Sandbox Recovery Hotel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Confused Flamingo, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I'm the Aesthetics, Infection, Minigame guy out of my group of friends, And I think it's high time I posted my best aesthetics map. My first post, Acid Reflex, (
    went okay and now I'm trying my hand at a second post. Wish me luck...
    Hey, have you ever been enjoying a nice campaign mission with your chums, when all of a sudden, your 'idiot' spartan buddy is morbidly injured? You ever wonder where he goes while you are waiting for him to respawn? Why, he goes to Hotel Recovery!
    More or less, there's 3 stories: The residences, the lobby, and the basement, which includes the casino, private indoor pool, the bar, and the hospital, which (ironically) is located right next to the club. The motive was simple, a clan map in which each player has their OWN room. I was kind of obsessed with finding a map like that. I couldn't, so I made my own. It has everything a private hotel would, exept for a golf coarse and everything is NEATLY interlocked exept for the roof, which is made of 'T' walls. There are three rooms, one 'post', and 8 beds total.
    You spawn in the hospital
    This is the hospital. Here you see the two 'cots'. Usualy houses non-clan members, or guests. An open room with no privacy, and no tech.
    Also in the hospital- The two insanity chambers. These are used to hold the mentaly infirm for as long as necessary. Beds included inside. If there are too many players for all the rooms, a few could claim to be mentaly unstable, and sleep in these.
    Connected to the hospital via pipeline, is the bar/casino/club. Here are two residents hogging the bar, Inhaling. (Naughty Naughty).
    I....I don't think this needs an explainatain. Is that a patient? Ughgh... *shivers*
    The Privite indoor pool for all you indoorsy folk out there. Connected to the casino.
    However, make sure to shower before getting in!!!
    Please, take one of our magnificent brochures with you when you go!!!
    The supercomfy armchair!!!
    The view room
    *One window
    *One bed
    *Normal Door
    *Normal Space
    *Good view
    This is a standard room, but it has an epic view!
    The Privacy Room
    *No windows
    *One Bed
    *Normal Space
    *Double lock
    This room is for the nonsocial member. The Secureidoor entrance is located in guard room 05, meaning that an intruder will be killed if the game is 'played right'. (will be explained later.)
    The Penthouse
    *One window
    *Luxury bed
    *Normal door
    *Large space
    *Computer Terminal
    Only the leader of the clan, or at least last match'es winner should claim this room. And yes, the arch interlocked through the ceiling is the terminal. Give me a break, I didn't use the INF. money glitch, okay?
    Guard Room 05
    *One window
    *Floor Pallete Bed
    *Disfunctual door
    *Small space
    *Unused Guard housing
    Sorry for the crappy picture, (its the door on the left)
    This room is for the toughest, most merciless clan member. This small space can actually be considered a prize in some cases. Located right next to the penthouse for obvious reasons, this room serves another purpose- to kill intruders to the private room.
    Hear one last thing. 'If played right' means the right player type for each room. Look in the room descriptions for them. Also, you might want an honor rule to be "don't break in to another players room. Oh, and If a door falls in, break it until it respawns right. They don't always respawn right. (the lobby has the best aesthetics, trust me.) Below is a goodbye shot from the front desk.
    Hope we see you soon....Eheheheheh! : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype : Halo 3 File Details
  2. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Cool hotel bro. Lol I thought you were going to post the smash bros stuff. For your first map it isn't bad. You merged in some spots. Some stuff looked rushed though, im hoping there will be lots of merging in your smash bros map. Wait a bar/casino/club in a Hospital/Hotel?! Well you did say the patients needed to relax.... creppy.
  3. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well, just to put it out there, I've been using this site for 2 years. It's only recently I've joined it. I have 87 Self-made maps, each more expert than the last. This is hmm, around #19. The smash bros maps are almost entirely interlocked. I think I'm doing pretty good for a 'Rookie" and i use that term VERY lightly.
    Oh, and yes, *chuckle* most marines and/or spartans can be pretty obsessed with that stuff. Its a clan map, however, and the smash bros maps will be posted here, by yours truely, either tomorow or the next day, if nothing goes wrong.
  4. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Whoops messed up on my comment, its good to hear that the maps are interlocked. You are doing very good for a rookie.
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Interesting idea, but I agree with Mochasun. It seems good in some parts but pretty bad in others, almost like you were so excited to finish it that the forging took a hit. I would have downloaded it until I saw the picture for Guard Room 05. That forging just looks really sloppy. However, the idea is really nice. I especially like that everyone has their own room. I was working on a clan map but kind of lost interest in the project. If any of your other 87 maps are clan maps with different rooms for different members, I would love to DL them.
  6. Heavy T 79

    Heavy T 79 Ancient
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    Thats exactly what i think.
    I think you didnt have enough patience to make good maps yet.
    Maybe you should take more time, because you have good ideas but it looks like unfinished stuff or a scrapyard.
    Try to interlock or geomerge more and try to make it clean.
    But for your very first map its ok.
    Find your potential - maybe next time your maps are different.
  7. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey, you, heavy! You made Santucky Fried Chicken, Correct? Awesome. One of my Fav maps!

    Oh and other guy, Plasma, yeah I think I've already stated the ceiling is rough, but seriously If you DL it, go out front, and look, I swear you'll think, Damn, thats some good interlocking. The top floors a little rugged, ok. But just TRY it. The lobby took an hour alone and its PERFECT. But I dont know how to post content on bungie so i couldnt pull the screenshot over. Oh and this is my only house map. Smash Bros release tomorow, for any1 interested...

    Really, just try it first, ok?

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