Do you want MLG In Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zow Jr, Aug 23, 2010.


DO you want MLG in Reach?

  1. YES!!

    34 vote(s)
  2. NO!!!

    21 vote(s)
  3. What's MLG?

    2 vote(s)
  1. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    A Pro player such as myself would like to see further explanation.
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Philosophy Explanation, courtesy of Zow Jr.

    Well then my fellow pro, prepare yourself. Here goes. (this is going to be in Big bold text for all to see.)
    Ok here is my theory on it. I made this little number up when some prick in an MLG game I played challenged me to 1v1 after his team beat us. I heard his friends through the mic. He told me if i didn't like how he schooled me to 1v1.

    (And you wonder where I get my stereotype of MLG players from? hmmm..)

    Anyways so I declined at first but he was spamming flames and got all his buddies to fill up my message box with crap. SO I accepted. It was a normal slayer match.

    He at first started winning because he got to the sniper first and this is what he told me when he was ahead by 10 kills. (get ready)

    (God! what a douche) That tore it. I grabbed the shotgun (isn't that a suprise) and kept my AR. I ran up to him blasting my AR away and kept his scope off, without his scope armed he proved useless. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead again. Another Dead. And yet another Dead(you get the point) He tried using other MLG only weapons like the Carbine and the Mauler but he lost purely to my Pure skills with other weapons and the fact I was too pissed off to say anything. (Wait did you say shotgun skills? Does close range skill actually exist) I even grabbed a BR after my AR ran out and as it turns out I was better at out BRing than him. I won 25/11. I said during one of the final skills my philosophy

    (this is a true story I happen to be a good storyteller which makes it seem like a fictional script of an action movie or a chapter taken off the ILIAD) He left after cursing me out. I realized something. This guy knew how to use those few weapons, but when it came down to it, he sucked.

    The moral behind this philosophy is, You are not good because of the weapon most deem is sovereignly good. You are simply good because you are the definition of pro. What is Pro? It is derived from Professional meaning that you are good at something. So if you can master adapting to situations and knowing how to act under pressure (plus using a badass weapon like the sniper or the br or the ar) then you are good. It is a concept most people I've met, (particularly the MLG pros of my friends) DO not understand or get in any way. Once they practice and become good, they won't need to use a certain weapon choice, any weapon they lay there hands on becomes a pro weapon (unless it's the halo 2 plasma pistol, that weapon F***in sucked)
    #42 Zow Jr, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  3. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not much an MLG fan, but I voted yes because MLG will undoubtedly be in Reach. UNDOUBTEDLY!
    #43 L337 Commando, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Most of the MLG people I meet are like this:
    But that is no reason to get rid of a perfectly good and highly competitive gametype.

    Complete sentences plox

    Just give it up man.
    Oh I just noticed the thing about you being a great story teller. I'm sorry but good stories use complete sentences; especially the Iliad. Even if you learned grammar I would not bother listening to your unconvincing story. How about you give us the game details :)
    #44 pyro, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I just happen to be using the Light skin right at this moment. Guess what i happen to see but.....
    a giant wall of white -_-

    PLEASE make sure that you keep it readable... like default text color or something........
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    MLG is welcome to have their own playlist, but I shant be playing it. I'm not much for cocky "pro" playing.

    Additionally, I like some variety in weapons and abilities.
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Seems weird that an MLG dude would put up a normal gametype on Default Guardian.
    Whatevs, cool story bra.

    I agree that a player's skill is not on his BR. I focus more on having the player make stupid choices and having it work out in my favor.

    As for the OP's question, I like MLG (Don't love it, but enjoy it a great deal) and can't wait to see what they do with the settings.
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No matter what they do with their settings, it will be no radar and the maps will be on average way better than Bungie maps, so I'll play it fairly often.

    The rest of the settings could go in any direction, we've just got to hope Killa KC doesn't use Halo 2 as the starting point for what Reach settings ought to be as many of the MLG community members have been doing.
  9. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    tl;dr @ large white wall of text.

    But seriously, thats why Bungie, those devils, put in different playlists. If you don't like it, GTFO and quit crying.

    The only thing that I don't like about MLG is that is that "Its the playlist to boost." I only played 2 games of MLG today, and i had a booster on our team both times. they ran around shooting us, stealing the flag and running it away while we tried to juggle the other team and him at the same time.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Precisely, I really hope that they do just regurgitate the same settings as H2 and H3. REACH plays differently, the players play differently, I want something fresh and exciting.
  11. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    I voted yes, mainly becasue i played a lot of gamebattles in halo 3, and you use mlg gametypes and maps for that. So i got used to playing MLG, although i stopped after a while because i got bored of the 5 or so weapons that your able to use, also when ever my team would win a match the other team would always send messages saying that we cheated or used nooby tactics. So it got really old and boring quickly. Now what im hoping for in reach is that they dont change the actual gameplay to much or the weapons. Im hoping that they keep loadouts OR place armor abilities around the map. As for weapons i hope they inclued the vast majority of weapons in reach except: Plasma Launcher, Plasma Rifle. Assaut Rifle, Needler, and Turrets. Everything else i hope to see in MLG. Now im not saying i want every weapon in the game to be in every map used. I just want to see different weapons on every map. Not the same 5 every map. But no matter what ill probaly still enjoy MLG what ever the settings are.
  12. Charleo0192

    Charleo0192 Forerunner

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    To my knowledge MLG isn't in Reach yet. And to answer your question, Yes, I would like to see a MLG playlist in Reach.
    #52 Charleo0192, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  13. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    It makes sense that they won't have an MLG playlist in Matchmaking at launch. MLG has to come out with their gametypes and maps before Bungie can make a playlist for them. They don't know how MLG is gonna make Reach play.
  14. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Ok idk if a mod can change the name of this poll or post because people are mostly getting the wrong idea off of what i have been saying and I am coming off as a prick. I am changing the post up to make it less offensive. I hope this clears up a few things and puts out any flames that might have started. Peace. And I still wish MLG would put more than 5 weapons in their playlist. The only weapons I had an easy time with besides the rockets were the mauler and the BR
  15. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    depends what they do with loadouts. the jetpack is one of the best strateigic things to happen to the game, it would be interesting to see it at least placeable. i fully expect evade and sprint to be in MLG, and i think hologram could add interesting elements. i really want a ton of AAs in MLG, and than amount of firepower wont actualy

    and Zow, you arent supposed to have an easy timee with ANYTHING an MLG. everything is supposed to be a skill weapon. its supposed to be based on skill, im assuming your a noob because of the few posts ive seen from you but MLG is made so noobs cant go positive in kills, you have to be skillled.
  16. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    I voted yes. Although I didn't play it much, it didn't annoy me. I actually pulled off my first overkill in matchmaking on that (first week of Halo 3 online ;) ). Sure, you get those annoying kids who think 'like ohmahgawd, I must be like, awesome if I play it and win a match', but I, for one, haven't really found many of those in the MLG playlist (when I play it).
  17. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Ok this kinda tears it.

    Ok first off I agree with the whole AA thing in MLG but let me make one thing clear to you my confuzzled friend (confuzzled is a word I made up that is a synonym of confused and baffled, no it isn't in the dictionary)

    I am not a n00b. I was not a n00b and will ever be a n00b. ...........ok now that that's established what do you mean easy time. I never said I wanted an easier time I just wish there were more options in weapon selection and that there was less a focus on ranged combat. Seeing as Bungie finally balanced CQC in Reach maybe now it will amount to some kind of skill to really master it.
    But I am NOT I repeat I am NOT a n00b I realize you may have gotten this assumption from my post but don't judge me. As you can see it obviously comes off as wrong most of the time and can be proven wrong in so many ways. I am no n00b at all, please do not make this clearly mistaken assumption again. I do not like blatant judging and any post flaming or disrespecting me after this will be reported. I am changing this post to seem less offensive to MLG players so no more accusations like these
    happen to me and we can all discuss the subject. Do you like the fact MLG is in Reach?
  18. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yeah. You just want it to be objective and unbiased? That might be the most prudent decision at this juncture.
    NO!!!!!!!! Confuzzled is a combination of CONFUSED and PUZZLED. CONFU + ZZLED = CONFUZZLED

    Thanks for being understanding! <3
  19. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Oh yeah, oops forgot. Thanks for that.
  20. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Since you're a big fan of close quarters, I'm curious about your opinion on something:

    One of the suggestions floating around on the MLG forums right now is to turn melee damage down to 75%. That way, it takes 2 beatdowns to fully remove shields and 1 to take down health. The goal of this setting is to eliminate the Reach Beta situation where you could put 3 Magnum shots on someone and then be in melee range, and you both melee at the same time but because of no bleed-through, suddenly you're tied and likely both die. Instead, with the 75% damage setting, putting shots on someone before you're in melee range leaves you with an advantage which encourages players to shoot each other at close range rather than just trying to close distance for a melee.

    How does that sound to someone who likes close range combat?

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