Hi everybody, I decided to try and remake the area in the Halo: CE level "Assault on the Control Room" where you can take the Scorpion onto a bridge in the middle of a long, underground chasm. However, during creation of the level the design changed a bit, so I decided to make it a new level called "Chasm". EDIT1: Here's the new design (Narrows-like): Top view Iso view Side view View of extension Side View (cover) Close-up of cover The blue balls are Man Cannons. Obviously I'd set soft kill zones around the sides and under the bridges, as well as on the "far" parts (not sure what to call them...), and then a hard kill zone halfway down the bottom. This is the map I plan on parading around, if it works out right. I'm most proud of this SketchUp, I think it conveys what I'm trying to do nicely. I'm going to scrap my "Quadradish" thread, as I don't think it's nearly as good as this one...
Looks pretty small, but nice. Just hope that you will have enough of those gigantic wall things to make it though =P
How exactly do you see the gameplay on this map playing out? It seems to me as if the teams would just be constantly running straight at each other. It doesn't seem like there would be many routes to choose from. I think players would get bored just running in a straight line, dying, repeating. Maybe you could add some walkways on the side or maybe a second level. Also, I think banshees would be very over-powered on a map like this. There isn't any overhead cover for players on the ground and there is very little space for them to go. You would have to have enough weapons to counteract the extreme power of the banshees. Which leads me into my next question: What are your plans for weapons on the map? It doesn't seem like there is a ton of room for more than a half dozen weapons or so, and if a good chunk of these have to be for counter-banshee warfare, what weapons are going to be pleft for players on the groung? And I think that power weapons could be VERY dominant on this map, because of its small size. Anyway, just some things to think about as you design your map, I hope it turns out well when you finally build it in Reach.
Ummm, you've already used like 2 times the budget... Each of those huge walls are 200 bucks. Your gunna have to make it smaller... Looks cool though... EDIT: Only 10 bucks but u still only have 50 walls (I think) so you might run out if you plan to add more...
Would you stop beating people over the head with that? Your wrong anyway. Wall, Coliseum - [$10] -[50]
actually wall, coliseum isnt the same as wall, giant. wall, coliseum is the wall designed to fit into to hole for the coliseum area, its designed to fit and close up the hole perfectly. now on topic, this looks like it'd be an ok conquest map a the very least.
Aesthetically it looks nice. However unless you can create a custom gametype that works this map would be one gargantous bottleneck. No chance of flanking, Lines of sight would also be quite limited. (Any structure built on top of the bridge would completely prevent the player from shooting long disance. The extreme linear design wouldn't be suitable for conquest.
Thought that was Coliseum, Window. Anyway, it's still not 200 bucks so the end result is not overbudget. As to add more dimensions to this by simply adding a few walkways down adn around the sides, if I remember correctly the level you had to get out and hike to the sides to release the bridge, so maybe some sloped sides on each end that would allow some horizontal movement, not just the linear one while still keeping with the motif.
Alright, I'll add some walkways/overhead cover, maybe replacing the landing pads with staircases leading to an upper level and having lower level platforms. This was just a basic SketchUp anyway. What's funny about your post is that's actually not the level I had in mind when I made this map. That was Halo. I'm referring to "Assault on the Control Room" where you had to take the tank through those gigantic doors (which one would later get stuck from the Flood on Two Betrayals). EDIT: Maybe it would help if I put a Master Chief model in there for reference... It would actually take a while to get from one end to the other... oh, and those are "Wall, Coliseum" objects, not "giant walls". I didn't even know there was such an object
the window and the wall are for that purpose. he is using the giant ones that im pretty sure only 4 can be used of. if it was chaged up a bit it would work for conquest better.
Dammit, I'm confused. I'm using the Coliseum Wall. Judging from that screenshot of the item list Hibiki had, I'd say I'm in the clear. But can I or can I not do what I want in Forge World???
There is no "Wall, Giant". Theres a Wall, Double Wall, Curved Wall, and the Coliseum Wall. I think we cans safely say that the largest object available is the Coliseum Wall, costing $10
I can really only see this working as a Conquest-style map. Way too linear for anything else. I like the Halo: CE vibe you got going, though.
How often I have said that, It truly is confusing to me, because I could be using something that ties in with anoter objects limit, and I getting the right price for this object, I have so many ideas, and more pop up every day but I just write it down and go on because until I begin to make a map I really have no idea what is able to be done and what is not.
Well, I guess that's why these are really just ideas, and not complete plans... Great, thanks for clearing that up! I suspected as much. EDIT: OP updated with the new design. I might need to add some more cover, as well as an upper level, but tell me what you think! EDIT1: Might need to adjust the side bridges, a la Narrows, so that people aren't just using Man Cannons to get across. --- The OP now has an updated SketchUp based more on Narrows than anything. For example, one side has man cannons and the other has some cover from which you can snipe. Do I really need to add an upper level? I could use teleporters to use the space inside the coliseum walls, but I want to avoid the use of teleporters as much as possible.