mute ban is a rediculous, impulsive move by bungie.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by blackbastud, Aug 21, 2010.

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  1. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    guys, i'm here to discuss bungies newest attempt to stop spam. (since for some reason they are EXTREMELY anal about it.) the mute ban.

    this is a horribly thought out and awful idea. banning people for excessive noise is NOT AT ALL a solution to stop people from complaining, because there are SO many other situations in which people use extensive communication.

    i, myself, used to run a clan that was extremely focused on teamwork and communication, and my mike would be buzzing for entire games on halo 3, if not for 70-90 percent of the time.

    this 'mute ban' would completely destroy my clan, as well as my entire multiplayer expirience with halo reach.

    and what about those people whos mics are broken and constantly are emitting a loud or faint buzzing noise? it not their fault! THEY arent spamming!

    this is a VERY stupid thing that bungie has put into halo. it basically will restrict anyone from using teamwork, or communication, which will result in free-for-all, every man for himself games in playlists such as team slayer.

    there is already a solution to this, and for some reason, bungie has complety ignored it. remember how you can mute people?

    let me explain.

    if someone is annoying, then, (heres the hard part to remember) YOU MUTE HIM!

    simple enough?

    i seriously do not understand why bungie has done this. it is basically discouraging the thing that their games STAND for, which is communication and teamwork!

    i mean, i just really DONT see why this was put in. it doesnt even agree with the united states constitution for christ sakes!

    i dont mean to rant and rave, and im sorry if i have, but i feel as though i have provided more pros to my side, and more cons to bungies side, than THEIR side has pros OR cons. its a pathetic idea for them to do this in my opinion. it just doesnt make ANY sense to me.

    anyone see how this will completely obliterate halo reach's online?

    oh and yeah, sure you can go to party chat with your buddies, but quite honestly, XBOX live was BETTER in my opinion, before that was implemented.

    and what if nobody on your friendslist wants to play with you? then you go into matchmaking on your own and you cant even have a conversation with a guy during a game without getting banned!

    now, im open to both sides of debates, but my questions are as follows:

    does anyone understand and agree with me on this?

    if not, explain to me why you cant just mute the annoying little MLG 12 year old whining about every death, and why we ALL have to be punished for talking alot.

    edit: it comes to my attention that my first understanding of this was slightly incorrect.

    i originally thought that if you talked for an extended amount of time in a game, then you got automatically banned.

    i have learned from multiple people now that if multiple people mute you, THEN you get banned, and not for just talking for a long period of time, which was what i originally thought got you banned.

    though i agree this is more reasonable than what i originally thought, i am still against it.
    #1 blackbastud, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Would you want a little mindless 8 year old screaming all game into his mic? No. But at the same time this mute ban could be abused.
    I don't agree with it. All you do is click mute and their presence is gone.
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I don't think it is a perm ban anyway, it's probably only for a short time. I hope it will teach people to treat their propety better and not break their mics. I had my mic for 2 years and it did not break once. LRN2BCAREFULL!
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    You're forgetting that a lot of people have to file a complaint against the same person for the same reason to get them banned. I don't see that happening.
    #4 Security, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    its really not that hard to just get a new mic. save your allowance for a couple weeks.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Well they aren't gonna mute your mic if you're in party chat...
  7. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    so you have not come up with any examples in this. i have already explained this situation and thus your reply is INVALID

    i will remind you though.

    if someones mic buzz's, they shouldnt be forced to buy a new one. often people cant afford the thirty to sixty bucks, and thus will stop playing reach altogether.

    you can also mute them, which is the best and most basic solution possible.

    as for it not being permanent, picture this.

    the game ends.

    one player in the clan isnt talking, so the entire team goes into party chat.

    "sorry guys bungie banned me from talking and using team work so i guess we'll have to wait an hour untill i can talk again."

    "but dude, as soon as you get banned again next game, then you wont be able to talk for EVEN LONGER!"

    "okay, i guess well go play bad company 2 or something guys, halo reach is stupid."

    that work for ya? is the mute ban the 'perfect' solution to this problem?
  8. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Here's my rant about mute bans:

    -Mutes people who could Potentially annoy you verbally
    -Save you 5 seconds to mute someone manually


    -A lot of people mute people indiscriminately
    -Makes effective team work almost impossible without communication
    -Forces you to be fearful of talking(thus limiting communication)
    -It's automating your choice to mute someone

    So here is my summary of the mute ban:
    The mute ban is to indiscriminately automate your choices on who to mute to have a community in fear with extremely suffered communication and teamwork to potentially save you 5 seconds.

    (Yes I got mute banned in the beta which may effect my opinion but still :p)
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is so stupid that I doubt Bungie would actually do this.
  10. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    i already explained this scenario in my thread. INVALID.
    yeah, i know.

    and no source, but they have said it somewhere and its being talked about massively on Bnet.
    yes, but in a couple weeks, i will have gotten frustrated enough that i will have bought or started playing another game.
    and why should i pay an extra 60 bucks just to talk to people when i have already HAVE a working mic, when i can just go play another game that wont ban me?
    not a solution at all.
  11. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It would actually take longer to file a complaint against someone than to mute them.
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Good proof.
    At my school we're allowed to use random stuff people say on internet forums in research papers.
  13. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    the mute ban WAS in effect for the beta. one of the replies in this thread states having been a victim of it, so theres your proof.

    and, yes, my school ALSO lets me use wikipedia, jackass.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    My solution is most definitely not invalid. It's the best solution and all you said was that you simply 'prefer' game chat, and you have no reasonable justification of stamping my solution as invalid. Quit whining about it and just go into a party with your 'clan'
    #14 cluckinho, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  15. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    Can somebody explain to me what a mute ban is? You mute them and then what happens?
  16. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    No one really knows the details, but if you get muted enough you get mute banned. This means you go into games muted by default and allegedly been able to umute them like normal.

    In the beta if you got muted by a certain amount of people you got mute banned for the hole beta without warning and unable to be unmuted.

    In the retail version its most likely gonna be like 15minutes of ban time or something but your more susceptible to future mute bans as well and will be able to unmute. (hopefully not in there at all.)
    #16 WWWilliam, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    So if it's possible to unmute the person, but they are just muted by default when then enter the game what is the big problem. It's just a little help to stop buzzing noises. If you want to hear the people on your team you can just unmute them.
  18. PbPePPer72

    PbPePPer72 Ancient
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    Din't bungie fix this with matchmaking preference settings?

    If you want to talk, you can put your settings to chatty. Most people wont mute you if they have those settings as well. Then you will only get muted if your mic isnt working or if you are annoying.
  19. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
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    Where do you come up with this idea that a new headset costs 60 dollars? An XBOX LIVE wireless headset is 15 dollars. If you get mute banned because of your crappy headset, then so be it. OTHER PEOPLE DO NOT WANT A BUZZING NOISE IN THEIR EARS ALL GAME. I don't believe that there's anything wrong with Bungie's concept of a "Mute ban".
  20. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    The Chatty option didn't help in the beta. When I put on Chatty, only two or three people had mics.
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