allow for safe movement from air cover. The platform itself will be open to make it less of a choke point of death and more accessible to air assets.

    - The four platforms (two on each side) closest to central platform are raised with ascending bridges leading to them to allow for for easier cover of the central platforms from the rear lines.

    - Most platforms are visible from other platforms, so players must be ready to fight in all directions.

    - Each team will have access to plasma pistols, repeaters, DMR's, and I'm debating about giving them grenade launchers too.

    - Rocket spawn will be open and devoid of cover to make the mad dash to get it even madder.

    - I'm deciding on whether to have all bridges have overhead cover due to the amount of air combat that this map will have. I'll have to play test to find out.

    - I'm also debating putting in shade turrets on each side for anti-air, although the shades will have little to no cover to allow for ground units to kill them...which also means shades will have a good field of fire on ground units as well. That will also require play testing.

    - Platforms will be at varying elevations to increase the maps "verticality" and to give the jet pack a sense of usefulness.

    Game Mode

    Name: War Zone

    - An expanded version of 3 plots with more points to capture and more time to win (enough to make the game last about 10-15 minutes).

    - No shields. Increased damage resistance (enough so that the same amount of shots kill as if they did have a shield). This enables the game to have a straight up health system rather than a recharging shield system, which makes medics more valuable to the team.

    - Five available classes for each team. All have AR/Magnum starts. The classes available are:

    AA - Sprint

    Air Assault
    AA - Jet pack

    AA - Active Camo

    AA - Evade

    AA - Drop Shield
    #1 Neo Arkitect, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  2. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    sorry, skipped most of the post will read it now, but first


    EDIT: sorry about that, read it now. It looks very good and I would love to play it. That was probably the best map in the game and it deserves a remake. The only problem I see is the medic should have lesser weapons really, because a medic shouldn't have the fighting prowess of a soldier. Speaking of soldier, no soldier class?
    #2 Rantick, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  3. sham93

    sham93 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i wanted to make that map in halo 3 but forge was far too limited and my skills were lacking so I didnt even try :)
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Star wars battlefield FTW! :p

    I may have to remake this as well I am afraid! Don't forget to emphasise the gameplay on the bridges, but also make sure players use the rest of the map. I'm glad you reminded me of this map, I forgot its name.
  5. sham93

    sham93 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bespin Platforms ;-)

    Its gotta be pretty high up to allow for some good dog fights and so that you can fly under it and stuff. The middle platform could do with starting fresh as I dont think it was particularly good on SB1
  6. Neo Arkitect

    Neo Arkitect Forerunner

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    Go for it ;)

    I'm adding new tweaks to this design to make it more suitable for Halo rather than Battlefront, so if you want to make a true blue remake you are welcome to. :)

    I will be experimenting with giving each class specific weapons and giving them all the same weapons. I'll have to play test it to find whether or not it is balanced.

    Yeah I'm re-designing the middle platform to be more open up top (and therefor more accessible to air raids) while still having enough horizontal cover for it to not turn into a total turkey shoot from the bridges. That will also probably have to be put through it's paces during pay tests.

    Did I mention the potential for this map for CTF, Assault, and Team Snipers?
    #6 Neo Arkitect, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  7. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I already have a bttlefront map sketched up and i got scared when i saw the pic at first. I have Kamino all sketchedup and i have a gametype planned out for it. Maybe we can work together to make a complete BF map pack? PM me if you're interested.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now I want to make a BF map! Im going on that game right now to find a map to build!

    BTW, great map choice, cloud city was one of my fav maps... Good luck with it.
  9. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i was thinking about kamino remake in halo reach

    I think you should add 1 pro pipe for each team and have the shade turrets that way they can cancel each other out sorta
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I also thought of a kamino remake, I don't know if I posted it or not, but I did a real nice layout.

    @ Stealth, please don't make a BF map pack. It would only ruin the memories for me sorry. Plus it would be to hard to remake them all.
  11. Mr Pokeyope

    Mr Pokeyope Forerunner

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    Yes remake this map I loved it in Battlefront, hope you get around to making it when Reach comes out. What will you use for flying vehicles? Don't make too many banshees people will want to ***** them...
  12. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was actually gonna remake this map in Reach. Oh well, not anymore. Hell, if the gametype is fun I might remake a different SWBF map that supports it.
  13. Noizzy Rabbit

    Noizzy Rabbit Forerunner

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    good luck, its a pretty big map ;) but i don't doubt forge world's capabilities :) should be super fun to play
  14. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Did you read my mind or something, cuz I had the map name idea Highwire forever...
  15. Neo Arkitect

    Neo Arkitect Forerunner

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    Yes I did. Also...stop thinking about my sister. That's gross.
  16. St. Burke

    St. Burke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gotta love BF too bad the altest installment was put on hold indefinetly :l
  17. FORTR3SS

    FORTR3SS Forerunner

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    Isnt this from starwars battle front? pretty good, haven't really thought of maps from other games. location of maps? the sky, above ocean?
  18. Neo Arkitect

    Neo Arkitect Forerunner

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    Yep it's from BF1. As for the location...probably a little higher than the mountain. I've seen the height limit that you can travel in forge world, and it's not that high so I need to make it lower than planned to account for the low ceiling.
  19. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    I remeber this being one of my favorite maps in this now seemingly bad game. I absolutly love the fact that you can now have classes just like in the original game, I assume this will be a territory game, its seems the most fit. I would put starting pionts on opposite side but have nuertal spawn point at all of the territories so on an of chance you can spawn at one of the territories your team has captured. You should make a sketch up of this, if you don't know how or don't have google sketch up heres a link.
  20. Neo Arkitect

    Neo Arkitect Forerunner

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    Yep I made a rough sketchup so I could try to conceptualize the scale of the map, but it doesn't look anywhere near the final product because not all pieces in Forge World are actually in the sketchup piece kit, so I had to improvise quite a bit. I'll try to get screens of the sketchup up soon-ish.

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