Left4Dead Campaign 1: Pier Terror Chapter 1: The Town "WHAT?? ANOTHER CRAPPY LEFT 4 DEAD REMAKE??" no sir, this is not just another remake and no it is in no way crappy or lame. this was made by me with the actual Left4Dead in mind with no changes made from the actual game except that one zombie represents about 5-10 of the standard L4D zombie, allowing for zombies to have a waaay better fun factor. INTRODUCTION you may have wanted to hit "back" in your browser already just from seeing "Left4Dead" on forgehub like the others. but try to stick around, you will be surprised. everyone I played with in testing actually said that this game did feel just like L4D so please dont count this out as just another **** remake. this is no infection game: this is a full-out mini-game in itself. try it out and see what im talkin about This section of Chapter 1 includes campaign, versus, and survival modes. THEMAP This chapter starts out a lot like the beginning of the "Dark Carnival" campaign in L4D2 but is a lot different once you get moving. this chapter includes close-quarters combat, brief long-range battle spots, lots of corners, a few exploration routes and rooms to find weapons and 'nades in, and different elevation spawns for the zombies so, like the original L4D, the zombies can come from anywhere and anytime. STORY The Warthog breaks down on the way to a small town near Denver, Colorado. "Looks like we're walking," says one survivor. "Time to grab what we can and get the hell off this road," says another in response. the 4 survivors take what they can and hit the road, the abandoned headlights of their useless vehicle, shining them in the back as they get moving. The wreckage fills the highway and zombies lurk behind every crack, every corner, every pile of carnaged rock. the road only leads into a "road closed" sign and an abandoned sewage passage. The humans take their best bet and venture into the dark sewers. "I see a light" on fearful voice blurts out. the survivors leap out of the old sewage passage and into a murky swamp filled with wreckage and sewer water. a few shots are sounded and a few bodies fall, and its time to move on. the city streets await. the darkness of night begins to fade into day. a long walk through the city and a subway passage is found. "I think I'd take the subway instead of walking" one man says. he begins walking towards the passage filled with wreckage blocking the way. the 3 other survivors begin to follow as a crazed zombie in the distance starts a car alarm. the loud warning sound echoes into every zombie within earshot. the survivors rig up a bomb to blow the wreckage out of the way of the subway passage, and begin to battle the undead. finally, the wreckage clears and the passage is all clear. a simple walk down the stairs and a slam on the door means safety. the safe room is reached. WEAPONS you begin with the magnum of course and 0 grenades, but you can find a pile of other magnums to duel wield with your current, 2 SMGs with either 1 or 2 spare clips, and 2 shotguns either with 0 or 1 spare clip. the magnum may not have infinite ammo, but it works very well and would be anticlimactic with infinite mag ammo. the magnum can take down zombies within 2 or so headshots. with duel magnums, you have more shooting time and less reloading time which is always good the SMG works fairly decent. you can shoot down a zombie right before it tries to eat your face and works even better with Halo's ability to duel wield (which I wish you could disable) with either another SMG or another magnum. the shotgun works well on those zombies but can run out faster than you'd expect. no weapons on the map respawn, but you can find firebomb and spike grenades through the map if you explore a little as well as some different weapons. The Assault Rifle (AR) is like an SMG, but takes down zombies at further range and is therefore more accurate. the AR is always pretty decent on ammo as well. the Battle Rifle (BR) can take down zombies instantly so long as you headshot but takes quite a few bursts to get a gutshot kill. there is only one BR though, and it is low on ammo so have a designated man to take out baddies from a distance. you can also find a sniper rifle with decent ammo. it can be great with headshots like the BR but is obviously meant strictly for longer range, so get ready to no scope in those close quarters. ATTRIBUTES SURVIVORS if you start as the survivor in the beginning of this chapter, instead of one of those zombie freaks, then you're in for a rough ride. the survivor can take 5 or 6 hits from an infected before his shield is down and then maybe 1 or 2 more for him to die. a survivor player can run moderately fast but is not fast enough to outrun his undead opponents. his gravity is heavy, just like in L4D, and just like in real life. a survivor is more capable of killing zombies as he is killing other people in the average Slayer game. an infected is not as easy as killing one zombie in L4D, though. As said before, 1 zombie in this mode is equivalent to 5-10 of the average L4D zombie. instead of shoving zombies away, here you can simply kill them with a simple melee, but this attack is only directed towards one individual zombie and shouldn't be done when you're getting your face eaten. INFECTED if you are one of the players who spawn as a zombie, then the road will be tough, but you must do all you can to dwindle down the survivors' health bars. when you respawn, you will be very slow for 1 or 2 seconds and are also invulnerable. if a survivor sees you spawn, it will reenact what a survivor usually sees in L4D: a slow moving or standing zombie. your stage of infection is between common infected and special infected. You have no special abilities, but you can take much more damage than you could if you were a common infected. the only special thing about your type of infected, the the long rugged bone bulging out of your hand (energy sword). you can infect a survivor with one hit from behind (I know thats lame but halo doesnt permit anyone to disable assassinations as much as I'd like them too). GAMEMODES you may have been wondering about these gamemodes I've mentioned earlier. allow me to explain NOTE: This mini-game requires a lot of players to be the amount of fun it was intended for. Before you say the teams are uneven, look at the require players level for each gametype. CAMPAIGN MODE time limit- 3 minutes rounds- 1 players required- 12-16 Campaign Mode is a VIP game and plays through the map to the saferoom. once the VIP reaches the saferoom, the game is over and the survivors win. the VIP can heal other survivors very slowly so the infected must take him out to get the best chance of killing off the humans. survivors are eliminated once they are dead. at 2.5 minutes, no one can enter the safe room so the survivors must make it there before then to survive. VERSUS MODE time limit- 3 minutes rounds- 3 players required- 12-16 In Versus Mode, the survivors must make it to the safe room like in Campaign Mode, but become zombies when they die, making the game harder for the survivors and more enjoyable for the infected. once the saferoom is reached, players will simply have to wait another 30 seconds so that the round time ends. also for versus and campaign modes, it is possible to glitch out of the map at one certain spot, but it will not give you any benefits and testing has shown that map escapers die almost instantly so re-think exiting the map and just get back to the fun SURVIVAL MODE time limit- 10 minutes rounds- 5 players required- 8-16 Survival Mode games allow for multiple opportunity for the infected and gives the survivors a lot of fun as they endlessly shoot zombies. the survivors are restrained to one enclosed space with no destination and scattered weapons. survivors get 30 seconds to get weapons ready and find out places to hid and where zombie routes can be. although it may be generally easy to take out one zombie, it becomes harder and harder for the survivors once the zombies begin swarming all at once. on top of that, the infected can pick up certain powerups when they respawn, allowing them to become special infected. the special infected are as follows: Setinal Beam- smoker firebombs- spitter flare- boomer power drain- drainer (new infected) overshield+grav hammer- tank all the survival maps i'v created are inescapable so dont waste time trying to get out of sandbox and spend it on finding a place to hide in the map SCREENSHOTS I suppose you've been waiting to see what the map looks like. the map may look short, but it was as long as you could make it so try it out before not downloading it. the story caption from earlier in the post tells whats going on you begin by your warthog being broken down but you lay out all your supplies and hit the road. (the warthog is INOPERABLE in the gametype) the dark highway is full of debris. plenty of cover for zombies and lots of places where they jump out at you. follow the road straight ahead to find the next path... ... your next path: the sewage tunnel. a wall broke open to reveal a convenient path to the town. the resst of the road is blocked off and the other opening is a dead end. just go for the light the end of the tunnel at last. now you're dumped into a pile of sewage and trash. trudge through the slosh and onto the streets a view of the open part of the street. you can go straight ahead, go down an alley to the right, or go to the street on the left the left path. (the right path only leads you back onto the main path but includes the room with the BR). here we see some SMG ammo and a pipebomb- err... spike grenade you roam the streets until you find a blocked path to the place with the saferoom entrance. "have to find another way." "how bout this house?" the house leads to an upstairs and has a dropdown into the area with the saferoom entrance "its blocked! we need to get down to that subway entrance!" when that narrator announces "30 seconds remaining" the wreckage gets exploded away and the saferoom is enter-able. the safe room. when inside in a versus game, just go around the pallet and run into it to make it fall onto the receiver portal thus: the door is closed. many zombies can appear at once. and remember, each zombie here represents about 5-10 of the original L4D common infected, so this situation in the screenshot was pretty devastating And the survivors escape! the next chapter in this campaign: Pier Terror, will be available soon. I'm in the process of making it as well as the new survival map to go with it! So get some friends or whenever you have a lot of people, just give this a try and see if people like it. VVV DOWNLOAD LINKS VVV Left4Dead Campaign Mode (L4D) Campaign Chapter 1 (L4D) Campaign Gametype Left4Dead Versus Mode (L4D) Versus Mode Chapter 1 (L4D) Versus Gametype Left4Dead Survival Mode (L4D) Survival Mode Map 1 (L4D) Survival Gametype
Extremely unsorry buddy, but this is the most accurate representation of L4D I've ever seen!. I love how you used VIP to give it a campaign feel and flow. THough the map is not AMAZING, the gametype seems to suit it well. Can't wait till second chapter cuz this is more accurate than the real official gametype. Dling so I can give real feedback.
id be willing to bet you didnt read 1 thing about my post at all lol but anyway, iv just went to the "official" link and it did not feature a campaign or anything like left4dead at all except for some random map recreations from the game. lame. in this version, however, there is a consecutive storyline and chapters to come. playing this version eliminates camping and forces players to get to the saferoom just like in L4D
Wow this is the best Left 4 Dead map ever! Everything looks good and promising. Gameplay is indeed well and better then all the others. So this is what you have been building when I was there riding a mongoose lol?
~Sorry buddy, but there's already an official Left 4 Dead gametype.~ This is an incredibly populer and incredibly fun map that thasounds of people have enjoyed throughout a span of about two years. Manifest offers better aesthetics, gameplay, and enjoyment than almost any other Infection map in all of Halo. Again, sorry broski. Cheers, HarisSales.
No special infected except in survival? That's not terrible I suppose since you can't successfully add special infected in Halo. The only problem is that the map looks breakable. Even with high gravity, the humans can get out. While it won't be a game breaker since there is low ammo and destination points in some gametypes, it's still a problem. The forging could also use a little touch up. The pile of sewage and trash looks exactly like what it is, a pile of shield doors with a pallet thrown in. To fix this you would need to make the doors stretch fully across the gap. Howeever, that would use too much budget when you're probably already low to out of money. The forging is alright, but merging would help touch it up a lot, and would also give it a more realistic feel. Do the zombies have a spawn hub or is it just random. If it's random it seems like it could be a pain just running all the way across the map. The last thing I'm wondering about is if the safe door pallet is on instant respawn. While it would be a long shot for a zombie to get in there first, it's still possible. However, based on the design I'm sure this would really feel like Left 4 Dead, so congratulations. I really like how you allowed it to have different game modes, that is completely new to these remakes (as far as I've seen). Anyway, no DL here, for the reasons stated above and since L4D remakes are so common.
Have you ever played Manifest? A group of Humans traveling through a city, fighting zombies along the way until they get to the end of the level. Manifest isn't just a L4D copy...it is L4D. Besides, it takes incredible teamwork to survive as a Human (L4D), and a little trap-setting goes a long way as a zombie (L4D). Manifest features everything L4D has, except slightly altered to look after the fact that a) There are about 20x less zombies when playing it in Halo, and b) The normal Infected are real people now, and they can get frustrated from not being able to kill Humans. From what I've heard so far, your L4D gametype doesn't have Special Infected in Campaign and Versus (correct me if I'm wrong), so you can't really use that as a crutch. I have no problem with your actuall map and gametype, but the fact that you're calling it "The Best Most Accurate L4D Game Evars!" definitely bugs me. Cheers, HarisSales.
Well, while I do agree that Manifest is a lot like Left 4 Dead, I know for a fact that the creators didn't mean for it to be like L4D. No where in the original thread does it say that Manifest is based on or even inspired by L4D. Plus, I think that Manifest came out before L4D did.
well thanks for the comments so far. I need the feedback so i can make chapter 2 even BETTER than this one! I will have you all know that it is very hard to escape the map and that most people dont even try to. Not even the zombies can escape, so the game is pretty solid. also, my forging budget ran out in making the map so its not as good as it could be but it still plays excellently. as manifest goes and the other L4D stuff, i will just have to tell you that its not the same as L4D campaign or like it at all. this version offers all the gametypes, maps and just feels official when you play it. so if you havent dl'd, please try it out