I recently discovered this guy through machinima, he's pretty beastly. This is his most recent commentary vid where he describes his top 5 annoyances with MW2 while kicking complete ass. Check him out. YouTube - 5 Easily Fixable Problems With MW2 by xJawz
I can't watch the video at the moment but when I can I will, I hope he mentions there way of combating lagg that's the only really important think i cant think of.
Known this guy since around February, he's awesome. One of the few commentators that actually commentate gameplay, and are enjoyable.
Ahah agreed, the only non-enjoyable part is knowing that I will never be that good at CoD. And that is embedded in my mind each time I play now.
7-9-11 Killstreaks? I think a Nuke is worth 25 Kills. Here's my 5: Commando Pro Noob Tubes/RPGs Nuke Boosting (Tac) Camping
xJawz? I think I was in a Skype chat with him once, I watch a Machinima Director's live stream, and I think it was Jawz in there with him. Anyway, I joined the chat when they were looking for more people to play with. Tis funny