Sandbox Causeway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TitanC005, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    "Excavations have revealed ancient highways, now derelict to the sands. 4-8 players."



    Welcome to Causeway, a symmetrical map forged in Sandbox's Crypt. It uses roughly two-thirds the area of the Crypt, and consists of two bases connected by a wide bridge, with a tower situated equidistant from both. The map is open in some areas and tight-quarters in others, facilitating multiple play styles and game types.


    The bases are elevated with several ramps leading up. There is also space enough to circle behind them. Columns and walls provide decent cover, while allowing a fairly good view of the rest of the map. Shield doors prevent immediate base-to-base fire, and add an interesting dynamic in the rush for the Rocket Launcher (which spawns at the very center of the main bridge).


    Here's an inside view of Red Base. Two Battle Rifles are leaned against the wall, in addition to plasma grenades up for grabs near the start of the bridge. The flag and the bomb in Assault spawn for their respective teams at the foot of the mini-ramp, allowing multiple paths of escape.


    The bottom of the map offers a straight, clean route to the enemy's base. The Bubble Shield bridge connects to the center bridge, with a Plasma Rifle spawning at the nearby platform. The Active Camouflage is tucked in a niche beneath, as seen here:



    On the opposite side of the map stands the Sniper/Overshield Tower. Its lower level also connects to the main bridge. The Sniper platform itself can be reached by either ascending the long (and exposed) ramp upwards, or through the teleporter (the sender node is situated beneath the end of the bridge section leading from the tower, between the two obelisk columns. It's just visible in the above screenshot.). Also, note the angled columns between the bases and the tower. A Mauler can be found on each side between them, and they offer good, all-around cover.


    Here's another view of the tower, with the Overshield clearly visible on the first level. A Needler also spawns nearby on the bridge towards Rockets. The Sniper platform is elevated with a decent view of the map, but it is also highly exposed, and the teleporter will keep anyone lingering there on their toes.


    Beneath the tower bridge, directly beneath the Needler spawn, sit two SMGs, in addition to the aforementioned teleporter. The Oddball and the bomb in Neutral Assault spawn on the bridge in front of the Needler.


    Controlling movement across the main bridge is key, but so is the area directly beneath it. Both teams have access to a Power Drain, and a Gravity Hammer sits waiting to be battled for. Two spike grenades rest in front of the base-side bridge columns, making combat in this map's close-quarters bottom level even more dangerous.


    Overall, Causeway is a map that should suit your slayer and objective needs. Its designed with a fast flow and pace in mind. Below are specific weapon lists and the game types this map has functionality for.

    Weapon/Equipment List
    • Battle Rifle - x4
    • Plasma Rifle - x1
    • Needler - x1
    • Mauler - x2 (no spare clips)
    • SMG - x2 (1 spare clip)
    • Gravity Hammer - x1
    • Rocket Launcher - x1 (no spare clip)
    • Sniper Rifle - x1 (1 spare clip)
    • Plasma Grenade - x4
    • Spike Grenade - x4
    • Power Drainer - x2
    • Bubble Shield - x1
    • Overshield - x1
    • Active Camouflage - x1

    Supported Game Types
    • Slayer
    • King of the Hill
    • Capture the Flag
    • Territories
    • Assault

    Thanks for reading, give this map a shot or two, and have fun!

    Note: Reach is very close to launch (but never close enough!), and it is likely I will remake this map, should I see the need to. Nevertheless, give this one a go!

    Download Causeway
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Man I swear if my HD wasn't full of some need to be deleted stuff I would Dl this. My only complaints? Well the wall blocking off the other third of the crypt looks a little bumpy and sloppy and I know it seems pointless but it would make the map neater and less problematic for cowardly back to the wall snipers. And the Rocket and Hammer seem a lil... close. It seems like I could grab rockets and go dow and get the Grav hammer with ease (not that i will I am not a n00b) Just saying other than that it looks awesome.
  3. Flak

    Flak Forerunner

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    Wow. I'm just assuming that you've been forging for awhile and this is just the first time you've posted a map, because this is amazing. The unique lines of sight and multiple height elevations sort of give the map a 'Hang Em High' type of feel, and the forging is clean and precise. Good work.
  4. xX iQuacKz Xx

    xX iQuacKz Xx Forerunner

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    This map does look quite cool probably good for several Slayer gametypes.
    Good work.
    My complaint would be that having a rocket and grav-hammer in the same single section could be a bad idea because they dominate Melee to Ranged. Plus they both have a wide kill radius.

    Overall a good map alot of detail on the post :)
  5. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    it's kind of cool how you followed the maps contures for the layout but my only concern is why the two power weapons are right next to each other, but I guess that since its directly in the middle of the two base it would be highly fought over ground and hard to reach. Since the base are within firing distance it would smart to find alteritive routes to the other side, this seem like very smart gameplay nice job. My only suggestion add a radar jammer or two that would be a great combo with the active cammo. THis map deserves a download!
  6. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Wow great job! The bridge looks very straight and clean so are the bases. Although maybe the big wall of blocks could be fixed a little, but I think its fine. Although, how much fun power weapons are you shouldn't have too many. Specially on a great map like that, the look of it looks more MLG ish. Especially how the rockets are so close together and on the same map. Looks pretty fun though! I would DL but stupid Bungie only lets you have 100 maps. D:
  7. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    I'm not trying to be harsh, but this map really doesn't look interesting at all. Yes the forging is good and yes the layout is nice, but I don't really see anything that stands out and makes me want to download. You've nailed almost all the aspects of forging now you just gotta bring the creativity.
  8. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    @Above Post, You are an idiot my friend.

    The Creativity is really awesome i remember when i first started to forge i made crap. This map is really outstanding though, i love how you have made the bridge type thing, I haven't seen something like that in a while. Looks really great for Ctf and Koth. Got My Dl.
  9. Charleo0192

    Charleo0192 Forerunner

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    I like it, although it was hard to tell, do the flags spawn on the third floor or the second
  10. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    As a map critic it's your job to be harsh. Anyways, it is a simple map as far as forging is concerned - no geomerging, forge sculptures, fusion coil/grav lift elevators, etc. The feel is meant to be reminiscent of other Halo maps, as Flak pointed out 'Hang Em High', combined with a miniaturized version of 'Narrows' if you will. It's creative within its own bounds.

    A radar jammer would actually work pretty well, given the multi-level nature of the map, particularly around the bridge areas.

    To address what you and many others have pointed out, the Gravity Hammer and Rocket Launcher are indeed very close together. However, if you're playing a minimally competent team, grabbing either weapon (particularly Rockets) shouldn't be a walk in the park, plus it only has 2 rockets to start with and a very long respawn time. If it remains an issue, I will definitely consider moving the Hammer spawn for a future edition of the map.

    Take a look at the third screenshot in the post, the outer view of Red Base. In CTF, the flag spawns behind the shield door, just behind the small ramp to the bridge, and between the ramps leading up the back of the base. Hope this helps. If not, I'll get a screenshot posted at some point (my Xbox is packed away at the moment).
  11. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Are you really saying you've never seen anything like this map before?

    Equitable - Forge Hub Map Database
    Pyramid Highway - Forge Hub Map Database : Halo 3 File Details

    There's five maps I found in 5 minutes that have a bridge and/or highway structure and I bet you I could find more. And I'm an idiot? I never said the maps was bad, I said it wasn't very creative.
    #11 siberian w0lf, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  12. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    I honestly don't get why this map is recieving this much attention...I'm glad for whoever made it, but there is nothing incredibly special about it. It has a basic layout with questionable weapon placement. I don't get a "Hang 'em High" feeling from it, and I don't think that's any reason to purpously leave out structures, merging, etc. If I recall, Hang 'em High and Tombstone both had amazing aesthetics for their time. This map does not.

    Feel free to post an intelligent reply to this, but understand that flaming of any kind will be reported.
  13. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Cool your jets, everybody, yeesh. I posted the map because I liked it and had fun playing and forging it. It's not the best map EVAR, no, and it's not the most creative, no, but I understand why the people that like it like it and I understand why the people that dislike it dislike it, and everyone's entitled to their opinion. No one's an idiot for thinking this or that. If it looks like fun to you, go ahead and give it a download. If it doesn't, don't. It's that simple. And for those of you not downloading, I appreciate your comments because they'll help me learn what's wrong with this map, and how I can improve on future maps.

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