Well i found out that race tracks arent my thing. but heres one of my competitive maps- anvil. So this map is setup for team slayer, and maybe slayer. It started out as a 1 bomb map. the setup was gonna be like one large base that had to be attacked. well as you can see from the video/pics. that soon changed. I hope you like this map, and if you want to add me on xboxlive, my gt is- grif otage video- YouTube- Anvil- A halo 3 map Download map here- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=115568415 Pictures below.
Looks very cool. Definitly beats the deafault foundry. Geo-merging is clean, nice overall look, kudos.
I absolutely love the music as does everyone else because if there is anything the internet has taught us it's that everyone has the same tastes of music. Don't give up on race maps just because yours isn't the best. It's like if someone said they didn't like my map, then i gave up forge forever. Forgehub is here to help you improve your forging skills. Most of the people here give constructive criticism to help you make the maps better, not stop making them. Use the testers guild/review hub to your advantage. P.S. When choosing music for your video at least make it something like Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Jimmy Hendrix, etc. So that the worst people can say is "I don't like it, but i can't deny it's a good band."
Agreed with the Led Zeppelin comment above, lol. On topic: This maps is very well forged. Merges are clean, use of creativity in the design. However, gameplay wise this map seems like it may be kinda frustrating. I only played a couple games on it, but it seemed like you HAD to stay on the boxes. The only way to take over the map would be to avoid the floor. Avoiding the floor makes core elements like strafing and quick escapes nearly impossible. I would try to make the walkways and bridges a bit wider, as in more than one box wide. Also, you could add more cover to the ground level and less to the upper levels. Kinda like Assembly and Heretic. Of course, that's only if you have enough budget left over. If not, then this is still a decent map, and hopefully your next map can be even better