Sandbox Nexon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Vyctoriouz, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Vyctoriouz

    Vyctoriouz Ancient
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  2. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    Half of your pictures don't work you should fix them. Its a great map though. THe forgemenship is awesome and the concept is pretty cool. Nice job!
  3. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    Wow...only one word I can possibly think of that can describe this map, "Magnificent"!

    You never dissapoint with you maps. Your maps always have awesome aesthetic peices, Sentinal deffintily showed your capabilites with Aesthetics in maps and this is no less impressive! That is one thing I have seen from you that you excell in.

    If this is your last map, I hope and expect alot out of you in Reach, and if this isn't your last Halo 3 map, I expect better then the previous because I can see you being able to progress more and more with each map.
  4. Vyctoriouz

    Vyctoriouz Ancient
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    I think its just you. =/

    This was completed about 6 months ago... Just throwing that out there ;)

    As for the rest of you, thanks for all the awesome comments I really appreciate them.
  5. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Wow! Very good merging, very smooth and symmetrical. Although the pictures arent great, It would be nice if there was an overview of the map because I dont exactly get the big picture because theres only little views, that could even be from different maps.
    Yeah, but the forging looks really good from the pictures. Great job. 9/10. Also good photo editing. :D
  6. Flak

    Flak Forerunner

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    Vyctoriouz, you are a ****ing GOD. How the hell do you manage to pull off these merges? I mean, even the FLOOR of your map is prettier than anything I could come up with. I really like the sniper spawn with the grass in the wall, and every other part of the map blew my mind. Once again, holy ****.
    If you can do this with Halo 3's forge, my head is probably gonna explode from the awesomeness of your first Reach map.
    Keep it up.
  7. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Wow this is truly an amazing accomplishment you have here. I played this with some friends and it was really fun because of the balance, not to mention it looks awesome. However, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but this map can be broken quite easily. If you walk up the rocket area until you reach the ramp to the highest elevation on the map, then you turn around so that you are looking down the rocket area, you can grenade jump with the plasma grenades conveniently placed around the map to a ledge near the tube pieces directly above you, and then you can jump to the wedge in between the tube pieces, and then finally jump out of the map. I purposely didn't post a video because I didn't want to obviously show everyone how to get out, so someone who doesn't know this map like the back of their hand will have no idea what I just described, but you should be able to understand. If you however don't understand, you can always pm me later about it. I hope this helped, and besides this, fantastic map Vyctoriouz!
  8. Vyctoriouz

    Vyctoriouz Ancient
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    Wow thanks for taking the time to type all of that! I'll take your effort as a sign of appreciation.

    As for the break, I really don't think making custom maps unbreakable is necessary. If you're going to break maps, the only time it would actually be useful is in Matchmaking. This map will obviously never be in matchmaking due to its budget glitching, late release, and abundance of merging.... ;)

    Thanks for your comment, but people complaining about breakability in custom maps is one of my pet peeves. Hopefully this doesn't come off as mean :)
  9. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    No, you did not come across as mean at all. I am aware that breakability isn't a huge issue in custom maps, I just thought that when the review hub comes around and writes that nice, warm map review that will probably make you want to scream in a pillow because you got a 10/10 on everything except for durability because of the simple fact that they found a break in the map before anyone else. And yes, I very much appreciate. :D
  10. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Nexon Review


    Nexon’s elegant simplicity is showcased through its relatively uncomplicated yet innovative design that caters to the most competitive or casual player. Although the map may seem complex at first glance, the layout is rather straightforward permitting easy access to every part of the map. While Nexon’s main focal point is the rocket spawn located at the map’s grassy center, gameplay is sufficiently spread throughout the map, not only making every game equally enjoyable, but providing an experience unique from any other map I have played in Halo 3’s history. The way Nexon’s verticality transitions throughout the map is ultimately the major reason why the map flows so well. Even in the first game I played, it was easy to understand how to navigate the map due to the fact that I could properly analyze the setting as the design is not overly complicated. This is partly because Nexon’s high vantage points provide a panoramic view of several of the map’s paths, and simply by noticing my position in relation to other levels of the map, I could easily determine my location and how to react from there. However, it is not just Nexon’s diverse gameplay that sets it apart as creativity shines off this map’s grassy slants and obelisk staircases, translating to an extraordinarily satisfying experience. That is why even at Halo 3’s fading days, I still am glad to load this beauty up in lobbies, always hearing positive feedback from my party.



    As previously mentioned, Nexon does a superb job of combining a fairly simple design with complex structures in a very well-executed layout. Even though it is extremely tough to find a genuinely fair balance in any multiplayer map especially in asymmetric maps, Nexon does a generally fine job of balancing advantageous starting spots and the areas of the map which are easier to attack or defend. The weapon set is moderately fair, providing two snipers for each team spawning on the ground level to prevent overpowering of this weapon. Because no power weapons spawn at high vantage points, the map uses the risk vs. reward technique extremely well, as players are forced to venture out in the map to gain an advantage, promoting player movement, which is so essential in creating a successful competitive map. Unfortunately, the start of every game is slightly lopsided as the team spawning at red has quick access to rockets; however, blue side can rapidly obtain a height advantage at top blue, which is so valuable in this map.

    Although the weapon set chosen is relatively normal for a 2v2 map, the map’s layout and geometry is diverse enough to make gameplay unique, as Nexon boasts a solid mix of short and long range battles. Though so many parts of Nexon are truly exceptional for gameplay, there are some awkward areas that did affect how some players approached the map. The first area is top blue, which is strangely open and uses a linear design that the map so cleverly avoided in other parts. The other area is the spiral staircase at red, which left players quite uncomfortable as they had a severe height disadvantage. When spawning at these two areas, players were left incredibly vulnerable to opponents, and whilst playing, people would rethink about traveling these locations and take other paths to avoid them. On the other hand, the spawn placement and spacing is done particularly well as most of the time players would spawn nearby a teammate without being in an opponent’s line of fire; and with the supported gametypes selected, teamwork is vital for players to successfully voyage across the map.



    Nexon’s spawn system could not be exploited in any game I have played, and spawn trapping is virtually nonexistent on the map. In terms of escapability, the only way to get on top of the map is by doing a series of grenade jumps at the top of the grassy slant to the tube pieces above, then to the top of the map. However, this would be practically impossible to execute during gameplay as a player is forced to do this at the map’s main focal point and is sure to be killed before they can get to the top of the map, which would make them easily exposed anyway. Lastly, grenades were never lost during gameplay, and the lift at blue always worked if entered properly.



    It is rare to find a map that plays as good as it looks; however, this is the case with Nexon. A sweeping grassy path, multiple spiral staircases, the two beautiful sniper spawns, and various other trinkets all contribute the map’s distinctive feel. But something that Nexon boasts that other great maps lack is that each area within the map has a unique look and feel to help set it apart. This is important for players to understand where they are to orient themselves and coordinate with other players. It is difficult to establish atmosphere and setting in a map without restricting gameplay, but there are really no aesthetic pieces that are just hurled onto Nexon. It is evident that the creator went gone the extra mile to not only seamlessly forge each piece to perfection, but also visualize innovative architectural ideas to give players an experience like no other. My only complaint is that the jump up on the spiral staircase at red, which, in the heat of battle, is particularly difficult to execute.



    When I first loaded up this map, I could have sworn that I was playing another videogame. Along with Nexon’s tremendous architectural facets, it features a unique playing style that is reasonably hard to stumble on at Halo 3’s exodus. The map’s layout veers away from the customary two-base symmetrical design that most competitive maps follow, ultimately resulting in an unusually fresh gaming experience. Furthermore, to my knowledge, Nexon is the one of, if not the first map to use grass in a fully sweeping knoll, and when the map was made earlier this year, natural formations were still relatively new to the forging world. But what really makes this map stand out is how well thought out each area of the map is as everything flows so well together. The only thing that is somewhat typical on Nexon is the weapon set as it is fairly standard for a competitive map to consist of two snipers and rockets. Still, with the flare that shines off this map’s unique play style and astonishing structures, Nexon’s insane attention to detail gives it an inimitable feel that truly sets it apart.


    Enjoyment: 10/10
    Balance: 8/10
    Durability: 7/10
    Aesthetics: 9/10
    Originality: 9/10

    Overall: 8.6/10
    #10 Phenomenal, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  11. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    good forging but everything looks the same. i dont find a distinct location that doesnt resemble anywhere else on the map. no dl but the map looks pretty sweet
  12. Lyles

    Lyles Ancient
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    I couldnt agree more. That last screenshot is the one that got me! That grass and hexagon shaped doorway MHMMM!!!! xD

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