I loosely based this idea off of B3NW's theory with the grav lift. My Idea is: If you placed a One Way Shield Door right in front of an object and you know how if you even slightly step through it, it pushes you through. So what I am wondering is what will happen if I set it up like this: Pic 1: (Note the Box is full I just didn't fill it in) Pic 2: (Note this box is made out of walls so it is open on the inside, what would happen here?) Discuss about what you think and how it will work.
As in, you think it's push the player through? Probably not, but if it did it'd be pretty cool. Zombie coming through a wall in a hallway, anyone?
Deffinately make a map more interesting. See if it works, then see how much of the one way needs to show in order for it to work if it does, then build a map out of it. Interesting.
Yeah, It might not end up working exactly as I have it now but I might be abe to fid a different way to make it work.
Its just a normal shield door except you can only enter through one way, can't enter the other, it doesn't push you foward. All that will happen is that you will not be able to enter all the way though
Im just guessing that you will bounce back out. But what would happen if you put a one way shield door, then placed another one facing the opposite direction with a very tiny space between the two? You get stuck in/crushed? Perhaps.
No, they pull you a little, like a veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrry weak gravity lift that only has enough power to get you through and you can't go back (like a gravity lift). That's why I didn't say it wouldn't be possible, because for one, I haven't played Reach. Second, it probably is possible, if you did it right. And if it worked, imagine making an infection map where it's just a series of hallways the humans go through, but the zombies can come into the hallway from anywheres, including the floor, ceiling, walls, in front of you and behind you. It'd make it like the zombie's a ghost.
I think that is tilted a little this would make a great ladder effect if it doesn't workd as a replacement for the goose on the other side.
if you put it all on its side than it would form a super gangster ladder that you jump through. im very interested in how FH will implement the new shielddoors.
Not that weak, I guess I exaggerated that. I meant it didn't push you far, only makes you go through it and be half a foot out from it (that's just estimating how much space is in between you and the shield door after being pulled through if it were real)
@SenorFluffyBeans, I think it can be done. It does pull you through just a little. @LRMAN, Thankyou for backing me. Yeah, its about a foot. @Hibiki, If you merged it so just a little piece is there you could make a ladder. @WoodenLeaf, yes super gangster ladder ftdubs. New Idea: What if you placed a straight door like the one here but then have another slanted one infront of it merged into the box... Pic Below: The first door is there as a lure to the player thinking they are locked in by a shield door, walkthrough it they can either move through it (if it pushes hard enough,lawls) or the get stuck to the wall. But you could use this in a puzzle by placing a mongoose behind the wall/box (if you don't get sucked through) and you have to enter through a specific place or else you'll get stuck and must kill yourself.
The one way door does not give you the power to be a ghost I am afraid. You will just get stuck on the wall. (The second image would pull you up on top of the door)
Well, we can stil find some use for the doors... I.E. A ladder or the grav lift... But I want to find a way to use these doors to their ful potential.
Whenever I think about what to do with these one way shield doors all I think of is like how in old nintendo games they had the side scrollers where you could jump up onto a platform by jumping through the bottom of it then you'd land on the platform. A little hard to explain but if you know what I mean then yeah that's something I'd try with them.
hmm.. so if you just stick to the wall when you touch it, could you use it as a floor that you're unable to jump on?
I can see were your idea is coming from, but it probably won't work, but tell me if it does, cause that'd be cool.