Some questions to help me design a map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Charleo0192, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. Charleo0192

    Charleo0192 Forerunner

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    I used to love making maps in forge on halo 3, not ones that would be used, but just trying to make something crazy and unique. Eventually though I got into the competitive scene and wanted to make maps that would be used. I often tried to make them with little direction, I would build something and if it looked like it would work I kept it, if it didn't it was deleted.

    Now for Halo reach I want to actually try and make a map that may eventually make its way into MM (no harm in trying). Anyways I just wanted to know what people want in maps.

    Do you want the sniper to have a full view of the map or have only sections of the map to kill people in?

    Do you like asymmetrical maps like gaurdian on halo 3 or symmetrical maps like narrows (Im talking just symmetrical or not)?

    Do you like multilevel maps or one level maps?

    And if you have anything else please put it. When I make the map, I want to look at a check list and make sure it meets them, and hopefully I will make an awesome map.

    Thank you to all input I get.
  2. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Symmetrical maps are better used for multi flag, or multi bomb (or whatever it's called), or neutral bomb or team oddball and stuff. Asymmetrical ones are good for 1 sided CTF and stuff. Height variations are normally preferable. NEVER let a sniper have full view of the map. No spot should let you see everything. The most you should let them do is see 1 quarter of it.
  3. Charleo0192

    Charleo0192 Forerunner

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    When I make my maps, should I try to make them usable for all game modes, or should I focus on 1 or 2?

    My favorite games modes and probably TDM and CTF, should it be asymmetrical or symmetrical
    #3 Charleo0192, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  4. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    We the community love all kinds of maps. Some of us like maps like multileveled maps, some of us like sky maps, some of us like ground maps...etc. By asking the community what they like you're just going to get a little bit of everything; you're not going to get anywhere like this. You should make a map that you wanna make, if you personally like sky maps, then make a sky map. The downright truth is that no matter which type of map you make, whether it be symmetrical or not, there's always going to be people that enjoy it(as long as it plays well). The key to success however, is ensuring that it has great gameplay. If your map doesn't have good Flow/LoS/PoI/Spawn Points...ect, then it's not going to get a lot of hits. I recommend that you read this post by Insane54. It's a long read, but if your serious about making a good map then you'll read it. I hope this helps you out.

    #4 Skisma, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  5. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Well, depends what version of CTF you are going for.
    And the more gametypes it plays with (test them all out, if one doesn't play right but more do, don't say it supports it).

    Also team slayer (team deathmatch, as you called it) works with both symmetrical and asymmetrical maps. But you gotta make it right, or you could have teams camping in bases and stuff.
  6. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Reaching Perfection is a website set up by GodlyPerfection (or formerly AZN FTW), he has many lessons about deisgning maps and can help with some insight on your maps. Go to his site, read the blog posts and get started. Hope you have a good time.
  7. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    I'd suggest trying to set up your map for as many gametypes as possible. either design it aroung symmetrical, asymmetrical, or FFA gametypes.

    for symmetrical maps, make sure you have
    -team slayer
    -multi flag
    -multi bomb/assault
    -neutral bomb

    for asymmetrical maps:
    -1 flag
    -one bomb

    FFA maps you need to usually set up according to a specific gametype. set one up for juggernaut, VIP or regular slayer.

    also, you could make a map designed for territories, or able to be used with territories (probably symmetrical)

    usually a symmetrical map is appreciated by most people, but a good asymmetrical map would get lots of attention, considering the majority of symmetrical maps.
  8. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Isn't that more about conquest? I looked at it, and from what I saw, it's all about conquest.
  9. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, its not all about conquest. He has about 30 blog posts, only 2 are conquest... He has 12 or 13 lessons as of now and the blog is really helpful and needs more publicity. Look it up and go to the lessons and read them, they will help.
  10. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    I personally prefer Asymmetrical maps, but just because it isn't symmetrical, doesn't mean it shouldn't be balanced. Both sides should be equal distances from power weapons, and neither side of the map should be overpowering such as the sniper tower on Guardian.
    But, both teams on Guardian spawn equal distance from the tower, which makes it fair. On the contrary, on team will spawn much closer to the Overshield, which is unfair.

    Asymmetrical vs. Symmetrical isn't really that important. What is important is balance. Ask yourself, "Is it fair?"

    Also, always mulitlevel maps. Single-level map are usually boring, and with the addition of the jetpack, having multiple layers add benefits to that loadout.
  11. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    Snipers should only have view of part of the map, so they aren't overpowered.

    Generally, I prefer Asymmetrical maps.

    And multilevel maps avoid the map from getting boring. They can change up gameplay as long as there are ways to easily change what level you're on.
  12. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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