DMR all the way. Really excited for the weapon, no more spraying in SWAT. Even though I liked Burst, but DMR just takes the title. Single Shot surely helps balance the weapon well.
Dude its all about the Pro Pipe that thing is gonna be my favorite weapon in history RESPECT THE PIPE! RESPECT IT!
I'm just glad the Concussion Rifle + new health system will make it a whole lot easier to do huge jumps. I think the limit with the bruteshot in halo 3 was 3 shots before you died, but with the rifle it might get up to 5 or 6. Of course, then the jetpacks go an ruin all the fun...
I was not very impressed with the DMR. I thought it was much weaker than the needle rifle, especially given the explosion of the needles afterwards. The grenade launcher, while cool, was impractical in slayer matches in the open unless there were some types of objectives where people needed to gather. In other words, 1v1 = useless, 1 v objective = multikills. Plasma Repeater, I thought was the new Plasma Rifle? I may have been mistaken. Focus Rifle... definitely not a sniper rifle and quite frankly... useless at long ranged targets. Gives them too much time to move around before you can kill them. Needle Rifle... I felt was more accurate than a carbine albeit a tad slower fire rate. I enjoyed using this gun. Plasma Launcher... kick ass weapon. I disliked how quickly it took to charge up more shots. Thought it was better than the new rocket launcher because the rocket launcher still required you to reload while the Plasma Launcher had a power cell. Target Launcher and Concussion Rifle have to be my "most anticipated" simply because I have not seen what they do. The Target Launcher sounds awfully powerful and I'm curious as to the damage radius from where you target. Concussion Rifle, if it's actually similar to the brute shot, would be a very useful weapon. Brute shot is one of my favorite weapons in Halo 3 simply because it's not only a splash damage weapon, but is also very handy for brute shot jumping to higher areas.
i never played the beta and this plasma launcher looks sick. Im also waiting to try out this focus rifle everyone keeps talking about
I not a big fan of new weapons, but The Target Locator looks pretty awesome. I wanna try out the new spiker. Looks amazing! Spiker beats almost everything. Have you even played the beta? The "Pro Pipe" is the Grenade Launcher.
if you were to read above (no assholeness intended..*****) You would notice i said i never played the beta.-
The Concussion Rifle is defiantly what im most excited about. Theres gameplay of it on youtube, and it does have infinite range and has a slight ark. So... Concussion rifle starts, Hemorage, anyone?