Looks like those spoilers I read where somewhat true. You might want to put "spoiler" in the title because that's probably the most spoilertastic of all of the live action trailers.
Not necessarely, Every other live action trailer has been to promote halo games, none of them has actually been videos of in game cinematics or gameplay related. So no this is not a spoiler. And even if this is for some reason based of a mission it doesnt show a whole lot. You see Kat get shot and tossed to the ground (doesnt show her die exactly) and shows that we get to blow a covenant carrier. So if anyone is actually upset and feels as though this ruined part of the game for them... well they need to stop acting like little bitches and quit being so naive.
Kat still has both of her arms. And the one who enter the Ship is Thom. This is before Six joints the team. So this is not a spoiler.
Yeah, I've watched this a couple of times. The bomb is a Tac-nuke, there is an elite wilding a sword and a plasma rifle, Cater is seen killing an elite with a knife, and supposedly this is the mission where Kat looses her arm.
Other then not knowing what happens to the characters themselves, it sucks knowing how it going to end.
What do you mean, we dont know how it ends. (unless you watched the ending of the game on youtube or something)
lol yea i knew that. I thought he was talking about how we knew the ending of the game because of the video.
Such a great video. anybody who manages to complain about it.... you suck. the jet pack looked awesome live action, noble 6 zooming away with a package thats aching to be delivered. one of the best live action promotions for halo I think, on par with the live action ODST one with the brute fight