Quitter Ban in Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jameslieb1, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Cosmic Rick is pro-quit-ban. Probably the best solution for the largest number of people. Yay, bungie!

    All sources point at it staying for the game. I'm keeping my fingers crossed just in case.
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Apparently I don't know how to post tastefully and my post was removed because of this.

    #22 Zow Jr, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2010
  3. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Yeah, my router disconnects at random, sometimes 2-3 times a day and when it happens it's in quick succession. **** this. I'm against quitters, but not necessarily thrilled to risk getting banned for something I have no control over.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Could you please start making your point in a civilized manner.

    The same thing happens to me sometimes. It's just some days where the internet keeps failing at least once an hour and I have to restart my xbox (presumably due to network maintenance). If have to not only restart my xbox but then wait for the quit ban to expire, I will be really mad. I hope they keep this out of FFA games because then it really makes no difference. Usually I only play those when the internet acts up.
    #24 pyro, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
  5. Vitreosity

    Vitreosity Forerunner

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    After coming back from a long break of console gaming, starting my subscription and playing World of Warcraft, I actually learned a few things from that game, and I'm glad that Bungie is playing it like Blizzard had; with a feature in that game called the Random Dungeon Finder (Essentially matchmaking), upon leaving the group for any reason (Disconnecting didn't remove you from the group) you got a thirty minute debuff that essentially titled you a quitter. It taught people to sit there and help the people who weren't as good at the game, and not to be impatient. I'm sure if Bungie puts this into effect once Reach is live, the timer will be a lot shorter, seeing as the games usually only take 10 minutes at most; maybe 15 minutes would be more reasonable.

    Another thing that would be nice is if Bungie had a way to tell if you disconnected from the game or if you quit. That way, the people with bad connections would be able to get a little slack :)

    #25 Vitreosity, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  6. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Quit ban is great. If you leave cause of something important, you can't play the game and quit ban won't matter.
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I guess you could always not play xbox live. If you are genuinely suggesting that Bungie not introduce banning repeat quitters just for you, because you claim to have router problems, that has to be the dumbest excuse I have ever heard.

    Stop being such an ingrate, and stomach the 30 minute ban for screwing over your team-mates. Connection drops and "I have to leave" quitting have the same effect on me as rage quitting, so I couldn't care what your excuse is.
  8. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I'm for the quit ban. You ruin the game for others, you're game should be equally ruined. If I ever get a ban, I'll just Forge or (more than likely) play campaign a bit.

    As for being booted for betrayals, I'm for it counting to the quit ban IF they change the Ban system. If someone can betray you 5 times without giving you the option to boot but then you betray them ONCE and you get booted, it'll be bull. I guess if that happens 3 times in a row then you should quit for a bit and vent (because I know I'D be pissed if I was booted 3 times in a row after all those betrayals).
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I'm not saying they should just stop the quitban, just that they should prevent it from causing such heavy consequences for people who have network trouble and the same for certain playlists. If I have network trouble, I always play something FFA or Big Team but the latter only if the network problem is not too serious. They really need to weight it differently for certain reasons and certain playlists (ie. Firefight > instaban, network trouble > two count as one regular quit, FFA/customs > no penalty)
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Yes, but if you have network problems and keep going into games only to find that you lose connection, you deserve to be banned. Think of how pissed off your team is when you lag out.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    If honour is enforced by penalty for acting otherwise, it's no longer honour. That's kinda the point.

    I'm not totally anti-quit penalty, but I definitely think banning even for a while is too far. I play any video game to enjoy it, a game which I have paid for and using an Xbox LIVE service which I have also paid for. If I'm not enjoying the current match, I think I'm fully within my rights to leave it. I can see the point of in-game penalties, and since this is held within the confines of the game, I don't really object to it. But actually stopping you playing a game you paid for because you used a function that the creators themselves put in to the game is unfair imo. Handily, the beta was free thus negating this point, and furthermore I totally see the point that it was there to help Bungie gather stats and info, and quitting out hinders that massively. If you're invited to participate in a free beta, and act in a way detrimental to the purpose of that beta, I think it's pretty fair to revoke the right to participate further. I would be very disappointed if this function carried over from the beta to the real game, though. But honestly I doubt it will, it'd be shooting themselves in the foot by just begging the user to go play a different game instead.

    To people saying stuff like 'just go hide instead of quitting'. How is having an AFK player on your team any better than if they'd quit out? Imo it's only worse, since if the enemy finds them they get a free kill, and it weights spawns horribly to where they're standing, I find this intensely annoying and would much rather they just quit than stood still. On this note, surely there should be an equal penalty for being AFK as for quitting, if anything worse due to the reasons I just mentioned, potentially even a penalty for 'not trying your hardest!' And what about FFA? You're not hurting any team mates there, are you? Why the penalty in this case?
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    If I have problems almost every game of course I'm not going to even bother going on live. It's just if I'm playing xbox all day and the network goes down three times that day I would get a quitban, despite that being less than one out of ten games, even if I'm playing FFA. This only happens a few times a year but I doubt I'm the only one who could have problems from this.

    I am entirely for the quitban, but I think it could use some modification, including being tighter in some gametypes.
    #32 pyro, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  13. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    That is a terrible justification. I paid for the game, therefore I get to do whatever I want? Even if it means being obnoxious, team killing or boosting? Paying for something doesn't give the right to be a ****. It's Bungie's game, you follow their rules. Consider it a meta-game mechanic.

    The quitter ban is in the game, and I doubt Bungie cares about the arrogant minority of rage quitters.

    The system is designed specifically to target the habitual rage quitting players who make the game miserable for other people. If you need to get an appointment, or get to a job, ONE game isn't going to see you banned.

    The words I was searching for.

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    I agree with Pegasi,If im going to be paying roughly 130$ to play online(half for reach and half for Xbox live)I would like the freedom to leave the game if Im not enjoying it(Im not saying im a rage quitter tho)but everybody has left at least one game that they weren't having fun in. And plus Bungie values their customers and their feedback that's why the beta was there in the first place.
    I really hope there is not a quitter ban.
  15. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    Although your paying for Reach, that does not make the game yours. Sure, you are allowed to play the content on the disk for your payment, but in the end, any online gameplay is mandated and owned by Bungie. Think of it more as renting the game for the span of ownership, rather than owning it. Bungie gets to make all the calls in this whether you want them to or not. And besides, you're paying for access to Xbox Live. Bungie, through the permission of Microsoft, is given control of Xbox Live as it relates to their own game which they hold any and all licenses to.
  16. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Currently, I would say at least 50% of my social big team games are ruined by people who quit the second they start losing. Especially in one flag or one bomb.

    Now everyone quits from time to time. I have myself quit when:

    -Other people quitting has created a pointless 2 vs 8 scenario in an objective game.
    -A bunch of 5 star generals in a guild are camped in your half of the map and you are basically getting spawn killed.
    -And of course RL emergencies.

    The first occurance should be prevented by the quit ban. Which is good.
    The second and third occurance are so few and far between that being given three strikes is plenty.

    I am 100% for the quit ban.
  17. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    Agree. Hey, sorry the game thinks you're a quitter and doesn't know about your crappy ISP/router/torrenting roommate, but tough ****. I pay for a connection that never cuts out for a reason.

    Quit ban- best matchmaking improvement I've heard of thus far, even more important than adding campaign and firefight. quitters, even more than the lag switchers, ruined (and continue to ruin) MANY h3 games for me

    AND btw I never quit. Even when its multiflag ctf 8v8 and its me and one other dude left on my team. The only exception is if its frozen and the only way to get out is to go to the dashboard or turn off my box, or if for some reason I absolutely have to leave right at that moment.
    When I start a match, I intend to finish it.

    Also, knowing bungie, there is some complicated equation that takes into account ratios like games quit/games started, how much time in between these quits, etc, etc. I'm sure it will be fair.
    #37 IH8YourGamerTag, Aug 26, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  18. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Actually that's a good justification but buying the game you should be able to do what you want with it and you can play campaign firefight locally all you want but Online on XBL you could look at like a "add-on" to the game which is a live community which needs moderating, doing things illegal etc gets your account banned quitting all your games xbox live games which is bad for other people you get a a temp ban. (a feature within the game,just like a loading screen)
  19. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    First of all, use your/you're correctly.
    On to an actual point, paying for Reach does make the game yours. It's as simple as that, you buy it, you own it. The online gameplay, however, is not yours. Paying for Xbox LIVE gives you access to play online with other players, but you still have rules you have to follow. Now, I'm for the quitban, because it isn't that severe. However, I'm not entirely against quiting. A lot of the time quiting is better than going AFK or team killing to get booted.

    Also, if you're not enjoying a SINGLE game, you have the right to quit. The only time you'll get in trouble with the quit ban is if you quit repetitively. If you're not enjoying the game 3 games out of 5, then try a different playlist or find a new game.
  20. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    For everyone making up various excuses to quitting...

    1.) Being an IT guy, there is a difference between lagging out and quitting on the servers. If anyone remembers, generator defense aka Network1, was to test lag load on the servers. Lag will show up on the servers as a break in the connection between the server and your console. In other words, there will be a gap in the communication. If you quit, you will still have contact with the server because it will take you back to the lobby where it will show the status of all your friends. You must be still connected to the server in order for that to be shown.

    To support my point, I tried getting in Gen Defense games numerous times and could never get 1 full game in. I lagged out every time and we're talking about 10 times within a couple of hours. I not once received a quit ban.

    2.) When you buy a game, you own the copy of the game and can play it however you wish to play locally. The moment you play on one of their servers, you are following a new set of rules. The copy of the game you purchased allows you access to their servers, which they govern, not you. You own your xbox and your copy of the game, but you do not own the server which gives you access to other people's games. Bungie has every right to monitor and govern their servers to make the experience a more enjoyable one for the majority.

    Take modding your xbox and achievements and using that over LIVE. You can do whatever you want with your games and consoles for private use, but the moment you get on LIVE, whether you paid for it or not, you're governed by their rules and can get banned on LIVE.

    3.) For those of you that quit because you're not having fun... only play matchmaking with a friend, then. It's exactly what I did. Nothing is more frustrating than being stuck with some dipshit that has no concept of teamwork. My friends and I had come up with strategies from playing numerous games of Invasion so that we'd be much more successful at winning... even if we had quitters on our team, at least we could ***** about it together. Misery loves company.

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