My last serious map until Reach. I don't think this is my best. But, I did this in 4 hours, and had no premade design ideas. Completly from scratch as I made it. Had a few insparational ideas from other occasional maps, but, pretty original. Anyway, here are the pics : Thanks for looking, any feed back is welcome exept : And, this should be released around Wednesday, or Thursday. Thanks.
I didn't see this in the TG section. Make sure to put this up for testing before you release it C0N741N3D From the pics it looks really well forged.
I started 8/23 at 9 : 30pm Stopped, and play customs Restarted at 8/23 at 10:00pm And finished 1 :30 am on 8/24 Also, I will. It's a 2v2 or 1v1. We'll see...