Thats an idea. Alright, I have to go now but when I back Ill do some major organization overhaul to the map list. Yeah and dont worry. I have already being warned about the leaked images so Im making sure all my pictures come from either IGN, Bungie or some other major site.
Is anybody else extremely sad that Glacier isn't a Multiplayer map? Hopefully, Bungie releases it as DLC for Multiplayer.
Overlook was kinda already made for firefight even in the beta. The reason is generator defense, if I remember in one of the videos or updates they mentioned that there is a generator defense firefight gametype. So in the beta the only difference was that there were no covenant except the elites.
OP, you might want to do classification for Forerunner maps, as Forge World is a Forerunner map, and so is Glacier (kind of).
I guess forgeworld is but glacier isn't really. Sure it's got the big structure but most of the map is filled with UNSC stuff.
Forge World maps XD and that map that ppl are talking about from the screen shots that they cant figure out what it is =3
True that forge world is BUT that map we don't know about doesn't count seeing as no one has any idea.
I know there was some issue with the number of maps, there are a total of 13 when you count the Bungie made Forgeworld maps (not counting the griffball court). Plus there will be custom maps made by the community that will be added to their matchmaking lists (evidence by community additions of custom maps in Halo 3's rotations). Anyone worried about those should really look at Forgeworld you can literally make any map you can conceive only limited by the topography itself. Not only that but they are sure to add more maps maybe even another Forgeworld esq map for UNSC or Covenant. expect content and awesome soon.