In this article, if you read this part. Spoiler I believe you can now use the Hunter's weapon. What do you think?
Nope. Its just the plasma turret we saw in Halo 3. There's even a picture on that site Sorry, not a new weapon, but new info that we'll be able to use some of the hunters weapons.
Hunter's use Fuel Rod Cannons that are physically built onto their armor. We wouldn't be able to use a Hunter's weapon, ever.
All it tells us is that hunters now use plasma cannons, just like halo 3 and halo 3 odst's chieftains can. They have it, they shoot you with it, you kill them, you steal it.
Rifte, madz even quoted the relevant section from the site. Yes, that is the Plasma Cannon you linked to and yes it is the same gun that is in the screenshot! There's nothing to doubt. Hunters use T52 Plasma Cannons, aka the Plasma Cannon in Halo 3, and after killing them you can pick it up and carry it around as a turret in 3rd person, just like you did in Halo 3. By the way, "Type 52" isn't the name of the gun. See? The gun is just the "Type-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon"
When ever has a hunter carried a weapon that wasn't a fuel rod? Never. I don't know what in the world you're talking about in the second bit, when hunters die, they die. They don't drop weapons you can pick up.
No, we agree. ALL I was saying is that that's the only weapon they've ever used. FACT. not against something new.... hunters aren't nearly as scary as they first were. a new devastating weapon could be interesting, but i doubt it will be
lol, this is just bickering between what seems to be two people. hunters use their plasma cannon thingys end of story, there is no reason for them to have more weapons now than they did before. if anything make a version of a hunter with two cannons and no shield.
You seem to be having a hard time understanding that Halo Reach is not Halo 3. Yes, it is true that Hunters have never any weapons which do more than fire green stuff at you. Yes, it is true that the player has never been able to pick up the Hunter's weapons after killing it. But we're discussing a game which is yet to come out. In Halo Reach you will be able to pick up the Hunter-wielded, Type 52, Plasma Cannon, which we saw in Halo 3 as a turret wielded by Brute Chieftans, after killing the Hunter. Just because it never happened in the Halo Trilogy doesn't mean theres no possible way it can happen in Halo Reach.
You seem to have a hard time understanding it just won't happen. Like I said before, error in the article. Wouldn't be the first time Popular Mechanics misinterpreted something regarding Reach. How is a hunter, with only 3 fingers on one hand supposed to wield that? If this is so, why haven't there been any pictures of hunters using plasma turrets? Or why in the leaked streams the hunters weren't using them? What probably happened was the hunter died on top of a plasma turret, the player picks up the plasma turret thinking that the hunter was using it.
Lol win Anyway, I'm assuming that it's fake. If Hunters used a new weapon, the hackers who have the game would have leaked it out by mow.
You all don't seem to get that the Fuel Rod cannon Hunters carry is Part of their arm. It's grown into it, as in it would take surgery to remove. you can't simply swipe it.
..most people in the thread understand that already, they just think that the hunter's wielding a plasma turret now like a chieftain and that's what you can take.
and the people that think that are retarded as hell, why would they change something like that in the game? that'd be like giving elites 5 fingers just so they can count to 10 with all their fingers... this would be pointless to introduce a form of hunter that can wield a weapon that is weaker than the one it already uses. The only reason they would change a main enemy like the hunter would be to introduce more difficulty, seeing as this is the last halo game bungie is making. They wouldn't do something stupid like weaken the titans that hunters are, no way in hell. you have a better chance of gordon freeman making a guest appearance in reach than that monstrosity of a dumb hunter.