Do you want MLG In Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zow Jr, Aug 23, 2010.


DO you want MLG in Reach?

  1. YES!!

    34 vote(s)
  2. NO!!!

    21 vote(s)
  3. What's MLG?

    2 vote(s)
  1. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    That sounds epic Landil. I think that it just happens to promote sneaky beavers like me! :)

    I mean, if they make it more about movement and shooting than the getting close and hitting this game could be brilliant and i might actually play Reach more often competitively. Because it will be fixing the biggest problem i had with H3 lol.
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I tend to agree, but I haven't posted in that thread over there because it isn't a major concern to me. I do want to know what Zow thinks, and I want him to see that MLG isn't just blindly against close range combat, but they have reasons for their decisions. Not everyone has to agree, but everyone has to understand before they can hate.
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Best thing you've posted on here so far. that sounds great for close quarters balance. If they really are gonna do that, I am sure to play some MLG.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The Weapon/Melee damage ratio needs a serious increase because a double beatdown takes less time than an AR-beatdown. Another problem is that from the effective range of an AR, two players moving towards each other will reach melee range before killing each other, and depending on accuracy, they often still have shields left. (my experience from the beta) Additionally, someone with sprint can usually run away faster than the AR can kill. From this I think the best solution would not be to decrease melee damage, but rather to increase weapon damage. I don't know what exactly MLG is looking for in reach besides a way to bring back the BR, but three melees for a kill seems like too much.
  5. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    Yes, I almost have my 50 in MLG in Halo so if there is MLG in Reach then I will say screw halo 3 and play MLG in Reach but if not then most likely I will Try to get my 50 first the play multiplayer. Plus the BR is like terrible to me in that game so they might need to change it, but its a tradition so I doubt it.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I cannot understand more than half of what you said.... grammar next time?

    There is no BR in Reach, good luck using it.

    There is no BR in Reach, how the heck did you have a problem with it being 'terrible'...?

    The skill ranks are hidden, meaning you cannot see them. Essentially there is no such thing as a rank of 50, so how are you gonna get that?

    Once again...... i have no idea what you said so this is just hoping i get it right.
  7. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    I never had time really to play the beta sorry, plus I never said that there is skill rank in Reach I just want MLG, In Halo3 I almost have my 50 skill rank. If there is no MLG in Reach then I will get my 50 in Halo 3 first then start playing Reach. I hope that clears things up. :)
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    To address the altered OP: You do know there's an Energy Sword on MLG Heretic, right?

    Not sure I agree on the removal of the PP, but I can definitely see where you're coming from. I'd agree straight up if it were the green ball of death that was the H2 PP, but either way I certainly think you raise an interesting point.

    I still disagree on AR, since I think that the skill (in this I include ability to aim, positioning and decision making with it) required to use it doesn't match up to the reward in potential power. Basically, I don't think you have to either be that good a shot with it, or that smart when using it, to do a pretty significant chunk of damage in quite a few situations. I'm not saying that your claims of being a very smart player who uses the AR to great effect are unture, not at all, just saying that any given player of not that great aim and smarts can still do, imo, a staggering amount of damage in some situations. Said situations are also too specific imo, and I think it'd just end up as an ambush weapon which could potentially slow the game down through over caution of ARs when pushing in to enemy map areas etc. I think the mauler was a great ambush weapon in this sense, you had to really get your attack right or they'd have time to back off and render your gun much less powerful than it was when you had the jump on them, not true with the AR as far as I'm concerned since you can come back from messing up that initial ambush and still do more than enough damage to kill them before they can kill you.

    I will, though, admit that during the beta I didn't get to use the AR enough and in enough different situations to fully appreciate how it plays, so I'd definitely want to get used to the Reach mechanic, and also how the MLG approach to changing the game pans out, much more before judging whether it should be included or not definitively. But honestly, right now I suspect you're gonna be disappointed if you really want to see any fully automatic gun in MLG.
    #68 Pegasi, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Lol there is a sword on MLG Heretic? I don't play MLG anymore since the release of Sandbox. I had no idea. But still I hope they have a sword in their other maps too. About the automatics I both concur and am a lil worried since MLG is as you say, not to crazy about automatics so I'm not getting my hopes up. Hopefully they keep the sword in there.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'd like to say that the Sword is used on the basis of whether it's suitable for a map, and even though it's only on heretic I think I could say this if I didn't secretly suspect that the real reason is that they though 'it's Midship, Midship had a sword...', so tried the sword, and when it didn't break gameplay they left it in. It's that H2 follow on mentality that Ladnil mentioned, I seriously hope that KC and the crew shake it off and start a fresh with their approach to MLG-ising Reach.
  11. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i dont mean it as an insult. i guess noob comes across as insulting, but maybe your just not the best at halo. nobody should be offended by this, its a game. you want to have weapons available to you that you can kill with just as well as a very skilled person. Mlg is about the seperation bewtween unskilled players and skilled players, and while obviously MLG is going to make changes to reach to suit them, its still never going to be an easy game to play, and there will never be easy kills, and all the changes they make are going to seperate the skill levels more and more. from your posts, it seems that you are against that, and the only reason i would think so is that you dont have the skill neccesary to get kills. please do not take it offensively. im just trying to address a few of the problems you have addressed with MLG.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'm glad to hear it. Maybe my reaction was out of proportion with what you said earlier, but you give a very powerful impression that you're just mad that there are people who take the game seriously and who use only the useful weapons instead of all of the weapons Bungie felt like putting in. I cannot stand that attitude, so if that's not your attitude I guess I misunderstood.
  13. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    Well, MLG is going to be in Reach whether you like it or not. If you don't like it, not play it. It's as simple as that.

    However, the way it's looking, MLG settings will probably have the same damage setting as the standard gametypes. I, personally, really like this because it will draw some new faces to MLG, and it will be much easier to switch back and forth.

    Also, I'm hoping MLG will use a much wider weapon set this time around. In Reach, it looks like we have so many more weapons that will fit with MLG settings. The Shotty, the Concussion Rifle, the Focus Rifle, the Plasma Pistol, the Pro Pipe, the AR, the Plasma Repeater, the Sword, and the Plasma Rifle all look viable competitively. In addition to that, Armor Abilities, mainly Hologram and Jetpack, look like the would work for MLG maps if you place them on the map. So it's like a Powerup of sorts.

    I'm very excited for the MLG settings in Reach.
  14. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Sorry for being insulted but I am actually a very skilled player, though not the best. I am waiting for MLG to do something in reach hopefully useful maybe it will be challenging and attract players of all sorts not just the range weapon users. I do like a challenge and I hope MLG can give me that with a wider range of weapons other than BR sniper.
    Well I have to disagree about all the weapons in MLG being the only useful ones but sorry I came off as that. I am a whole lot more mature than to act like a screaming 8 yr old complaining cuz he can't get an easy kill. I am anticipating all that is to come in Reach including MLG.

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